Museum of Demons

Chapter 53 Contract

Two sentences fell into my ears.

Fang Yang's face turned pale.

But Fang Hongbo's eyes widened and he opened his mouth, unable to speak.

The dead... is it me?

It seems that Fang Yang's words broke a certain membrane, and scenes of memories suddenly emerged.

Speeding car.

The smell of disinfectant in the ward.

In the end, I couldn't see my son.

I'm the one who died?

Fang Hongbo's original yang energy visibly decayed with the naked eye, his face gradually turned purple, and his lifeless energy surged up.

It has the appearance of turning into a wandering soul and resenting ghosts.

Fang Yang came back to his senses and understood the meaning of his father's two words just now. His father thought he was dead, so he absolutely refused to speak out about this 'fact', but at the same time he called out the fact that his father was dead. one thing.

A moment of intense regret surfaced in his heart, his body trembled, and his face turned pale.

Fang Hongbo's voice was piercing.

I remember now……

It turned out that I was the one who died. I was hit by a car. It was me who died. I'm already dead!

Wei Yuan pressed his palm on the sword to prevent Fang Hongbo's corpse from turning into a ghost. After looking at it, he put the sword back into its sheath.

Fang Yang didn't know whether it was fear or regret, he stood there motionless.

Fang Hongbo's body showed a hideous and terrifying death appearance. He grinned when he saw his son who had broken the matter, and pressed his blue and purple hand on Fang Yang's head: That's great...

The old man burst into tears and let out his last breath.

you are still alive.

Immediately fell to the ground.

Fang Yang's heart was twisted like a knife, he yelled loudly, and wanted to hug his father, but Fang Hongbo had long been silent, Fang Yang seemed to know what he had done at this moment, his body trembled, he opened his mouth but couldn't speak, it was good It took a long time before a burst of howling came from his mouth.

Wei Yuan retracted his sword and closed his eyes, got up and went out, without disturbing him at this time.

The two ghosts beside him also stood up with Wang Honghe in their arms, each with embarrassment on their faces, the ancient swordsman and warrior couldn't help sighing: If I knew this earlier, why did the child want to support but the relative was not there, what a pity.

The water ghost said with a look of disdain:

His father couldn't see him for the last time before he died, and he didn't hesitate when he told him that his father died just now. Instead, he is crying here to show his filial piety. I think at least half of it is because we outsiders are still here, so we can save face. It can't be wiped off, so I have to shed a few tears, how many dutiful sons are they acting for others to see?

The two ghosts were arguing endlessly, but Wei Yuan didn't get involved.

When Fang Yang cried hoarsely and his emotions gradually calmed down, he went back.

Looking at the dead Fang Hongbo, he sighed, stretched out his hand, pinched the three fingers, and whispered the Daoist Rebirth Mantra:

Decree from the Supreme, Super Ru's lonely soul, all ghosts and ghosts, four lives of grace...

At the same time, the ghost exorcising talisman in the palm flashed by, and instead of forcibly gathering Fang Hongbo's unstable soul, he tried to find and change his cognition and memory in the process of gradually overflowing, so that Fang Hongbo could forget himself. He is dead, but he thinks it is the source of his son's death.

The seemingly virtual and real images flashed in front of my eyes one by one.

In the end, Wei Yuan saw a man covered in a black robe, and felt a cold and desolate aura, and then Fang Hongbo, who should have died in the memory picture, opened his eyes again, but in Fang Hongbo's eyes, he never saw that clearly. The true face of a man.

The memory picture slowly dissipated.

And the mantra of passing away also read the last sentence.

Rescue all the people, hurry to save lives, order to save all the people, hurry to save lives.

The obsessions on Fang Hongbo's corpse dissipated, and the signs that the dead body had begun gradually subsided and disappeared.


That day Wei Yuan stayed at the place where Fang Hongbo lived alone until sunrise before leaving.

There have been no other abnormal incidents, and it was peaceful all night.

The next day, Wang Honghe was escorted directly to the special operations team office in Quanshi, and he explained the matter in detail, because it involved people who spread magic within the scope of Quanshi, the special operations team attached great importance to this matter, and asked After Wang Hong and the specific situation, he sent special personnel to deal with the matter.

Wei Yuan hesitated for a while, but still mentioned something to the members of the special operations team, saying:

If there are other changes in this matter, or if you need manpower, you can go to the museum to find me.

The tiger in the dream made him vigilant, worried that it was the warning of the Crouching Tiger waist card, which means that when the tiger is out of trouble, he will definitely not forget the original hatred, and it must be a catastrophe, but he also asked before Through the action group, the tiger can make progress, but the information obtained is not optimistic.

The tiger seems to have disappeared directly from the world.

This made Wei Yuan even more vigilant.

