Museum of Demons

Chapter 52 Secrets, Choices

There was a knock on the door, and there was silence outside the house.

Fang Yang's palms trembled, and he hardly had the courage to knock on the door again.

According to Fang Hongbo's current understanding, his son Fang Yang has already died. Under the strong fear, it is normal for Fang Yang to knock on the door and hide himself. Wei Yuan raised his hand and pressed on the door, ready to try again Try, but at this moment, the tightly locked door slowly opened a gap.


Fang Hongbo's pale face from fear was behind the door.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wei Yuan, then turned his head bit by bit, and saw Fang Yang.

Fang Hongbo paused, and said in a low voice, Ah Yang?

Fang Yang took a deep breath, glanced at Wei Yuan, and then turned around and said:

It's me, Dad, I'm back.

I'm back, I'm back...

A look of struggle flashed across Fang Hongbo's face, but in the end he opened the door bit by bit. Now that Wei Yuan had his way, he saw that there were no ghosts lurking in the room, but he paused when he saw Fang Hongbo. There is a breath of death in the victim who is no different from a living person.

But there is no resentment or evil spirit of a ghost.

Wei Yuan patted Fang Yang on the shoulder, and quietly pressed a talisman on his back, then leaned against the door, and did not go in. Fang Yang and Fang Hongbo stood awkwardly for a while, and finally sat on the old sofa in the living room as soon as they entered the door. They sat face to face, but no one spoke for a while.

Fang Yang didn't know what was going on with Fang Hongbo, he was only afraid in his heart.

Fang Hongbo seemed to come back to his senses, and said, I never thought I could sit here and talk to you.

You liked to jump around on these sofas when you were a child, and you didn't listen to them.

Fang Yang thought of what happened when he was a child, his eyes were complicated, and he hummed.

Thinking that he rarely came back after going out, he paused and said:

Dad, how have you been all these years?


People and ghosts meet, but nothing harmful happens.

The father and son in the room just talked slowly.

Wei Yuan didn't intend to listen to the communication between father and son, but he didn't avoid it too far either. He stood at the door with his sword in his hand, and looked at the man who was being dragged by two ghosts. Zhenrong, in her forties, has thin cheeks and a look of panic in her eyes.

Regarding Fang Hongbo's situation, Wei Yuan was still puzzled.

According to Fang Yang, Fang Hongbo died four months ago and was buried in accordance with the customs of his hometown.

But now Fang Hongbo undoubtedly has a physical body.

Who dug the grave and dug up Fang Hongbo's body?

Fang Hongbo was convinced that his son had died.

What is going on with this memory?

The man who stopped the car was going directly to the place where Fang Hongbo lived alone, and told a story that he had nothing to do with Fang Hongbo's affairs, it was absolutely impossible, but why did he know that Fang Yang would come back? Stop the car on this road.

This man doesn't know Wei Yuan's own particularity. Does it mean that even if Fang Yang didn't go to the museum to meet Wei Yuan, he would come back in the end. In other words, these people have been eyeing Fang Yang from the very beginning. plot what?

Is this incident related to Zhang Yue's life extension?

Wei Yuan whispered a few words to the water ghost and the sword soldier ghost.

He took out the willow leaf talisman water and opened the eyes of the man pretending to be a ghost.

Then the two ghosts dragged the man whose legs were weak from fright to the side, and began to ask, the man himself had no morals, and the two ghosts looked ferocious and fierce, given such a scare, they were already scared His liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and before he asked any more questions, he said all this in one breath.


The man's name is Wang Honghe.

He was a shabby household in the village. His parents passed away early, leaving him a grown man.

He has hands and feet, but he is too lazy to die, relying on the country's subsistence allowances to dawdle, and he is the least particular about it. He was given a piglet to raise pigs to earn money and support himself. I took them back in the morning, killed the pigs and ate the meat in the afternoon, exchanged the money I gave for wine, and got drunk after eating.

If you run out of money, go to the official office to make a fuss, and if you don't make a fuss, you will take the benefits and never go back.

In the end, the whole village looked down on such a waste-like person.

He didn't care about himself, he still lived on his own, and one day he got hungry and went to the cemetery to eat the food and wine for the offering, and walked home with a jug of wine, but he walked to a family. A restaurant that I have never seen before, quaint.

There are people coming and going inside, and it is very lively.

Some were drinking, some were talking and laughing loudly.

There are chicken, duck and fish meat on the table, everything that flies in the sky and runs on the ground.

