Museum of Demons

Chapter 862 The So-called God's Grace (Thanks | Sparrow | Leader)

Chapter 862 The So-called God's Grace (Thanks to the Sparrow Leader)


Pfft... what kind of name is that?

The face of the girl in the blue shirt became vivid, she laughed loudly, even the face of the child from an ordinary tribe turned red, an inexplicable shame protruded from the bottom of her heart, and there was also a kind of unspeakable sadness.

This sadness does not come from him, but from the girl in front of him.

However, such a character who summons Thunder like a fairy will also have the sadness of ordinary people? Such a thought came to the bottom of the child's heart. He looked at the smiling girl, but he didn't dare to speak. He just cupped his hands and thanked again:

Yet, I haven't thanked you for your life-saving grace.

Huh? Why keep your head down?

For some reason, the girl wanted to tease him, and said:

I'm ugly, so I don't want to look at it?

No, no, you, me, I...

This child from a poor tribe had never encountered such a situation before. He was at a loss for words for a while, his face flushed, and he was speechless.

I just feel that the god in the green shirt in front of me has an inexplicable personality that likes to play tricks on people.

Don't tease you, run for your life all the way, are you hungry?

The girl in the green shirt took some meat that was more suitable for grilling from the beasts she killed, and grilled some food such as meat skewers, and handed them to the children in front of her, because there is a saying in the tribe that a humble name is easy to feed According to legend, the child who was called Shuigouzi looked only eleven or twelve years old, and he was gobbling.

It's just that it is the meat of monsters after all, and it is full of toughness, even if it has been roasted by thunder and fire.

The child was still biting very hard, making his teeth sore, and pulling the meat skewers into an exaggerated arc. The girl over there just casually looked at the distant clouds, not knowing what she was thinking.

The child finished eating.

The girl in the green shirt shouted, Shuigouzi?

Ah? Hmm. The child answered honestly.

The girl in the green shirt still couldn't help laughing out loud:

Pfft... Shuigouzi, Shuigouzi, the name is so funny.

She laughed until her stomach hurt, and finally looked at the child, it seemed that she was laughing too hard, there were tears in the corners of her eyes, she raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, Okay, Shuigouzi, where is your tribe?

...under the mountain in the northwest...

All right.

The girl patted the hem of her clothes and stood up. She stretched out her hand with a smile, and said in a gentle voice, Your home is some distance away from here, and I don't know how you got here. There are many wild beasts along the way, which is very dangerous. I'll walk you home.

The child stretched out his hand, thought for a while, then withdrew his hand and wiped it on the clothes.

Then cautiously stretched it out.

Grabbed by the girl, she stumbled and walked forward, her feet suddenly became lighter, as if she was stepping on clouds and wind, her speed became faster, and the surrounding mountains receded quickly. This was the first time the child saw such a scenery , with eyes wide open, the girl in green shirt along the way introduced him the surrounding scenery with great interest.

Sometimes I stop and reach out to pick up many fruits from the tree.

This, this fruit is not edible.

The child stammered and pointed at the fruit she had picked, and said, This thing is very sour.

Not even the birds.

Is it sour? No, it's actually very sweet.

The girl in the blue shirt handed over a fruit with a smile on her face. The child looked at the fairy-like woman suspiciously, but chose to believe it, and then bit it down. At that moment, it felt as if her teeth were going to be sour. It attacked him at once.

Wow, it's so sour!

The child's face suddenly wrinkled.

The girl in the green shirt burst out laughing: Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, is it still sour?

It's sour, probably because it hasn't been cooked yet.

The child's face was wrinkled, and he said, So I can't eat it yet...

The girl in blue looked quietly at the child in the dusty clothes, and said softly, Yes, it's sour. When I ate this fruit for the first time, it was also very sour, just like you now...

Let's not talk about this, come, bring these things.

I'll take you to a fun place.


When the child was at a loss, his eyes blurred, and he didn't take many steps before he saw an extremely lively city that was far larger than the largest tribe he had ever seen before. People go, and even the people of the legendary overseas countries have alien races.

This, this is...

The girl in the blue shirt replied: The current royal city of the human race was Xuanyuanqiu back then. Later, Xuanyuan Qiu was destroyed by a big war, and Zhuanxu took the hinterland of the human race to relocate. lively!

Huh? Yes, but...

