Museum of Demons

Chapter 8 Haunting

Wei Yuan had another dream.

It is an antique wooden building, three stories high, and the upper floor is wrapped with red silk, shaking in the wind.

Surrounded by strands of white mist, the sound of water came from the mist.

The sound of singing can also be heard in the sound of water.

It seemed to come from the water, and it was the female Huadan who sang the song through the water.

Wei Yuan had no self-awareness, so he walked forward step by step, and came to a courtyard. The courtyard was narrow and narrow, surrounded by tall wooden buildings. Strings of white silk and satin were hung on the raised cornices. An old locust tree with a crooked neck, and a well in a square shape under the locust tree.

There was a sound of running water in the well.

Sitting by the well was a woman with her head bowed, her black hair hanging down, and her face could not be seen clearly.

Wei Yuan took a step in a daze, and approached step by step, but this time he only took a few steps, the expression on his face began to fluctuate, showing a struggling look, and then suddenly opened his eyes in a dream amidst the roar of a tiger that exploded suddenly. He opened his eyes, and saw the woman with long hair hanging down, and the pair of gold-and-red embroidered shoes that were too familiar to forget.

The next moment, the dream was shattered.

In the real world, Wei Yuan opened his eyes, and there was a blue-gold light in his eyes.

He looked at the ceiling and didn't speak for a long time.

Just now, the forgotten dreams of last night were gradually recalled.

Moreover, now he can clearly distinguish that in yesterday's dream, when he walked into the courtyard, the well and the woman by the well were about five meters away from him. There are four meters left, and they are gradually approaching.

As for the significance of the gradual shortening of the distance, Wei Yuan didn't know.

But it's obviously not a good thing.

...was entangled.

He sighed and stroked the Crouching Tiger waist badge.

The crouching tiger waist card can produce a reaction in the dream, but there is no way to directly take down the ghost. Is it because it is not that kind of defensive treasure, or is it too long, and its own ability has been greatly reduced?

It was pitch black outside, Wei Yuan took out his phone and turned it on to check the time.

At 3:30, it was about the same time as when I woke up yesterday. Yinshi, I don’t know when I fell asleep. If I remember correctly, it was the Crouching Tiger badge that responded, repelling the ghosts and preventing the wandering ghosts in the museum from turning into ghosts. After receiving meritorious service, it was transformed into a method that the Crouching Tiger Captain must master.

Then fell into a drowsy sleep.

Wei Yuan clenched his fist, but didn't notice any difference.

After thinking about it, according to the words on the paper, with the waist card clasped in the palm of his right hand, he closed his eyes and meditated.

Slowly, he could vaguely feel that there was an extra talisman in the palm of his right hand, but when he opened his eyes and flicked the light of the mobile phone, he didn't see anything, and he didn't feel anything when he touched it with his hands. The art of the soul.

There are words on the white paper to record this magical power.


In ancient times, there was the technique of Nuo, known as exorcising ghosts. Twelve people form an array, with Zhufa painted skins, holding hemp whips several feet long, dancing and reciting the name of gods.

In the pre-Qin period, there was a book titled Jie.

To blame, ghosts harm the people and act recklessly, it is ominous for the people, so if you accuse them, summon them, and guide them so that they will not suffer disaster.

It means that the ghosts are unknown. Daqin compiled ghost exorcism textbooks and informed the public to prevent the people from being harmed.

There is also a saying in the Han Dynasty that when the witch palm is old, the ghosts are expelled

This is a method handed down from ancient times.

However, the supernatural power of exorcising ghosts that Crouching Tiger must master is not simply expelling wandering souls that refuse to leave, exorcising, expelling is also driving, this supernatural power also has the method of driving, which can use souls certain capabilities.

Demons and monsters, monsters and gods all have their own characteristics.

No matter how strong Crouching Tiger Captain is, it is impossible to cover everything. Relying on driving different ghosts can play a lot of auxiliary roles in catching monsters and goblins. Soldiers and ghost generals.

In the two thousand years after the Han Dynasty, most of the methods of exorcising ghosts and recruiting gods from various schools and schools were born here.

Wei Yuan fumbled for the Crouching Tiger badge with his fingers, thoughtfully.

If it is said that in other places, to drive ghosts, you need to find a Yin thing first, and then use it to subdue the ghost before you can use it. Now there are five Yin things in this museum. The ghosts who went up to him can show a little more confidence.

He thought of the water ghost who had been let go directly, and added silently.


No matter what, being able to open the yin and yang eyes and mastering the supernatural powers only in the story makes Wei Yuan feel more relaxed. It seems that when he branded the exorcism talisman, he also caused some strange changes in his body, obviously he just fell asleep. For two hours, Wei Yuan did not feel tired.

After moving his shoulders, he was ready to get out of bed to find those ghosts.

Then Wei Yuan's movements paused, his gaze froze.

A pair of gold-and-red embroidered shoes was quietly placed on the ground.

The toe of the shoe was facing his bed.

The distance is about four meters.

It was dark outside the window, and there was no sound from all around.

It was as if he was the only one in the world.

After a long silence, Wei Yuan sighed slightly.

Get out of bed and walk over.


Kicked the red embroidered shoes away.


A dark car speeds down the highway.

In the front seat were two muscular young men.

On the back seat is a young woman with neat short hair, a suit, and black high-heeled shoes, holding a lady's cigarette in one hand, typing on the keyboard with the other hand, looking at the things on the computer with a slight frown, seeing the ever-rising Curve, she felt her blood pressure was also rising.

In recent years, the concentration of Reiki has continued to increase.

Some things are also happening with increasing frequency.

On Blue Star, Huaguo, Wudu, Sakurajima, and Celtic.

These countries are different from another country with a short history. Whether it is discovered and solved locally, or once attached to the suzerain country, there is no lack of means in history that can solve the demons and monsters. It has been forcibly suppressed, without interfering with the normal life of ordinary people.

On the vast land of Shenzhou, Buddhist and Taoist disciples were directly mobilized, and as soon as any unacceptable monsters appeared, they were directly suppressed by iron fists.

But now, some can't hold back.

The concentration of spiritual energy increased too fast, almost suddenly increasing at a node.

And the quantity is too much.

The disciples of Taoism and Buddhism, those with a little bit of Taoism, have all been transferred to form two types of special personnel.

One category is members who research and popularize Reiki practice.

One is responsible for going out to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

This car is full of the latter, belonging to the lineage of the Daoist Shangqing Weimingzong.

There is a case in Quanshi, which may be done by demons.

The woman called up the map and said succinctly:

Turn around and go to Quanshi to settle these matters.

The man driving frowned:

Captain, we still have tasks.

There is still a little time before the assembly, let's solve the Quanshi case first.


No but.

The lady's cigarette in the woman's hand disappeared without a sound. She rubbed her eyebrows and said:

Before spiritual practice failed to meet the safety standards of China and mass education was carried out, ordinary people did not have much ability to resist such monsters. We are the only ones who can resist them.

If we don't do it, who will?

Her voice paused, and said:

After all, we're not like them.

The two men stopped talking.

A mixed sense of responsibility to protect the weak and a sense of overlooking as the strong emerged.

Yes, they are different.

Unlike ordinary people, they are practitioners.

If they don't do it, who else can deal with these monsters?

The man nodded, turned the steering wheel, and the black car turned down and entered the area of ​​Quanshi.

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