Wang Honghe himself knew his own affairs, and absolutely had no money to go in for dinner, but he was really greedy, and he was drunk, thinking of eating such a free meal, he would be beaten at most, and they couldn't beat themselves to death. So he took advantage of the alcohol, raised his head and chest, pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as he walked in, all the guests in the room looked at him with strange eyes.

Jiu Zhuang is cowardly, not to mention that he is a bastard.

Wang Honghe was used to being looked at by others, so he sat on the table and patted the table to ask the boss to serve a round of signature dishes.

The boss said: Guests, the food in the small shop is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Wang Honghe slapped the table and cursed, Do you think I can't afford the money?!

So the boss didn't say anything more, just said wait a moment, and then retreated. After a while, a table of good food and wine was served. Wang Honghe ate and drank a lot, and he was satisfied. After paying the bill, I started pretending to be an uncle, picking my teeth with a chicken bone, and asking for money, and I wanted to die.

It's really impossible to use something to repay the debt.

As he said that, he saw the boss's eyes were a little strange, and the whole room was silent, and his heart felt inexplicably cold.

Suddenly realized that the boss was so close that he couldn't hear the sound of breathing from the other side, and he was the only breathing sound in the restaurant. Wang Honghe sobered up immediately, his head was in a daze, could it be that he had hit a ghost? Just when his hands and feet were numb with fright, a man pulled him over and said that he invited him for the meal.

Then he dragged and dragged Wang Honghe out.

He smiled and said, You are so bold, you dare to eat plain rice in this kind of place.

Wang Honghe looked back with a stiff body, and saw that there were no guests and bosses in the hotel, it was gloomy, two blue lanterns were lit, and the room was full of coffin wreaths, his legs and feet were so frightened that he couldn't stand up. Stop, when you wake up, thank the man quickly.

The man looked him up and down, and said:

You are a bit courageous, why don't you help me do something.

After you become successful, you will naturally get a lot of money, at least you don't have to eat ghosts for nothing.

Afterwards, the man often contacted Wang Honghe, and every time he had good food and drink, he was finally asked to take care of the Fang family's affairs. After the matter was completed, he would get a large sum of money in his hands. obey.


After Wang Honghe finished speaking, he lowered his head and trembled.

He had bumped into a ghost before, but at that time, all he saw were normal people. Where had he seen these two so vicious? At this time, he hated himself for not being able to pass out, Wei Yuan was thoughtful, it seems that this man went to a restaurant in the ghost market.

The man Wang Honghe mentioned may be the real master.

It is the person who spreads the strange and tricky methods of extending life with life and death without death within the scope of Quanshi.

Generally, heresy methods are just some tricks in the number of practice methods, such as the first few eye-opening methods.

The way is fierce, the effect is quick, and there may be sequelae.

But not harmful to others.

And this kind of sorcery requires the lives of others when it is practiced, and its own existence will cause harm to the people around it. Zhang Yue's original life extension method was to extend his daughter's life with his own life. In fact, it is the same to take other people's lives Can go to complete the spell.

After more than an hour, the conversation in the room slowly stopped.

When Wei Yuan entered the room, he saw that the expressions of the two men had softened. Fang Yang's eyes were red, while Fang Hongbo's expression was complicated and satisfied. In his memory, their father and son hadn't talked like this for a long time. He was satisfied enough to have such an experience.

Wei Yuan sat down, put the sword across his knees, glanced at Fang Yang, then at Fang Hongbo, and said:

Mr. Fang, do you want to hear a story?

Fang Hongbo was stunned for a moment, looked at his son, and nodded.

Wei Yuan retold the previous story of Wang Honghe.

The purpose is to remind Fang Hongbo a little bit, and use this as a foreshadowing to wake him up.

Wei Yuan spoke with a calm voice.

Fang Yang lowered his head firmly, his palms clutching his knees.

Fang Hongbo's expression changed.

Wei Yuan finished the last sentence, looked at Fang Hongbo, and said calmly: Some people are dead, but they don't know it. They have to be found out, and if they are found out, they are really dead.

He didn't go on.

Fang Hongbo suddenly became excited, the old man stood up abruptly, widened his eyes, and said:

My son is alive!

He is in good health, he is not dead at all!


Fang Yang knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily, his voice rang out together with the words of the old man:

Dad, you are dead!

Stop being obsessed!

PS: In Fang Hongbo's eyes, Fang Yang is dead.

In Fang Yang's eyes, Fang Hongbo is dead~

Thank you for not just bookworm rewards, thank you~

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