Museum of Demons

Chapter 863 Where does Yuxu go?

Under the mountains full of red rocks, there is a wandering tribe. Such a tribe does not have its own territory, and can only rely on the protection of the warriors in the tribe, wandering around in this dangerous and wild era. .

A tall and grim old man stood at the gate of the clan.

First, he scanned the road in front of him like a goshawk, until he saw a familiar face appear, and then he showed a slightly relieved expression, and then he saw that familiar child wearing a suit of clothes. It is a luxurious green shirt.

The old man's complexion changed slightly, and he hurried forward.

Shuigouzi, where have you been?!

What about the clothes?

The child was startled, seeing the old man, said: Ah, elder... The old man with eyes like a goshawk pulled him to a hiding place, pinching his arm so painfully, the old man turned around and stared at the old man. Looking at him, he said, Where did the clothes come from? Where did you go?!

I, I went out to collect medicine before, and I met a monster...

The child talks about everything.

Fate of the Goddess?!

The old man's expression changed suddenly, he didn't have time to explain, he just pulled the child into the room forcefully, forced him to take off the green shirt, and put on a tattered gray robe again, the old man put his hands on his shoulders, He paused word by word: You are not allowed to tell anyone what happened today, you understand?


The child was stunned, but he saw the seriousness of this always stern elder.

I had no choice but to nod.

The old man reached out and stroked the child's hair, and said: ...As long as you know, if the news about you seeing the goddess spreads among the tribe, it is not a good thing, that's all. The old man's eyes were miserable and his expression was dull.

The child didn't know that the patriarch of the tribe he belonged to had secretly made a decision to unite with the rest of the tribes and launch an attack against most of Tushan's tribe in the next period of time.

Is there going to be a war?

At this time, if the child has seen the goddess, the patriarch will know.

With the latter's mind, he will definitely try his best to squeeze out the benefits of the fairy fate from this child. In that case, the tribe may not only have the good result of being annexed by Tu Shan, but I am afraid that there will be no survivors Bar.

From now on, you don't have to exercise with your peers.

The old man suddenly said something that made the child stunned.

Why, why?!

Because you have seen Goddess Xianyuan, because if you have some practice, even children will go to the battlefield, and if you step on the battlefield with a sword, you will die inexplicably, and even if you survive the battlefield, you will die in the battlefield. In this era, prisoners of war who have killed people can only die.

Because if you die, the goddess who is destined to you may be born to kill and avenge you.

Because I want you to survive, so that more children can survive.

The old man uttered the biggest lie in his life: Because you don't have the talent for cultivation at all.

I can't practice in this life, and I will only waste the money and spiritual materials in the tribe.

So, I accept you as an apprentice, you, just follow me, learn the craft with our old guys, and be a potter who doesn't need to go to the battlefield.

In this way, even if the tribe is defeated by most of Tu Shan, you can still survive.

Can easily get good status and treatment in other tribes.

The old man stood up staggeringly, seeing that although this talent is not perfect, but he can definitely grow into a child of a qualified tribal warrior, he said: That goddess, what else did you do?

The child said: She named me Yuan.

Then, forget about this matter!


I gave you this name!

The child opened his mouth and nodded. When he turned around, the old man suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed his right hand directly on the child's forehead. Seal the child's memories of today one by one.

So the smiling girl in the green shirt disappeared from his heart bit by bit.

The clothes of Lei Zubu, the memory of setting up a stall.

Turning around under the setting sun is like a smiling flower in full bloom.

All gone.

I'm sorry... child.

The eyes of the weather-beaten old man also had sorrow, numbness, and a little gleam.

For us mere creatures...

To come into contact with God is not a chance, but a reason that will be used by others.

It's a way to die.

The child slept on the bed all night. When he woke up, the proud potters of this tribe had another apprentice. The patriarch of the clan came here and saw the exquisite pottery made by the craftsmen of the clan.

Not bad... take a batch of the best pottery.

There is a young hero in the Xiong tribe who has come of age, and this time there happens to be a big chamber of commerce over there every ten years. This is the biggest income of our tribe in history. The reason of the patriarch is very normal, and no one thinks something is wrong. Well, only the old man knew that they planned to secretly contact the patriarchs of the other tribes during this incident.

My strength is too weak, and the tribe is kind to me, so I can't leave.

We can only do our best to keep the children alive.

The elder nodded numbly, and looked back at his potter's apprentices, most of whom had already mastered some pottery-making skills, and only this newcomer had just learned for a while, so he was not considered a beginner, and said: A Yuan, you go with me.

I'll teach you something on the way.

Ah, good elder!

The patriarch looked at the child curiously, and said, Elder, when did you have another apprentice?

I remember that this child has a good foundation, and he is a good seed for a fighter.

Suitable for battle, charge to kill the enemy!

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the child's shoulder, his eyes glistened. The elder said with a stiff face, This child is not good, his meridians are blocked, and the speed and efficiency of absorbing the power of medicine are too slow. Why don't you learn to be a potter, and you can Save some spiritual materials for the tribe.

The patriarch looked deeply at the elder, and finally said: It seems that the elder is very optimistic about this child.


He doesn't have to fight.

Hahahaha, it can be regarded as an explanation for you, elder, pack up your things quickly, we will set off tomorrow, there is a huge Kumabe King City, which is far away from us, but it will take too long to get there ah.

The patriarch laughed loudly and left.

And the tribe that is famous for making pottery packed up their things, prepared their swords, and prepared the best pottery of the tribe over the years, and then embarked on the road to the Xiong tribe.


