My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 168 Recruitment Site

Returning to Cai Wenjie, six hours have passed since the road construction began. The road has been repaired almost half, and the gate of the bunker has been almost studied. It is now being unlocked using various tools. It should be a little faster than expected. ReadМ

Cai Wenjie handed over the compiled recruitment announcements to the people at the Civil Affairs Center and asked them to spread the information about upcoming recruitments at the gathering place. In addition to the recruitment information from the military factory, there was also a recruitment information.

In the first phase, only one platoon of soldiers, that is, 30 people, was recruited. This was mainly due to insufficient manpower. Nowadays, soldiers were needed everywhere. There were not enough soldiers in one company, so we had to recruit soldiers on our own.

In fact, Cai Wenjie does not want to recruit soldiers in the gathering place. After all, it takes too much time and energy to train a soldier from scratch to become a qualified soldier, but there is no way. come over.

To be honest, Cai Wenjie knows that there are not many young and middle-aged people in the current gathering place. Maybe after recruiting a platoon of recruits, there will be no young and middle-aged people in the entire gathering place, only the old, weak, women and children, but there is no way that someone must stand. Come out and defend this gathering place.

As for the new military camp, Cai Wenjie has already exchanged it for one. This time, Cai Wenjie built a new medium-sized military camp in the canyon where the airport is scheduled to be built. Although it is twice as expensive as the small military camp, but thinking that it will be upgraded sooner or later, he simply changed it to A medium-sized military camp, and compared to small military camps, the military camp here can always maintain high morale of the soldiers, and the most important point is that the medium-sized military camp can allow the soldiers to slowly increase their loyalty to Cai Wenjie.

In the future, it will be the future air force base. The soldiers sent there will be trained into airborne troops, mainly performing airborne missions, quick reaction forces, and various rescue missions.

And in order to better train the troops, Cai Wenjie also spent 100,000 points to exchange for ten instructors. They were exchanged specifically for training new recruits. Each exchanged instructor taught different skills, and each one was proficient in them. fields are different.

Firearms proficiency, fighting proficiency, driving proficiency, survival proficiency, computer proficiency, medical proficiency, disguise proficiency, assassination proficiency, cold weapon proficiency, as well as important self-psychological adjustment skills.

These are the skills that Cai Wenjie's troops must learn in the future. Yes, Cai Wenjie is not just training new recruits, but retraining all soldiers.

Let all soldiers become all-rounders. Of course, Cai Wenjie doesn't think anyone will learn all the skills, so Cai Wenjie's request is very simple. In addition to the most important self-psychological adjustment, you only need to master five other skills. , can be said to be very humane.

The relative benefits of soldiers will also rise to a higher level. For example, in the past, each soldier could receive 100 points or equivalent supplies per month, but now each soldier can receive 300 points or equivalent supplies and each In addition to the two-day leave per month, there are also various preferential policies. For example, for supplies that ordinary people need to exchange at full price, soldiers can exchange them at a 20% discount of the same price.

This time Cai Wenjie plans to arrange Shunliu and his third platoon into the military camp at the airport, asking them to protect important facilities such as airports, military factories, and power plants while supervising the training of new recruits.

Because it is impossible to directly pull all the soldiers aside for training, the training can only be carried out in batches. First, the third platoon of Shunliu and the recruit platoon will be trained. After they have finished training, the defense will be replaced. , and then send the remaining troops for special training.

In this way, both daily defensive tasks and training can be completed, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

At this time, the staff of the Civil Affairs Center had already begun to go door-to-door to inform the recruitment information and recruitment information in the gathering area. They posted two posters with the recruitment information and recruitment information in the most conspicuous place in the gathering area, and also posted them in the most conspicuous place. Visit in person to introduce this recruitment and recruitment information.

Soon most of the residents in the gathering place knew these two pieces of information, and everyone with ideas was gearing up. Of course, the main reason was that the treatment was so good. Not to mention the treatment of being a soldier, even in As a worker in a military factory, you get a salary of 100 points every month, and you can get 4 days off every month. In addition, there are various subsidies, year-end bonuses and the like. It can be said that in the end of the world, A great opportunity to raise a family.

All those who wanted to get this job rushed to the people's center and started to sign up.

"Don't be anxious, everyone! Line up in a line and take your time, you will all have a chance."

Hua Lan'er was panicking to give order to the people who came to sign up, but the place was already crowded with people, and Hua Lan'er alone could no longer maintain order. At this time, Deng Jie, who was standing in the distance, couldn't see. After going down, I came to help Hua Laner and started to maintain order.

"From now on, anyone who disobeys the order will be disqualified from this registration! So if you don't want to be disqualified, just line up for me and sign up one by one!"

Deng Jie said such a sentence loudly, which immediately silenced the scene, and then the people who were originally noisy lined up in a straight line in an instant.

It should be said that he is worthy of being the captain of the criminal police. Just one sentence made the noisy scene orderly. Hua Laner exhaled and thanked Deng Jie.

"Thank you, sister Deng, for helping me maintain order"

"You're welcome, but I hope you can learn from this experience and strive to maintain order independently next time, okay?"

"Yes, I know, thank you, sister Deng"

Now the entire registration office has formed two lines, one for workers and the other for soldiers. The interesting thing is that the line for soldiers is longer than the line for workers, and there are many women here besides ordinary young men. Because the recruitment notice formulated by Cai Wenjie does not restrict men and women, there are also women who come to sign up for the recruitment.

There are also people who Cai Wenjie knows who signed up for the army this time, such as Nangong Yao who was rescued in Baichazhuang before, or Li Mengxue, an old classmate who was rescued a few days ago. They all came to sign up for the army.

After witnessing her boyfriend's irrational behavior on the bus last time, Li Mengxue decisively broke up with him, and nothing happened after that. As for why she joined the army, no one knows.

Nangong Yao is much simpler, she just wants to get as close to Cai Wenjie as possible.

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