The child couldn't understand why in the blink of an eye, he had already come here from a place that shouldn't be too far away from the tribe, but the prosperity in front of him grabbed the child who had hardly left the tribe since he was a child. His thoughts made him linger and forget to return.

In the end, the green-clothed girl stopped in her footsteps, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

Um, where is it?

The girl looked at the big chamber of commerce next to her and said, The Xiling tribe, um, is also called the Leizu tribe.

Leizu raises silkworms and weaves silk, and Leizu's tribe is also the most powerful clothing maker in the human race.

The child was stunned, and looked at his dusty clothes. There were even weeds in his hair. It was completely different from the majestic and majestic style of this human royal city. .

The girl casually threw a beautiful jade and said, I'll go inside and choose some clothes.

The child waited quietly outside, and soon, it seemed that because of his disposition, the shabby clothes did not make the child uncomfortable for a long time, he just watched the thriving human city quietly and happily, watching the guests coming and going , gathered in the royal city of the human race.

The sound of the silver bell was heard in the ear.

The child turned around and saw the girl from before stepping out. The light-colored shoes on her feet were replaced by delicate deerskin boots. She was wearing a white dress with the patterns of ancient tribes on it. It looked dignified and elegant, black and white. The locks fall back and are gathered once in the middle with plain hair ties.

There is a string of bells hanging around his waist, and the bells ring when he walks.


The girl turned around, her skirt lifted slightly, and then fell down, just like the beautiful sunset at sunset.

The child scratched his head and said, It's very beautiful.

The girl was very satisfied, and pointed to the distressed child over there, looked at the merchant woman of the Leizu tribe, and said, Give him a set too. The child was stunned, pointed to himself, and said, I also want Change it?


The girl's voice is soft:

Just take it as a reward for coming with me.

The child hesitated for a moment, but was taken inside. The girl put her hands behind her back and looked at the street in front of her. After a while, she heard footsteps behind her and turned around to look back. Turned into a green shirt, black wooden hairpin, washed face.

It was as if he had seen the smiling Taoist priest in green shirt and white hair.

Until the phantom finally dissipated, the noisy human body came to my ears noisily.

This child looks much better than before. What's his name?

The woman from the Leizu tribe asked with a smile.

The child still wanted to speak, but the girl with a bell hanging from her waist replied, Yuan.

Returning water is the abyss, the trial of salamander Huan is the abyss, the trial of still water is the abyss, the trial of flowing water is the abyss.

Lei Zubu was surprised and said, Good name...

The child in green tugged at the girl's cuffs, lowered his voice and asked, But, my name is not Yuan, I'm Shuigouzi... The girl in white explained with a gentle smile. Turning over the reason for the name, said:

So, the meaning of Yuan is the same as that of your name.

She looked at the ignorant child, her eyes were sad, she just smiled as usual and said:

You are Yuan...

Well, but is this set of clothes enough for you now?

The girl looked at him narrowly.

The child nodded seriously, and said happily: With this set, it's already very good!

Don't you like any more? Don't you like the clothes inside? The girl pointed to all kinds of clothes in Lei Zu's department. Compared with hundreds of years ago, they made great contributions to solving the Tianzhu incident. The feat of the emperor's killing of Gonggong has been recognized by all ethnic groups, and the human race has also developed greatly.

The range and style of clothing is much better now.

The child scratched his head, but still answered honestly: I like them all.

So the girl Xian looked at those clothes, stretched out her fingers, and counted them one by one like she did back then, and said, I need all of these! With a look of regret, he said: It's a pity, I don't have enough money in my hand.

But it's okay, it's okay, there are still some fruits.

There is a way to exchange money.

Come on, Yuan, let's go to set up a stall, go to set up a stall, go to set up a stall!


The child was stunned for a moment, and was pulled forward, while the caravan supervisor of Lei Zu's department was stunned. Just the one precious jade that the girl threw out just now was enough to buy all the clothes, and there was a lot of surplus. Just when he was about to speak, he was stopped by the sound transmission, and he was just curious.

Report such things to the Xiling tribe, that is, the patriarch of the Leizu tribe.

She doesn't look like she's here to buy anything.

It's more like valuing [shopping with that kid] itself.

The patriarch of the Leizu tribe was surprised: Is that so?

What's the boy's name?

...It's called Abyss.