Cough cough, pee pee pee!

What the hell is this place, what's going on, grandma's, it scared me to death.

A scribe in white clothes with a lazy temperament ran out of a mountain with a pale complexion, his curly hair exploded, and behind him a vast mountain-pushing beast raised its head and roared. With its steps, it was about to shake the mountains and disperse the clouds. Let the birds flap their wings and flee.

There is a jade book in the arms of the scribe.

This... this book is really wicked.

It can still cause such a big commotion, outrageous, outrageous.

Cang Jie, and that dead white-haired Taoist priest, what exactly did they leave behind? He looked at the jade book sealed in his arms, although he said that curiosity was scratching in his heart, he still held back and held on. In keeping with the agreement with Cang Jie, he did not open this jade book to take a look.

However, it seems that it can't be hidden here.

If you keep hiding, I'm afraid something will go wrong... In just three hundred years, a mountain-twisting beast was bred within the core range of the human race, and after a few thousand years, a demon god who was able to achieve Taoism was born. It's not a problem, grandma's... hide away.

Bai Ze sat cross-legged on the ground, scratched his head, and took out a talisman with words written on it.

[To Kunlun Xihuang——]

[The luck of the Xiong tribe was very prosperous, Gun failed to defeat Gonggong and was beheaded, Si Wenming was born, I went to him when he was born, there is a faint feeling in this son's eyes for my Xuanyuan, so I gave Wenming as a gift name, hoping to suppress the reckless man in his fate...]

With a dejected look on his face, the very free and easy scribe took a sip of wine and erased the word reckless.

Scratching his head, he rewrote a sentence [The Qi of Martial Luck].

Well, low emotional intelligence, reckless inheritance.

High emotional intelligence, majestic martial arts, and bullfighting spirit.

【Today he is an adult, according to the agreement between Xuanyuan and Kunlun, please Kunlun to pass on his martial arts】.

Finally, after finishing writing, the scribe took out a mark from his bosom, which had Bai Ze's real body on it, heaved a sigh, the king pressed it, frowned, spit, wiped it with his dirty clothes, and rubbed it hard After pressing it, a four-character seal was left——

[Bright light far away]!

Throwing it casually, the thing flew up and flew straight towards Kunlun.

The scribe took out another seal and wrote a new letter.

[The matter between Gonggong and Emperor Shun is very strange. I will come here and investigate secretly. 】

[The matter of Vulcan Zhurong, how about your investigation, and let me know. 】

The inscription inquiry is [Mingzhao Youyuan].

And the existence of communication is called [Gap Wall Insight].

Finally, I looked at the jade book in my arms, rubbed all the curly hair to blow it up, gritted my teeth, and sighed: I can't leave this thing here, forget it, forget it, let's take it to the hinterland of the human race first, anyway, this There's no use burying things here.

Sweeping away the sleeve robe, the scribe has loose curly hair, with dragon horns on his forehead, handsome and lazy.

The bright light is far away, and I can see the strange things of gods and demons.

He slowly reached the hinterland of the human race.

Because of previous lessons, and because of the tragedy of Xuanyuanqiu that year, Xuanyuanqiu after Zhuanxu became extremely strict. A soldier said seriously: Well, please wait a moment, let us verify your identity.

Um... the number one storyteller in the history of the Three Realms and Eight Desolations?

The guard froze.

Bai Ze nodded, looking lazily at the human royal city in front of him. He hadn't returned to the human realm for hundreds of years. For a moment, he felt like a dream. He reached out to grab the flagon, as if because of the churning emotions in his heart. Lost in a daze, he accidentally bumped into the package in his arms.

With a crash, Yushu fell directly to the ground.

I didn't care about it at first, anyway, this thing is very strong, not to mention if it falls, even if a mountain pusher dances on it, it can't be crushed. But at the next moment, that scroll of jade suddenly lit up with a brilliant and boundless light, and Bai Ze's movements froze. , the pupils contracted, and on the quiet jade book, the word [Yuxu] appeared violently in an almost explosive way, and then a brilliant stream of light rose into the sky.

Afterwards, the crane made a long cry, with a radius of thousands of miles, and even thousands of miles of clouds exploded, circling around.

The yellow auspicious cloud rolls down and presses down.

The hustle and bustle is magnificent, stretching and turning, and it seems that there is a boundless splendor, an unparalleled atmosphere in the world, and almost at the same time, above the remote wilderness, the stars rise and fall, even in the daytime, they can be clearly seen, the auspicious clouds flow, the stars rise and fall, faintly However, a kind of majestic atmosphere of fighting against each other, or tit for tat, has been maintained.

Wordless and vast.

Bai Ze's pupils contracted, as if he saw behind the starlight, Di Jun with his hair tied in golden threads lowered his eyes, and saw the flow of all things.

There is Cang Mang whispering plainly and asking: The bamboo forest is still there.

Where does Yuxu go?

The bamboo forest where you and I fought each other is still there, but where are you, Yuxu? Whispering in confusion, sighing with regret.

! ! !

Bai Ze's scalp was numb, and the flagon in his hand fell to the ground.

Between heaven and earth, there was a dead silence.

And in another door.

The dusty little potter just stepped into the city.

The eyes are clear and peaceful.

As if everyone else was stunned, he subconsciously looked at his plain clothes.

It seems that there is no problem...

It was well washed and the clothes mended.

He thought a little embarrassedly.

Then there was a slight pause.

Subconsciously raised his head, subconsciously turned his head, and looked towards the direction where the stars flowed and the auspicious clouds rolled and crisscrossed.

PS: The first update today...

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