My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 167 God's Right Hand

The degree of muscle development has completely exceeded the limit of the body. The entire upper body has been stretched by the muscles all over the body, and the height has reached an astonishing three meters.

Because of this, the way of moving has become similar to that of a gorilla. The strong arms directly replace the legs. The usual way of moving is to rely on two strong arms to move.

At the same time, the strength of the body is unbelievably high. His strength can easily lift a car weighing several tons, and after lifting the car, he can throw it hard to a place more than ten meters away.

And his defense is even more amazing. Compared with the hard-armored zombies that can only defend against the strength of pistols, his body can completely ignore all rifle bullets including pistol bullets. Even ordinary light machine guns can only temporarily delay his steps and prevent him from moving forward. There is no way to kill him.

If you want to kill him, you can only use large-caliber anti-material weapons, such as heavy machine guns, anti-material sniper rifles, rocket launchers and other heavy weapons to completely kill him. Otherwise, other weapons are just tickling him and are useless.

This mutant zombie is the equivalent of a tank in the human army, so people call him a tank. ׺°”˜`”°º× ׺°”˜`”°º×

After introducing these mutant zombies, let’s briefly talk about the current status of the surviving humans in M ​​Country. Now the number of surviving humans in the entire M Country is less than one million, and this one million population is still distributed in more than 50 states in the entire M Country. On average, the population of each state is only about 20,000.

What is this concept? You should know that the number of zombies in the corpse tide that Cai Wenjie eliminated yesterday also exceeded 20,000, reaching nearly 30,000, and the number of 20,000 is at most the population of a town in a country.

In other words, the entire M Country only has the population of a third-tier small city left, and it is even less than the third tier, because this number is still declining.

The main force of the armed forces that remain in each state of M Country is not the army, but the general survivors, because the nuclear bomb is aimed at the military bases in each state, and a large number of troops disappeared in this world with the explosion of the nuclear bomb.

Moreover, because everyone is in danger in the end times, these armed forces are distributed too widely, people do not trust each other, and there is no leader who can take charge of the overall situation under such circumstances, so this place becomes extremely strange.

For example, in a state with a population of only 20,000, there are almost hundreds or thousands of mutual aid associations and various organizations. There are even various discriminations among these organizations. I won’t go into details. Those who understand will understand.

These various organizations not only do not help each other, but they will start quarreling and fighting for a little thing, and even in the end it will become a battle between two organizations, or a battle between multiple organizations.

In this end times, fighting means death. Whether it is the winning party or the losing party, the losing party will be enslaved or directly killed by the winning party, and the winning party will also be attacked by various zombies or mutant zombies, and will suffer heavy losses in the end.

Today, two organizations confronted each other because of the materials in a shopping mall. Both organizations are large organizations with a scale of about 100 people. Of course, this number of people may not be a big deal in China, but it is already a large organization in the current M country.

"George, I said that the mall here is my territory, now! Immediately! Right now! Get out of my territory with all your rotten fish and shrimp!"

"Don't be so angry, my dear Jack, you said this is your territory, who has evidence? Is your name written here?"

The two people who are fighting now are George and Jack, the leaders of two organizations, one is called Bloody Hand Gang and the other is called God's Right Hand. You can tell from the names that these two organizations are not good things at all, and this is true. The Bloody Hand Gang led by Jack and the Right Hand of God led by George are both gangs that existed before the end of the world.

After the zombie disaster, they quickly gathered their brothers, and then each occupied all the places around that were easy to defend and difficult to attack, and began to dominate. They even luckily avoided the subsequent nuclear bomb crisis, and have been safe and sound as their own local emperors until now.

Because of an accidental reason, the two gangs had a dispute over the ownership of this mall. This mall has been proven to have sufficient food or other supplies. As long as they occupy this place, they will not have to worry about food or other things in the next few years or even more than ten years. The territory of these two gangs happened to be nearby, so both of them had the idea of ​​occupying this mall.

So the current situation has emerged.

Because the law of the United States allows the legal ownership of firearms, the people of the two gangs are not short of weapons, and even the firepower is a bit overflowing. An ordinary gang member carries at least two or more weapons, and some even carry more than a dozen weapons. I really don’t know what they think.

"George, I warn you! I am determined to win this place. If you still insist on being stubborn, don’t blame me for being rude."

As Jack said this, his eyes darkened, staring fiercely at George in front of him, and his right hand had already touched his pistol, but even so, George in front of Jack still looked calm.

"Haha, Jack, do you think you are the only one who is determined to win? I will not give up the mall here, and I don't mind killing a few people for it."

Unlike the messy members of the Blood Hand Gang led by Jack, the members of the Right Hand of God led by George are all dressed in suits and ties. Everyone wears a black suit, a white shirt, and a pure black tie, and each tie has a different logo on it, representing their different status.

For example, a white hairpin on a black tie means that he is an ordinary thug, and a blue hairpin means that he is a manager, and George, as the leader, wears a red hairpin, which is the leader's logo.

"George, you asked for this! Boys! Give it to me!"


Just when Jack was about to organize his thugs to start a fight, a gunshot was heard in the distance. With the gunshot, a thumb-sized hole appeared in Jack's head. At the same time, the thugs behind George took out their long-prepared guns and started shooting at the members of the Blood Hand Gang on the opposite side. Two members even stepped forward to protect George during the shooting.

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