Museum of Demons

Chapter 10 Reporting

Wei Yuan hasn't fallen asleep since he woke up.

Leaning against the wall all the time, holding the sword in his arms, he waited until Mao o'clock passed and dawn was breaking, then he put the Crouching Tiger badge in his pocket, and took the bag containing the red embroidered shoes and broken hair to report the crime. It was sunny outside and the sun was warm, but he still A little bit cold hands and feet.

Especially the hand holding the bag was no different from being soaked in ice.

He did not go to the nearest police station.

Instead, he directly swiped a shared bicycle and went to the city police station.

Undoubtedly, in such a big case as someone being killed, it is impossible for the body and records to stay in the street police station, and Wei Yuan is also guessing that since there are ghosts harming people and the world is still so peaceful, there must be a power to curb ghosts.

When he arrived at the police station, Wei Yuan saw a bright black car among the police cars.

He didn't care, walked in directly, found the policeman, and opened his mouth.

Hello, I want to report the crime.

The young policeman froze for a moment, and said, Huh? Excuse me...

A ghost is trying to kill me.



Wei Yuan originally thought that he would go through some twists and turns before he could win the trust of the police.

But for some reason, after he said that he was approached by a ghost, the policeman looked at him strangely, then made a phone call to inquire about a person, and then took him to a room, poured him a glass of plain water, and only Tell him to wait for a while and go out.

When I went out, I closed the door by the way.

Wei Yuan was left alone in the small room, with a table and a water dispenser.

Wei Yuan wrapped his hands around the paper cup and heaved a sigh of relief. Judging from the police's reaction, there was no doubt that they knew about ghosts, at least the people in this police station knew about them, and this also meant that under the surface of a peaceful and peaceful world, , there is another world unknown to most people.

Wei Yuan took a sip of water.

I heard the sound of neat footsteps, the crisp sound of high heels stepping on the floor.

A minute later, the door was pushed open, and a short-haired woman in a lady's suit walked in. She was well-proportioned, slender, with an amazing waist curvature, and the white shirt still smelled of ladies' cigarettes. Wei Yuan held out his hand:

Special Operations Team, Zhou Yi.

Wei Yuan.

Well, I just read your statement.

Zhou Yi pulled up the stool and sat in front of Wei Yuan. She had a document in her hand and put it aside casually. She smiled and said, I just smoked a cigarette, and it smells a little, do you mind?


Well, you said you encountered a ghost?

Wei Yuan glanced over the bluetooth headset on the woman's left ear, and nodded:

Yes, it was a dream at first. I dreamed of a small building, and then a courtyard with pagoda trees. The woman was sitting next to the stone well and looked at me...

When Wei Yuan told the woman in front of him of his dream.

The two men with Zhou Yi are investigating the information. If Wei Yuan is there, it can be seen that it is his personal information and where he has been recently. After a quick scan, one of the men pressed the earphone ,road:

Captain, judging from his experience, there is no opportunity to come into contact with ghosts recently. Judging from the driving trajectory, he has never been to those dangerous areas. It can be basically inferred that he has not been entangled by evil spirits, but he lived in Fuchun before. Near the community, there is a possibility of being entangled by Yin Qi.

It may also be because of this reason, coupled with the news of the murder case, I had a real nightmare.

Of course, the possibility that he is also haunted by evil spirits cannot be completely ruled out, but generally speaking, if he encounters evil spirits, his mental state should be more sensitive and depressed than now, and he will start to have mild neurotic symptoms. If you are as calm as you are now, your speech conditioning will not be so clear.

His voice paused, and he said a little jokingly:

According to past experience, a psychiatrist is more suitable for him than exorcism and ghost hunting.

Zhou Yi nodded slightly.

Looking quietly at Wei Yuan in front of him, he listened carefully. At the end, he nodded slightly and asked:

Besides your dream, are there any other signs?

If not, there may be other ways of screening.

She did not follow the advice of her peers.

Wei Yuan paused, took out the black bag, and put it gently on the table. Zhou Yi raised her eyebrows and said:

This thing, the colleague said just now, you don't let him touch it, is it very important?

Wei Yuan nodded, reached out and took out the cardboard box from his pocket

Then put it on the table, opened it and pushed it towards Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi's eyes fell, and then her expression froze.

The expressions of the two men who were staring at the room changed suddenly, and one of them got up and ran out.

Inside the cardboard box was a pair of gold and red embroidered shoes, which were extremely strange.

There were still blood stains on the inside of the shoe.

Wei Yuan said calmly: If he read it, maybe it's not me who had the nightmare today, but him.

After a while, Zhou Yi's teammates gasped from the bluetooth headset:

It's gone.

