Museum of Demons

Chapter 864 Break through the world and stand alone!

Such brilliant brilliance, starlight and auspicious clouds intertwine with each other, almost as if two top powerhouses were fighting each other. The child in gray clothes watched in a daze until the cold-faced elder over there shouted: Ah Yuan !

A Yuan! Let's go!

The child turned around and saw that his companions had already walked a long way away, so he tightened his grip and hurried forward. The elder's expression was still blank, and he said: You shouldn't look at it, don't look at it, here is There is the Bear Department, which is the big city of the human race.

The patriarch had already decided to rebel against most of Tu Shan.

Yeah, good elder!

The child nodded seriously.

The companion smiled and said: What's the matter, looking at the movement over there, are you wondering if you can also have such a big cultivation base? Hey, don't think about it. The other party jokingly tapped The child's shoulder, said: You can't even do the most basic exercise.

Such a strong person has nothing to do with you for the rest of your life.

I've seen it ten times, a hundred times, but it's not yours.

It's better to learn the craft well, and you can find a good family in the future.


The magnificent movement between heaven and earth disappeared very quickly. Bai Ze grabbed the jade book that suddenly gave birth to a strange feeling, and rushed into the king city of the human race. The guards here are the elite of the human race, ancient elites, but Under the array, there was no trace of shadow at all, and the guy disappeared.

This, what kind of cultivation is this?!

And Bai Ze directly ignored the huge mess he caused behind.

When he arrived here with the jade book in his hand, he couldn't find any abnormalities. Its mythological concept of Bright Shining and Far seemed to have lost all its effects. It was a hot day, but Bai Ze seemed to be immersed in the cold winter.

A chill rose up his spine bit by bit.

beyond the scope of his observation authority...

How is this going?

Bai Ze calmed down for a long time before he could barely suppress his shock. After thinking about it, he decided to settle the business of coming here first, and then wholeheartedly search for the situation of this jade book. Li, Emperor Shun also appeared.

When Bai Ze, who was hiding in the crowd, saw King Yu's coming-of-age ceremony, he pulled back a huge beast corpse as large as a mountain, his forehead twitched——

Damn it, even the word Wenming.

Can't you suppress this guy's abundant martial arts?

Xuanyuan didn't...

Well, Xuanyuan was such a reckless man back then.

Bai Ze sent a message to Emperor Shun, who was stunned for a moment, raised his eyes and saw the scribes in the crowd, his pupils contracted, Bai Ze nodded flatly, and said via voice transmission: Come to the back of the king's city, I have something to tell you...

When Emperor Shun solved the problem at hand, he came to the bamboo forest behind the king's city.

Seeing the falling leaves Xiaoxiao, the scribe in white stood with his hands behind his back. He was extraordinary. He held a special token in his hand, and his aura was the last of the heroes who created Xuanyuanqiu in the first place. Emperor Shun's voice was mellow and gentle: But senior Bai Ze face to face?

it's me……

Bai Ze raised his chin slightly.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the situation to ask for a few bottles of human wine, but Emperor Shun raised his hands and put on two tall hats. He was very polite, and a thick-skinned like Bai Ze couldn't tell. He coughed and asked directly: ...I was traveling in the wilderness, and I heard that the human race was in conflict with the Gonggong again.

In the end what happened?

Bai Ze's expression became serious.

Emperor Shun was puzzled, and replied in a deep voice, Back then, Gonggong betrayed the human race and knocked down the Tianzhu, which caused disasters in the world. Emperor Zhuanxu was merciful and never drove them to extinction, but now our frontier has been reconciled with Gonggong The hundreds of clans of Gonggong are connected with each other, and the hundreds of clans of Gonggong have conflicts with our frontier soldiers.

Therefore, I just act first to be strong.

Bai Ze's smile froze.

Let's strike stronger?

A feeling of absurdity made Bai Ze open his mouth, and said in a difficult tone: ...You said that Gonggong is a traitor? So, when you faced the Gonggong family, you chose to strike first?

Emperor Shun replied:

That's the case, the ancient books of the clan, and even the other party's ancient books are also recorded in this way.

Gonggong is the righteousness of the water and rebelled against the human race.

And there have been several confrontations.

Bai Ze covered his forehead, as if he saw the final tragic scene of Zhuanxu and Gonggong before his eyes, and said hoarsely, Zhuanxu, didn't Zhuanxu leave any books before his death? Didn't he, did he not tell the truth to future generations? !

At that time, the human race no longer needed to hide these things, right?

At least, the successor should know...

Shun still didn't quite understand, and said: Emperor Zhuanxu, he has great powers, and finally attracted revenge...not only the gods, but also the revenge of heaven. He and Nulu's three sons all died. They turned into fierce ghosts, so the messages they respectively held were scattered.

Emperor Zhuanxu's last position as emperor was passed on to Di Ku.

There are not many classics left...

The still young Emperor Shun was puzzled: Could it be that, Senior Bai Ze, it was wrong for us to attack the hundreds of Gonggong clans? I never completely wiped out the hundreds of clans. For the guests, fight with the hundreds of clans of Gonggong, and then take advantage of the situation to attack the top of them.

