My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 173: The Opened Bunker Door

While Shunliu led his men to snipe the zombies from a distance, the armed helicopter carrying the survivors finally left the ground and began to fly towards the stadium gathering place. Read

After confirming that the transport helicopter had evacuated, the armed helicopter finally began to play its original role. The originally motionless armed helicopter finally moved. The two armed helicopters began to move around the zombie group below at a uniform speed, and during the movement, the machine guns under the belly began to spit out deadly flames.

One by one, the machine gun shells ruthlessly penetrated the zombies' bodies, and these machine gun shells hit the ground and exploded after penetrating the zombies' bodies. In an instant, countless zombies were knocked to the ground by the fragments produced by the explosion.

This is not the end. The armed helicopters are also equipped with rockets. These rockets will fall into the zombie group together with the machine gun shells, and the explosion produced by the rockets is much larger than the explosion produced by the machine gun shells. The originally crowded zombie group was blown to pieces in an instant.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

A large number of zombies died in the explosion of rockets, and those who were still alive had their legs blown off and could not stand up, while the zombies on the edge were sniped one by one by Shunliu and his three platoons from a distance.

Soon, the zombie group of more than a thousand was wiped out completely. For safety reasons, Shunliu even learned from Cai Wenjie and ordered to shoot these dead zombies in the head, and then piled them together and set them on fire.

After yesterday's zombie attack, the soldiers led by Cai Wenjie can be regarded as elite troops. At least they are experts when facing zombies.

"Alright! It's almost done, let's retreat too"


Shunliu first gave a thumbs up to the armed helicopter in the sky, and then took his soldiers back to another transport helicopter and began to evacuate.

The armed helicopter followed the transport helicopter back to the Xinguang gathering place.

On the other side, the transport helicopter carrying the survivors also came over the stadium gathering place. Because there was no helipad, it landed directly in the parking lot outside the stadium gathering place.

"Is this the Xinguang gathering place? Isn't this the stadium?"

"Yes, the soldier who just saved us was talking about the Xinguang gathering place?"

"Okay, don't say it, no matter whether he is or not, they have already saved us, and all we can do is to obey the arrangements honestly"

Just as these survivors were looking out the window and discussing, a team of special police came out of the stadium gathering place and approached the transport helicopter.

Among these special police, there was a person who was obviously an officer. He stood up and took out his ID and handed it to the pilot of the transport helicopter.

"Hello! I am the person in charge who was ordered to hand over these survivors. This is my ID"

After confirming that there was no problem with the ID, the pilot of the transport helicopter also controlled the hatch at the rear of the helicopter and lowered the hatch.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll give this back to you. After all the survivors come down, I'll have to say goodbye."

The survivors who were originally in the cabin also carried their luggage and walked out of the cabin one by one. They did not follow the special police directly to the stadium gathering place. Instead, they followed an elderly man and came to the pilot of the transport helicopter and bowed deeply to express their gratitude.

"Thank you for saving us from that resort! Thank you very much!"

The driver did not expect these people to do this, and hurriedly stepped forward to help them up, saying.

"Grandpa, you must not do this. You are shortening my life. It was our leader who issued the rescue mission. If you want to thank you, just thank our leader."

It took a lot of effort for the driver to persuade these survivors to leave, and at the moment of the handover, Cai Wenjie also received the message that the mission was completed.

"It turns out that it is really possible. You don't have to do the mission yourself? It's very humane."

Cai Wenjie sighed and received the mission reward, 5,000 points and two 8×8 military trucks.

To be honest, Cai Wenjie has not figured out the rules of this task system yet. You know, a large-scale zombie attack like yesterday did not trigger the system task. Instead, a rescue like this, which is not worth mentioning, triggered the task. Although the task level is very low, it did trigger the task.

At this time, the door of the conference room was knocked. Cai Wenjie turned his head and looked and said.


As soon as the voice fell, Hua Laner stepped into the conference room with a few files.

"Captain Cai, the military factory's recruitment list and recruitment list have been sorted out. Please take a look."

Hua Laner put several files in front of Cai Wenjie. Cai Wenjie took the files and took a rough look at them. He found that there was no problem with the recruitment of the military factory, but when it came to the recruitment list, he frowned.

Then he looked at Hua Laner and asked in confusion.

"There is nothing wrong with the list of this military factory, but what's the matter with this recruitment list? Why are there female names? Don't we have even 30 young and middle-aged people in our gathering place?"

As for why Cai Wenjie asked this, it was mainly because he saw a few familiar names.

Hua Lan'er had already predicted that Cai Wenjie would ask this question, so she did not panic, but said in a normal tone:

"Regarding this question, the women on the recruitment list are applying for civilian jobs."

After listening to Hua Lan'er's explanation, Cai Wenjie finally understood the importance of civilian personnel. To be honest, most people don't really pay much attention to civilian personnel in the army. They think that the army is full of soldiers holding steel guns, and they completely ignore the fact that there are civilian personnel in the army.

"I know, let's recruit according to this list."

"Okay, please sign here."

Cai Wenjie picked up a pen and signed his name under the list of recruits, which means that the people on the list have passed the review and can be recruited.

Hua Lan'er took the signed document back, bowed to Cai Wenjie and left the meeting room. During this period, nothing exciting happened between the two.

After Hua Lan'er left, Cai Wenjie's intercom suddenly rang, and just as Cai Wenjie picked up the intercom, he heard the voice coming from the intercom.

"Report to the chief, the bunker door has been cracked in advance, should we go in and explore?"

Hearing that the bunker door had been cracked, Cai Wenjie was not very surprised, so he said calmly.

"Okay, send a team in to detect first, and then submit a report on what they found."


Just like that, Cai Wenjie put down the intercom, but before long, another voice came from the intercom, but this time the voice was mixed with a huge surprise.

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