Museum of Demons

Chapter 54 The Resort (Thanks for the reward of the holy elegy)

In the museum, Zhang Hao poured bitter water on Wei Yuan.

They knew from the old Lai that there was such a strange hanging coffin restaurant on the edge of Quanshi, and they immediately attached great importance to it. They walked there in the direction Wang Honghe said that night, but they started from the cemetery and walked around all night. , a dozen or so people, abruptly failed to find out where the so-called restaurant was.

It was like this for several days in a row.

In the end, after thinking about it, he could only infer that the identity of the members of the special operations team might carry a trace of divine punishment aura.

Those ghosts knew how powerful they were, so they hid tightly early and refused to come out.

To slay demons and eliminate demons, one must find out where the real master is. This kind of ghosts who do not know where to hide are very rare in the past.

You can't even find a restaurant here, let alone a demon that spreads sorcery, and there is nowhere to look for it.

Even if everyone has the right way, they can only stare blankly.

Zhang Hao thought about it and found nothing, so he had to find Wei Yuan.

Only a few major incidents happened before the boundary of Quanshi. The female Taoist priest who granted the five thunders by the Tianshi Mansion has to be suppressed here to prevent other changes. She is not an official, does not enter the system, and still has enough strength Yes, although Quanshi is big, there is only Wei Yuan alone at the moment.

There is really no way to do it, I can only ask you, the guard.

Our manpower is in the village. We will naturally deal with the matter after you find the target, Master Wei.

Zhang Hao spoke sincerely.

And Wei Yuan just needs to get rid of these demons, ghosts and ghosts, so as to improve his strength and deal with the tiger.

Immediately pondered for a while, and agreed.


The village where Wang Honghe lives is not at all close to the urban area.

Because of this, it was very poor at the beginning, and most young people couldn't bear it. They went out to work, and there were only some old people left in the village. Later, a big boss took a fancy to the place far away from the prosperity of the city, and it was regarded as having mountains and rivers, so he developed it. It became a big rural recuperation center, employing people from the village to work.

As long as the people in the village are not lazy, they will gradually become rich.

Sitting in the large van with the group tour, Wei Yuan looked like an ordinary person, quietly looking at the scenery outside. There was a couple among the people traveling with him, a silent man who looked to be in his thirties and had a successful career.

There is also a girl who is thin and wears glasses with big eye sockets.

Exuding a homey smell, he lowered his head and tapped on the keyboard along the way.

But Wei Yuan's perception has surpassed that of ordinary people, and he can feel that this homely and harmless girl is often looking in his direction.

And the driver of the car has already been replaced. Although he has not joined the special operations team, he has some means and knows the existence of the operation team. Therefore, Wei Yuan carried a golf practice bag with weapons on his back and easily landed on the ground. He got out of the car, and the hidden firearms were not searched.


Wei Yuan closed his eyes and meditated along the way, he was also a little uncertain when he came here.

If the special operations team is abnormal because it is the police, it can be detected by ghosts.

He still has the Crouching Tiger badge on his body, which might be easier to spot.

Now the farms in the village have stopped operating, and 70% of the tourists in the village are members of the special operations team. After the arrival of this vehicle, the movement of the tourists on the vehicle will also be protected and restricted, no activities will be allowed, and they will be sent off on another day go back.

Since the ghost already knew that the members of the special operations team had arrived, it simply didn't cover it up.

At that time, Wei Yuan will be a tourist whose movement is restricted.

When going out secretly, 'accidentally' 'broke into' the ghost's nest.

Ordinary ghosts cannot escape the investigation of monks with Taoism, but it will be different when ghosts are in ghost domains. In ancient and modern legends, there are many ghost domains hiding in unexpected places, which may be a pair of ghosts. Ancient paintings may be just a speck of dust, isolated from the ordinary world, and even Taoist priests with cultivation bases often only notice something strange after they have attained Taoism. Everyone suspects that the restaurant Wang Honghe was talking about is also a ghost town.