Standing at the place specially used to suppress this kind of corpses killed by ghosts, the muscular disciple of the Weiming Sect looked at the twisted feet of the woman, as well as the freezer and the outer door that had not been opened at all, and said:

The iron gate here failed to suppress her, and the talisman on it seemed to have no effect on her.

It's not an evil spirit, it's a fierce ghost.


In the face of such ironclad evidence, there is no doubt that Wei Yuan's words have received enough attention.

But after a while, there were two more people in front of Wei Yuan.

Hello, Zhao Yi, a disciple of Wei Ming Sect.

Wei Mingzong, Dao name Xuan Yi.

After the disciples from the two sects came, they directly asked Wei Yuan about the details of his previous dream. The Taoist disciple named Xuan Yi even took out a sketch paper and quickly sketched out what Wei Yuan had said in his dream. The attic, and the cold locust tree, the stone well.

And white silk and satin, surrounded by tall wooden buildings, you can only look up to see a courtyard in the sky.

Zhou Yi habitually lit a cigarette, and when she noticed that Wei Yuan was still there, she smiled apologetically, extinguished the cigarette, and explained: Spirits and ordinary wandering souls, as well as resentful ghosts and evil ghosts It’s different, basically they are all very high-level, and have had different encounters, so it’s not wise to fight head-on.”

Wei Yuan was thoughtful, and asked along the way:

So, the courtyard in the dream is helpful for subduing ghosts?

Zhou Yi nodded:

Yes, the basic principle of Li Gui is strong negative emotions, which are strengthened by the harmony with certain heaven, earth, spirit and earth, and because the negative emotions are the strongest when they are in harmony with the corresponding heaven, earth and outer appearance, this negative emotion will become more and more powerful. Strong column, extremely vicious.

If you find the source of this emotion, you will have the opportunity to weaken the ghost and take the opportunity to surrender and eliminate it.

As for the souls transformed into ghosts, they were once human beings, and they have been under strong negative emotions that surpass the concept of human beings. It can be said that life is worse than death, so Buddhism and Taoism also call this behavior as salvation.

I see.

There was a silence after that.

Only the rustling sound of Xuan Yi quickly sketching.

is that so?

After re-editing, the muscular man showed Wei Yuan the revised sketch, which was more than 80% similar to the dream, and Wei Yuan subconsciously recalled the coldness and weirdness in the dream. He nodded and said : That's about it.

Xuan nodded and put the pen aside.

Zhao Yi took the painting and began to mobilize the database to find places that matched Wei Yuan's dream.

This is the reason why Huaguo was able to suppress the ghosts and monsters to death. After modern technology locks the position, Taoist and Buddhist disciples will carry targeted magic weapons and directly kill them precisely. After a while of waiting for silence, Wei Yuan thought for a while and said: I didn't expect that people like you really existed.

Zhou Yi said: After all, don't ghosts also exist?

When ghosts and goblins appear, people like us also exist.

Wei Yuan said, So early?

Zhou Yi nodded: After all, our history can be traced back to the first person who dared to draw a sword against demons and ghosts, but to be honest, we really formed a system. In the beginning, it was also the strongest official force for catching monsters and killing ghosts. It's the Han Dynasty.


Yes, Lieutenant Sili, formerly known as Crouching Tiger, suppressed demons all over the world from Han Wu to Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Before finishing speaking, Zhao Yi over there raised his head, raised his tone slightly, and said: I found it, captain, it's the opera garden in Qianjiangnan Road, the place where operas are sung, it seems that there have been several famous actors, and there have been some famous actors in the past. It's closed.

Zhou Yi's eyes brightened slightly, she got up and said:

Let's go to Jiangnan.

Wei Yuan raised his head slightly, Zhao Yi patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile:

If you want, you can go back and rest.

The next thing is not a world that ordinary people like you should be involved in.

Xuan glanced at him, nodded, and took out a talisman.

You can protect yourself.

Protect yourself and forget this kind of thing. You follow us. Although it is helpful to find ghosts, we still need to distract you to protect you. To put it bluntly, it is a burden and will drag us down. I hope you understand.

Zhao Yi's face trembled, Xuan Yi bumped his elbow, and said in a low voice:

Can you speak?! Say that in front of a person? Apologize.


Xuan Yi thought for a while, then took out another talisman and handed it to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan laughed a little, but took the second talisman and said:

It doesn't matter.

Xuan nodded and returned to silence.


Wei Yuan signed a confidentiality agreement, promised not to talk nonsense, and watched those people leave before returning home. It is naturally good for someone to handle this matter for him. The official power must be much stronger than himself.

I had a busy day reporting the case today, and I was busy cleaning up the house when I got home.

When it was time to rest at night, Wei Yuan pasted one of the talismans on the bedside and one on the door.

Holding a sword in his arms.

Only then did I fall asleep at ease.

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