Although Gonggong was extremely angry, it was only incompetent anger, because the four evil guests resisted.

In addition, his body died at the hands of my emperor, leaving enough flaws.

Therefore, there is no need to worry, and you should wipe out the enemies!

Bai Ze opened his mouth, looked at Shun who did nothing wrong from his standpoint, and said:

You crusade him?

Yes, hold a painting and use the name of the Emperor to seek peace from the thief!

Bai Ze seemed to have seen that scene.

But Zhuanxu had already given everything, even the three children were turned into ghosts by the backlash of heaven and earth, and even the message to future generations was lost; in order to protect the human race from being destroyed by the gods, the plan of Gonggong and Zhuanxu was completely unknown.

But now, it has led to a scene where no one is wrong, but there is nothing to say.

In the end, the scribe sat down dejectedly.


Kunlun Mountains.

The Queen Mother of the West was holding the letterhead in her hand, and a girl with a gentle face and a mellow temperament next to her asked doubtfully, Mingzhao Youyuan? What's the name? How strange?

The Queen Mother of the West said flatly: The bright light is far away, and you can see all the gods and demons in the world.

See through the walls and count the ten directions and five elements.

The girl's eyes widened: This, this, this is too crazy.

Is there such an arrogant god in the world?

The letter paper in the hands of the Queen Mother of the West came together, and knocked on the forehead of the goddess, saying: Don't underestimate them, these two names are new forces that have appeared in the Three Realms and Eight Desolations for hundreds of years, although they are only two people. , but there is a faint phenomenon that stirs up the world, you should not underestimate it.

The girl was shocked: This...

Then, who do you want to let go?

She volunteered: I haven't gone down to earth yet. My sisters have all been there. I want to go down too... Of course, the most important thing is that she also wants to be like her sister. The stories between the students and the students, but unexpectedly, the Queen Mother of the West flatly refused:

Yao Ji, you? No way!


Yao Ji's face froze.

The Queen Mother of the West glanced at the celestial girl who had left her cave in Wushan, and her forehead twitched. She was obviously a celestial girl with a thick soil as her core, but she was the most affectionate among the four celestial girls. Yao Ji went to teach Na Si Wenming, probably because she wanted to develop wrong feelings.

The graceful woman thought for a while, and said, Jiao Nu, I mean... Tu Shan Nu Jiao, how old is it?

Yao Ji replied: About sixteen years old, young and talented, both civil and military, but a little arrogant, especially after being born and recognized by Shennongbian.

Those heroes of all ethnic groups went to the Tushan tribe to ask for marriage, but she didn't even like it.


Queen Mother Xi recalled her good friend when she was still young, her expression softened a little, and she said:

Then Si Wenming should be enough for her to like her.

I will teach him myself.


Bai Ze ended his meeting with Emperor Shun, leaving behind Emperor Shun who knew the real experience back then. The scribe staggered and walked on the street, but felt helpless. If he wanted to avoid this tragedy, unless he was in The human race stayed.

In that case, even if Zhuanxu's child died, he would not turn into a ghost.

Heh... In the past, Zhuanxu had three sons who died as pestilence ghosts: one lived in the river and was a malaria ghost, the other lived in the water like a sprite, and the other lived in the palace and was good at shocking children.

Zhuanxu, Zhuanxu, you have calculated even the gods, but in the end you failed to calculate them?

Chong Li was tricked by you into propping up the sky for an unknown number of years.

You even imitated the Gonggong situation back then, and gave the credit for killing Chongli to Di Ku, so that he would be able to gain a firm foothold, what a pity, what a pity...

But no...

The border of the human race, even if it borders hundreds of races, Gonggong has already recovered, which means that he will definitely restrain his tribe and avoid conflicts with the human race as much as possible. Moreover, with the strength of Gonggong, it will really appear Contradictions must also be brought under control.

In other words... when the incident broke out, Gonggong was not in Baizu.

There are people behind the scenes!

A stern light flashed in Bai Ze's eyes, without the slightest sense of depression, and the vigor possessed by heroes in ancient times has not weakened in the slightest. As Ji Xuanyuan's first military adviser before he became famous and attracted heroes, He sensed the problem immediately.

Received another jade talisman, read the words on it, and sneered twice.

Good calculation, good calculation.

As if all of us old bones are dead...?

I found you, buried your ass backwards in the ground, stuffed it into the husband country where there are only men, and suppressed it for a thousand years, a thousand years!

Bai Ze was furious, walking forward, drinking with his neck up, one was unguarded, stepped on the ground, and directly collided with a child, nothing happened to Bai Ze, but the jade book in his arms fell off again .

Bai Ze lowered his head, and saw that it was the child from before, the same tribal child whose true spirit was the same as the Taoist before, his eyes lit up, he deliberately stopped his movements, deliberately asked the child to bend over to pick up the jade book, the child saw It was a handsome man in gorgeous clothes, with a tense face, bent down to pick up the things.

But to Bai Ze's disappointment, the child reached out to hold the jade book, but nothing happened.