This time it was still Wei Yuan, and the special operations team was outside.

The method of combining the inside and the outside broke the ghost domain.

The couple in front were lightly joking, Wei Yuan rubbed his brows, closed his eyes and concentrated.

The middle-aged man in a suit lowered his head and pressed his forehead against the seat in front of him.

Wearing a large-size sweater and wearing big-frame glasses, the cute and homely-looking girl was typing on the keyboard, but looked at Wei Yuan, paused for a moment on Wei Yuan's golf contact bag on the side, and then looked away .

The bus drove slowly out of the city and then out of the suburbs.

An asphalt road goes forward alone, with large expanses of open fields on both sides. The almost unchanged scenery is boring. The couple who just had a fight are also quiet, and only the sound of the car starting can be heard.


There was a thunderous sound in the sky.

It frightened a few people, their scalps went numb.

The girl in the couple screamed and shrank into her boyfriend's arms.

Then the rainwater fell down, and for a moment, the earthy smell mixed with water vapor rushed to the nose. From a distance, the heavy rain almost turned into fog, covering the field of vision. The current driver has changed, it is not the original The experienced bus driver can only say that he has passed this road, but he cannot be said to be familiar with it. It is very difficult to walk in the rain.

Fortunately, there was a bus stop sign passing by in the middle, and several village locals waved to stop the bus.

This car was a bit bigger than a normal van, and everyone was crowded, so the villager who stopped the car got on the car and asked where he was going. , That is to say, only those who are familiar with the road can find the direction and not go astray.

I don't know how far I walked in the rain, and I finally saw the outline of the village vaguely.

There is a stone archway in front of the village with the name of the village written on it.

This heavy rain that fell from God's face is finally showing signs of stopping slowly.

The village as a whole has the architectural style of a very remote and ancient village, but there are also modern buildings, restaurants, accommodation, and specialty shops in the middle. It seems that a pedestrian street with a modern style has been built in an ancient village. The simplicity and prosperity are skillfully combined. Together, there is a charm that is not found elsewhere.

It is roughly the same as the photo, but it is more than one level better than expected.

I didn't expect there to be such a good place around Quanshi. I didn't know it before.

I should have come to check in before I knew it.

The girl in the couple looked at the village shrouded in light rain, her eyes gleaming, she picked up her mobile phone and clicked to take a picture, and took a few selfies with her boyfriend, Wei Yuan walked away with a weapon on his back I got out of the van, looked at the village, and glanced around.

No familiar members of the special operations team were found.

Wei Yuan turned on the phone.

no signal.


Zhao Yi leaned against the wooden archway at the gate of the village, frowning and looking at the dusty road ahead.

Still not here.

Zhang Xiaoyu just went up the mountain. Because of worry and previous injuries, Xuan Yi is currently recuperating on Weimingzong Mountain. He is responsible for picking up Wei Yuan who arrived at the village at four o'clock this afternoon, and another person here, but they are all gone now. For half an hour, no one was seen.

He called his colleague in charge of driving, but couldn't get through.

Feeling uneasy, compared to the quiet Xuan Yi, Zhao Yi's temper is much more direct, he simply drove directly along the road to Quanshi, almost never letting go of the accelerator all the way, on that straight road, he suddenly felt something was wrong, Hit the brakes hard.


The car came to a solid stop.

Zhao Yi got off the car and looked at the road ahead.

There hasn't been a single rain in Quanshi recently.

The road is full of dust, and cars will leave ruts when they run over the road. Now on the asphalt road, a rut suddenly broke. There are only car marks coming, and no going back.

It was as if the car had simply disappeared.

Zhao Yi dialed the encrypted phone in Wei Yuan's hand again.

This thing is used for the internal communication of the special operations group. People in the technology group said that as long as it is still on the blue star, it can be connected in remote places.

Hi, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.

PS: Thank you for the rewards of the holy elegy, thank you~

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