Obviously, this big monster who could be Zhang Daoling's opponent at the beginning cannot be easily solved.

And these two things made him have an urgent need to improve his own strength, but now he is in the stage of slowly improving his kung fu, whether it is martial arts or swordsmanship.

Although Jinyu Niao Yao is powerful, but it is the subordinate of the tiger itself. Wei Yuan does not think that the treasure transformed by Jin Yu Niao after death can compete with the power of the tiger. Under such a situation, if he wants to improve his own strength, I'm afraid it is still necessary to exchange meritorious deeds for things in the treasure house of the great man.

And if you want to gain meritorious service, you must kill the demons and demons who are doing evil in the world.

That's why there is this sentence.

If someone is willing to help, the members of the special operations team will naturally agree.

Afterwards, Wei Yuan returned to the museum and practiced swordsmanship and crouching tiger as usual.

No matter what means you have in the future, even if it is a trump card like Jinyu Bird's Wind Control Magic Ability, swordsmanship and Taoism are still the most basic and important parts, and you can't slack off in your practice, and Fang Yang has never appeared again. Members of the special operations team expelled the evil energy from Fang Hongbo's body before re-burying him.

Wei Yuan just felt that the old man had finally calmed down in a sense.

And three days later, Zhang Hao, who had sent Wei Yuan back during the Zhang Yue incident, suddenly came to visit.

Wei Yuan was a little curious, welcomed him in, and poured two cups of tea.

Zhang Hao looked around at the interior decoration of the museum, and then looked away. Next to him was a young man in a suit. He dug out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Wei Yuan, and said with a smile:

Mr. Fang Yang entrusted us to deliver this to you, Mr. Wei, before leaving Quanshi.

Fang Yang?

Wei Yuan took it over and opened the file, glanced at it with a little surprise in his eyes.

This is the sale and purchase contract of this museum.

The lawyer explained: Mr. Fang Yang still has some work matters in the New World. In addition, he said that he has some personal reasons and cannot submit this contract to you personally, the owner of the guard. He can only entrust us to handle it on his behalf. All the formalities have been completed, and all you need is your signature.

You will own all rights and interests in this museum.

sales contract.

Wei Yuan flipped through the documents, looked at the required funds, Shui Gui was watching, and secretly murmured with the Swordsmen and the others, Fang Yang saw their brothers, and felt that this museum was a bit evil, so he dared not come here , It is also called a business.

Although this museum is located in an old neighborhood, but because it is an old neighborhood, there is a possibility of demolition plans.

The value is actually quite low.

But when Wei Yuan saw the words on the money, he was slightly surprised, and then smiled slightly.

It says 'last hour with dad'

Wei Yuan signed his name and handed over the contract.

The lawyer smiled and said: Mr. Fang Yang said that although you probably didn't mean it, you did offer a price that is far more expensive than this museum. Mr. Fang thinks it's a bit vulgar to simply use money as a reward, so put This museum that his father and he valued is handed over to you, and it should be of greater value in your hands.

Also, he wanted to pass on a thank you.

Wei Yuan nodded.

The lawyer exchanged greetings a few more times, then presumed that there were other matters, got up and left, Zhang Hao was still there, saw the lawyer leaving, got up and took two quick steps to close the door, turned around, with a headache all over his face, and said : Master Wei, I may need your help this time.

He raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, sighed:

As far as the ghost restaurant that Lao Lai mentioned, the ghost over there seems to be a little too smart.

We policemen go over, they don't come out at all...


Fang Yang on the other side of the ocean received the news that the contract had been completed.

After a brief exchange with the lawyer, he put down the phone, raised his hand to cover his cheek, and his face was full of exhaustion.

It's broad daylight in Shenzhou, and it's already night here.

He managed to coax his son to sleep, but when he hugged his son, he thought of his father inexplicably. Did he hug him like this when he was a child? Then there is a pang of pain, and a strong sense of self-loathing sets in.

Sitting in the study, he looked much older.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Drip, drip, drip—

The laptop screen lights up.

a new email.

Is it the news from the partner?

Fang Yang raised his spirits, but found that it was an unfamiliar address, he hesitated for a while, and opened the email.

Want to have your father with you?

There was only one line of words on the screen, but Fang Yang's movements froze for an instant.

People's desires will never disappear, and people's hatred will never stop.

Human nostalgia exists forever, and human guilt is always entangled in my heart when I dream back at midnight.

These are obsessions.

Obsession will not disappear, and art is born from it.

In the bustling city, the lonely soul wanders silently, and the computer screen illuminates the face.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Yang moved his fingers and tapped the keyboard.


PS: Thank you Wanshang for not raining in the west, thank you~

Fang Yang's choice is not important, everyone thinks it's okay to refuse or agree~

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