I'm sorry I ran into you.

The child's face was full of embarrassment.

But Bai Ze suddenly became disappointed, waved his hand casually, and said, It's okay.

What tribe are you from, little guy? What are you doing here?

The child answered honestly:

I'm a potter, and I came to this big city with the elders to open my eyes.

Well, that's it...

Bai Ze felt a little regretful, and said, Forget it, let me buy you something to drink. He shook the jug in his hand, and took the child to a tea place, with a lot of temptation in his words, But it was of no use. Finally, I looked at the happy child holding a bowl of sugar water.

Bai Ze laughed at himself.

Sure enough, the true spirit is immature and weak, not his reincarnation...

Well, he is from the future, is this his beginning?

Well? !

Bai Ze's eyes suddenly lit up, he bent down with a smile on his face, and said, Ah Yuan, tell me, does Big Brother Bai Ze treat you well?

The child looked at Tangshui and nodded seriously: Okay!

Hey, so cute!

Then, Brother Bai Ze will make an agreement with you. In the future, if Brother Bai Ze becomes poor one day, you will also support Brother Bai Ze.

Scholar Bai Ze's face was full of sincerity.

The child patted his chest and agreed.

Scholar Bai Ze was overjoyed, and waved his hands: One more dim sum! Oh no, ten servings!

The owner of the store stared at Bai Ze with a look of contempt, looking at non-burnable recyclables, garbage, and waste. Everyone whispered to this trash man who actually planned to eat children's soft rice. It was so outrageous.

Bai Ze didn't care, but was moved in his heart.

Ah, this kid is really nice.

Sincere and deceitful... Ahem, I mean, simple.

Why did it become so slippery and crumbly later on?

Damn it, it's almost like being polluted by that guy Fuxi...

Bai Ze stretched out his hand, grabbed his own thought, pulled out the thought of forgiving Fuxi with both hands, tore it into pieces, the corners of his mouth twitched, he couldn't think, he couldn't think, thinking of that guy, that guy's body would respond arrive.

In the end, Bai Ze saw that the child was full, and received a reply from [pen pal].

‘Vulcan Zhurong has a high probability of dabbling in turbidity in order to revive his dead wife. '

Bai Ze narrowed his eyes, those dark golden pupils carried the coldness of a cat hunter.

The hiccupped child felt a chill behind him, shivered, and asked, What's wrong?

Brother Bai Ze, are you leaving?

Hahaha, yes, a friend told me something, I have to go.

Bai Ze scratched his curly hair and smiled heartily.


Well, yes, it's a beautiful love story, but ah, the best time for love is very short-lived, and behind this thing will bring all kinds of terrible incidental things. Bai Ze Looking at the child's bewildered look, he smiled and said, Don't understand?

It's right if you don't understand.

Good boy, don't understand this. I bless you to never know about this trouble. This is God's blessing. You're welcome.

Now, Big Brother Bai Ze is going to do something. See you soon.

The child asked, Brother Bai Ze, are you going to fight?

The scribe lazily waved his back to the child, smiled lazily and said, It is, but it's okay, don't worry.

He took a sip of wine, staggered out, and said flatly:

At most, it's just pulling down one of the top ten peaks...


At this time, the tribe of the Leizu tribe also arrived at this grand gathering. After experiencing the previous gathering in Wangcheng, she came to the library in the big city and found an ancient scroll.

It is said that it is a document left by Cang Jie before his death, and it is the first-hand Daozang.

For cultivation, it is of great benefit!

In the past, she had read a lot when she came here, but for some reason, today she suddenly thought of the child brought by the legendary Chishui goddess, changed her clothes together, and thought of the child's name.

Yuan... the name seems very uncommon, I have never heard of it.

But why, do you seem to have heard it faintly?

Puzzled, she casually turned a page of this collection, and then saw the last sentence, her expression froze, and her heart suddenly beat heavily.

Dao rushes to use it or not to make a profit.

Yuan Xi,

Like the ancestor of all things!

Yuanxi... the sect of all things?

But when Bai Ze left here, Emperor Shun fell into self-remorse, and the child jumped down from his seat contentedly, leaving with the idea of ​​sharpening his cooking skills in order to eat such delicious food in the future. .

After all, they are poor.

Everything seems to have returned to the original track, but Bai Ze never noticed that a few words on the jade book lit up and disappeared. In those years, fate completely converged into the river of the original track. When it reached its perfection, a [consciousness], In this fate, beyond the years, she slowly wakes up.

White hair and green shirt, black wooden hairpin.

Sitting alone in fate, time, karma.

Quietly watching the changes of all things, watching the flow of one's own destiny, finally turned into a never-ending circle, no cause, no effect, nothing from, nothing to go, the river of fate is endless, getting more and more Hurry up, in the end you can only see the change of light and shadow, just like the Ouroboros described by fate.

In the end, this long river is nothing but a ray of arc flowing in the eyes of the Taoist.

He opened his eyes.

Then, he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who was fishing for a fortune.

PS: Today's second update... 4,800 words, asking for a monthly pass.

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