Museum of Demons

Chapter 9 Shintsu

The sleeping ghosts were awakened by Wei Yuan's knock on the door.

Although they have become ghosts, they are not fierce ghosts, and the influence of their lives still remains. In fact, most ghosts are irrational and will follow the regular activities formed by their habits in life, while this kind of rational wandering souls still retain the ability to sleep. The habit of resting, especially today after a good fright.

At this moment, they are all sitting in front of Wei Yuan sleepily.

For some reason, after seeing him for a while, they felt that the unpredictable person in front of them had an aura of fear and oppression, and it was a bit difficult to resist what he said, so they could only stay obediently.

Wei Yuan dipped a willow leaf in water to open his eyes.

Then he pulled a stool and sat in front of the group of ghosts, asking them about the cause of death and what they were good at.

The first one is the swollen water ghost. After he finished his answer, Wei Yuan looked at the water ghost and asked in surprise:

So, when you were fishing alone at night, you accidentally dozed off and fell into the water?


Since you were so sleepy, why didn't you go home earlier?

No, no, you have to catch something when you come out. Where can you get the air force? Tell me about yourself.

Then what did you catch in the end?

...I caught a dead body, mine, and pulled the face away. Then I was taken aback and realized that I had become a ghost. I was caught by a rotten fishing net under the water, and I couldn't swim up.

The second eldest sister was a painter who picked up the wind. She died of eating pesticide by mistake and was unable to be rescued.

The two paper figurines were bought from the descendants of a deceased old master. They have been around for some years, and they are not good at anything. At most, because the main body is a piece of paper, they can go in and eavesdrop through the crack of the door.

In the end, the man in ancient costume whose femininity was a broken sword was dozing off. Seeing Wei Yuan asking himself, he instinctively straightened his back slightly, and then said cautiously: ...I can't remember my name clearly. But I still remember that I worked under Marshal Qi and hacked up a few Japanese pirates, somehow, I fell asleep until now.

Qi Jiajun?

Wei Yuan was a little surprised.

That's an old ghost who has been around for hundreds of years, but he didn't become the king of ghosts like in the story?

After thinking about it, he said, Then you know swordsmanship?

The man answered honestly: Well, broad swords, Japanese swords, guns, and bird guns are all good.

The voice paused, and quickly added:

But it's just the superficial martial arts in the army. You have to form a mandarin duck formation, and you can't compare with the generals.

It's okay, it will be fine.

Wei Yuan put the waist card in his pocket, and finally had a target who could use the supernatural power of exorcising ghosts.

Right now, fishing and painting can't bring down demons.

He also imitated the ancients and saluted the sword soldier ghost of Qi's army, saying:

There is something that needs your cooperation, thank you.

Don't dare to act, dare not act.

Wei Yuan opened his five fingers slightly, and in front of those ghosts, a streamer appeared in his right hand, and a transparent talisman appeared in his palm.

Wei Yuan felt that part of his indescribable power was passing away, and during the existence of the talisman, this power was still passing away. He didn't dare to delay, so with a flick of his wrist, he tapped the talisman between the eyebrows of the sword soldier ghost who was frightened and dared not move, and put it in his mouth. low voice.

Climbing rocks, wearing a seal. Wearing a canopy on your head, and walking on your feet.

Left Fu Liujia, Right Guard Liuding, what god is not subdued, what ghost dare to be, order!


[Exorcism] The supernatural power has already played a role.

Wei Yuan felt that the soul of the Qi family army was lodged in his right hand and was under his control.

At the same time, an indescribable feeling emerged in my heart.

It's familiarity.

The mastery of cold weapon combat and some hot weapons is not a skill that needs to be recalled, but an instinct that is directly integrated into the body. It is experience, the experience gained from honing and surviving on the cruelest battlefield in an era.

He tried to be familiar with this feeling.

After thinking about it, I went to the side cabinet and rummaged through it.

There used to be ghosts here, no, there are indeed ghosts. The three people who guarded the museum bought Longquan swords online and used them to protect the house from evil spirits. Although it turned out to be useless, the sword is still there because of this. The place is evil, and they didn't dare to take the sword with them when they left.

It is the Eight-faced Han Sword.

Wei Yuan took out his sword and stood in the living room, holding the hilt.

Close your eyes and meditate.

A familiar feeling emerges.

Wei Yuan has never touched weapons, but now his evaluation of swords naturally emerges in his mind.

It is good steel.

But it is not a good sword.


Wei Yuan let out a breath, got rid of distracting thoughts, held the sword, and tried to use the sword according to that instinct and experience, chopping, stabbing forward, drawing arcs from bottom to top, teasing the defense, retreating and dodging, these are simple battlefield swordsmanship, not much For the fancy part, the speed is very slow at the beginning, and the movements are still a bit rusty, but gradually the speed is gradually increased.

The water ghost next to him saw Wei Yuan's dry and crappy swordsmanship, his face was weird, and he whispered and commented with other wandering souls.

Wei Yuan didn't care, he just tried to get familiar with that experience as much as possible.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a battlefield full of corpses.

It was a bird's-eye view from above, and it was the most impressive experience of the remnant soul of the Qi family army.

However, Wei Yuan's pupils constricted and he was in a trance for a moment after the impact of the cruel bloody aura that only belonged to the cold weapon battlefield.

The phantom disappeared in an instant.

However, the swordsmanship experience obtained by [Exorcism] exploded.

Wei Yuan seemed to be on the battlefield, with a ferocious enemy in front of him, he took a step back suddenly, half lunge, his back tensed, like a strong bow tightly stretched.

The muscles all over his body burst into strength instantly, and the eight-faced Han sword in his hand stabbed forward suddenly.

A piercing piercing sound.

When the simple sword move of stabbing ended, the blade made of patterned steel was still trembling.

The sword is entangled with the first type of usage of [Exorcism], and the power to expel evil spirits is overflowing.

The whole house is much warmer.

A group of wandering souls stood on tiptoe, with their backs against the wall, not daring to move.

The room was terribly dead silent, only the deep and stern sound of the sword slowly overflowing.

Wei Yuan closed his eyes, and after a long time, he let out a breath of foul air, and with a swipe of his finger, a talisman appeared in the void, and then shattered, breaking the method of exorcising ghosts. A little dazed, Wei Yuan put away the sword, wondering if it was an illusion, he felt that even if the [Exorcism] was lifted, there was still a part of the sense of proficiency in the sword.

Although it is not comparable to the soldiers who survived on the battlefield, it is not comparable to ordinary fans.

The remnants of the Qi family army were in a daze, and had some premonitions, and said: My lord is going to...

Wei Yuan nodded, pointed to the red embroidered shoes, and said:

This thing has come to the door, and it has to be dealt with.

He recalled the quadrangle courtyard he saw in his dream, and the ancient and very real wooden building. He had an instinctive feeling that this wooden building might be real. According to various ghost stories, this kind of place must be Useful for capturing female ghosts.

If you want to find a place, you can search on the Internet, but the speed is definitely slow.

Besides, there is another method.

You and I will report the case.

The water ghost was dumbfounded: Call the police to catch the ghost? Can it work?

Wei Yuan found a box to put away the red embroidered shoes and a strand of black hair that had been chopped off before, and said:

With these, we should try to persuade them to help find a place.

If I'm not mistaken, the red embroidered shoes on the feet of the one who was killed earlier are gone.


at this time.

A dark car stopped in front of the Spring City Police Station.

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