Yuan... The patriarch of the Leizu tribe didn't take it seriously, but saw from a distance that the girl took the child and went to the house prepared for foreign merchants, and used the last money to rent down a room.

Then somewhat rustyly prepare the stall.

The child in the green shirt was sitting on the stone, looking at the girl with picturesque eyes and blood-like rouge preparing the booth. She was obviously a goddess with a high status, but she seemed to be very good at doing these things, but this was not the case. The common scene still aroused people's curiosity.

The child who was born in poverty, just in a small tribe stretched out his hand and pulled the girl's cuff, lowered his voice, and said cautiously:

Did it cost too much money to buy my clothes?

Let's retreat...


Why do you want to return it? The girl smiled and said, Don't you like it very much?

The child hesitated and said, But it's great to be able to come to the city. You really don't need to set up a stall just for the gift...

The girl's eyes drooped, she smiled and said softly:

It's okay, if you like this thing, it's valuable.

I'm also... used to these things.

I used to think that these things would go on forever.

As soon as the sun set, the girl set up a stall in the royal city and got a part of the money, but it was a pity that her cooking skills didn't seem to be outstanding, it could only be regarded as ordinary, and finally took the child back to the Chishui River .

Stepping on the pebbles by the river and walking down the Chishui River, it seems as if you can catch up with the sunset.

Okay, your tribe is in front of you, it's not far away, can you go back by yourself?

The girl smiled.


The child nodded vigorously, ran a few steps forward, turned around and waved his hands heavily, hesitated for a while, and asked, Sister Immortal, you seem to be feeling a little uncomfortable all the time... What's on your mind?

You feel it?

The girl said softly, I'm just waiting for someone.

Has he traveled far? asked the child.

Yeah... very far away.

The child encouraged her: However, he should come back.

I'll help you find him too!

Our tribe will move around, I will definitely help you find him!

And the girl looked at the child who was swearing, she just smiled and urged him to go back, and finally pointed to the Chishui River, and said: There is a kind of shrimp that grows in the river here, which cannot be cooked with flames, but if eaten raw, it tastes very delicious. It's delicious, if you have the chance, you can try it.


The child nodded heavily and ran towards his tribe.

The girl just watched quietly.

Just let him go?

Unpredictable voice, for some reason, Bai Ze, who came back from the wilderness, calmly looked at the child who ran away, and said: ...Although the true spirit is immature and weak, the core part is exactly the same. he.

You won't keep him with you?

Maiden Xian didn't answer, but asked, Why did you come back from the wilderness?

Bai Ze rubbed his messy hair, and said: There is a guy named Si Wenming in the human race who has grown up. Xuanyuanjian seems to have a feeling for him, so I came back from the Great Wilderness to see... is he qualified to be a human race? Lord of ZTE.

After all, what happened between Shun and Gonggong has hurt the vitality of the human race again.

No, how do you answer me with a question? I mean, are you really going to let him go?

The girl Xian was silent for a long time, she just said: But he is not him.

Bai Ze was quiet for a while, then emphasized: From the core of the true spirit, it is him.

No, it's not...

Is what I want to wait for a mere true spirit?

Xian replied: The encounter between me and him was that he kidnapped the moon and Tianzhu and ran on the wilderness, and it was me who suddenly appeared, that was in the distant future... If the experience shapes a person, then the present He is not the one I was waiting for at all.

The girl looked at the sunset and at the children walking towards the tribe:

I'm waiting for him, just him.

It's not his previous life, it's not his reincarnation, it can only be him.

It's not even a hair, a thing, a word, it's not him.

Bai Ze opened his mouth: That will take a long, long time...

Yes, but I can wait.

The girl smiled brightly, making Bai Ze lose his mind.

From his death onwards, as long as the world is extinguished, time loses its meaning, and everything in the world turns pale, he will completely belong to me, Qingshan Xian. But the years are long, death is eternal and silent, everything is destined here, I should naturally wait quietly, there is no need to worry,

This is the grace of God, isn't it?

The girl smiled quietly, stepped back step by step, turned around, the silver bell rang softly, the white dress on her body faded and turned into a green shirt, then she smiled a little lonely, with her back facing the setting sun, stepping on her own shadow Into the eternal night.

Step by step, into the lonely five thousand years.

PS: The second update today...

Thanks|Sparrow|Leader, thank you~

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