My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 166 Current Situation in Country M

The discovery of the bunker reached Cai Wenjie's ears as quickly as possible. read

"What? Found the bunker? Don't open it yet, wait for me!"

After hearing the news, Cai Wenjie immediately put down his work and went to the depression outside the gathering place alone.

When they arrived on the road, Deng Jun led people to greet Cai Wenjie and said.

"Report! The discovered bunker has been protected immediately, please give instructions!"

"Good job! Take me to see"


After saying that, Deng Jun took Cai Wenjie to the gate of the bunker he had just discovered. Now the entire gate of the bunker was completely in front of everyone. Judging from the style of the bunker gate, it was almost a design from the 1960s and 1970s. The gate uses an all-steel design. Cai Wenjie has seen this kind of gate on the Internet before.

The thickness of this kind of door is about fifty centimeters, and its strength can ensure that it will remain intact under the explosion of a small-yield nuclear bomb. The bunker door in front of Cai Wenjie is not much different from the door Cai Wenjie saw online.

"Is there a way to open the door to this bunker?"

Cai Wenjie turned to Deng Jun and said

"Report! We have called professional personnel to inspect the site. He said that the door can be opened, but it will take time."

"How long will it take?"

"At least twelve hours"

As Deng Jun spoke, he glanced at the people around him. The people around him understood what Deng Jun meant and immediately called the professional over.

The professional's name is Tian Feng, a middle-aged man who looks to be in his forties.

Cai Wenjie turned to look at Tian Feng and asked.

"Can you tell me what type of bunker this is?"

"Report to the chief! Judging from the style of the bunker, you can probably guess that this is a standard nuclear-proof bunker. As for how big the bunker is, we don't know. We will only know after opening the door and inspecting it."

"Really? Are there any useful materials stored there?"

When Cai Wenjie heard that it was a nuclear-proof bunker, his original excitement completely subsided, and he thought for a moment and asked.

"There shouldn't be any supplies inside, because this bunker looks abandoned. Since it is an abandoned bunker, the facilities and supplies inside should not be left. Of course, this is just my guess. The real result must be You won’t know until you open it.”

Tian Feng pushed his eyes and speculated.

After hearing these words, Cai Wenjie completely gave up his unrealistic ideas, but he still had to open what should be opened. Cai Wenjie thought for a while and said.

"Let's do this, leave a few people to help Tian Feng open the bunker door, and the rest will continue to build the road."


Deng Jun shouted from the side immediately, and when he was about to leave, Cai Wenjie stopped him.

"Wait a minute! Where is the person who discovered this bunker? Forget it, let him wait and go to the quartermaster to receive three times the points. Just treat it as a reward for discovering the bunker."


After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he said to Tian Feng

"Wait until the bunker door opens before letting me know. Do you understand?"


After saying that, Cai Wenjie left here and returned to the military camp, leaving the people here to continue working.

To be honest, Cai Wenjie was surprised when he learned that there was actually a nuclear-proof bunker in the depression, but he didn't understand it. After all, there used to be a slogan called "Dig holes deep and store grain widely" which was basically to prevent nuclear bombs.

However, even if there is nothing inside, Cai Wenjie does not intend to give up this place. After all, after some renovation, it can be regarded as a good place to live.

When Cai Wenjie returned to the military camp, Song Yi also came back. He had completed his mission, all the cult members had been cleaned up, and in order to prevent such things from happening again in the future, he had ordered that only those who were found to be demagogues would Cults can then be shot.

As for it being too inhumane to do so, that is out of the question.

"Report! All the cult members have been dealt with."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

After Cai Wenjie said "Thank you for your hard work" to Song Yi, he returned to the combat conference room and continued his work.

at the same time.

Country M, which is separated by a sea from Country Z, has now been plowed through more than 50 states of Country M by nuclear bombs launched by other countries. Almost every state has suffered more than three nuclear bombs, large and small, causing M 80% of the country has suffered nuclear contamination.

But even so, there are still many people alive on the land of M. These people are fighting against more powerful mutant zombies and the disaster caused by nuclear pollution, and their lives are very miserable.

General zombies also undergo various mutations when they suffer from nuclear pollution. The degree of mutation depends on the severity of the nuclear pollution. In areas with more serious pollution, zombies mutate more obviously and powerfully. On the contrary, in areas with lighter pollution, zombies mutate more obviously. The variation is not so obvious.

For example, in the highly polluted HSD area of ​​Country M, the zombies here are all good at climbing over walls and walls. The arms and legs of the zombies have undergone very obvious mutations. The entire arms or legs have become harder and more flexible, along with the hands. The legs and feet have also mutated and can easily pierce objects such as car doors or flesh.

And they can also climb up the wall for a short time, like Spider-Man, and move quickly in the wall. Of course, the shortcomings of these zombies are also very obvious. As long as you break his arms or legs, you can knock him down from the wall directly. If you are unlucky, you can even kill him on the spot.

People here call this mutant zombie spider, which is very appropriate.

In addition to such spider zombies, there is another kind of zombie. Their main mutation is the strength of their body. This mutant zombie is no different from ordinary zombies in appearance, but their body is very hard. Ordinary pistol bullets can't do anything to them. Even if they hit the head, they can only make them pause. Only large-caliber bullets can kill them, such as M500 revolvers or the famous Magnum Eagle, which is what we often call Desert Eagle.

Even if it is a rifle bullet, if it is not an armor-piercing bullet, it will hit the same place several times to break his defense. Imagine what it feels like to have a gun in your hand but can't kill a zombie. Needless to say, it will definitely be desperate.

People here call such mutant zombies hard armor, that is, zombies wearing armor.

In addition to these two types of zombies, there are many mutated zombies, but I will not explain them one by one. I will focus on the strongest mutated zombie that has appeared so far. People call it a tank. This mutated zombie has mutated its body after being exposed to nuclear pollution, and the muscles of the entire upper body of the zombie have become extremely developed.

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