Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 42: Walking

At night, bonfires were lit in the camp.

Except for the soldiers on patrol, the other soldiers in Redwood Town gathered around the fire, took out their cards and chessboards, and began to play.

In this era when entertainment resources are extremely scarce, these simple entertainment activities brought by Rhodes from another world have added a lot of color to many people's originally gray lives.

Rhodes, who just brought these things, did not play games himself. When he was in Redwood Town, he occasionally played a few games with Raymond and Kress to develop the slightly lower intelligence level of the two brothers. But after entering the wilderness, Rhodes couldn't touch these fun things.

On the contrary, many of the caravan guards were taught these games by the soldiers in Redwood Town. They have lost several months of their salary playing cards these days, and they still enjoy it.

Rhodes strictly prohibited gambling activities in his army, but playing with outsiders was not within the scope of this prohibition. Sometimes, if you want some people to unite, you have to divide other people into enemies.

Raymond and Kress were the most severely affected by Rhodes. Although Raymond was quite addicted, he would not play unless Rhodes played. At this moment in the tent, Raymond was holding the goblin Abby in both hands. His legs were constantly soaked in a vat of scalding hot water, causing it to howl miserably.

"Master... grumble grunt grumble... I have really said everything I know. I really don't have anything to do with the Silent Hills area... grunt grumble." Before he could finish speaking, Abby was once again Raymond was put into the water.

At this moment, outside the tent, two fat ogres were trembling, trying to rush in to save the wailing father, but the aura of the two-headed ogres was inside the tent again, coming from instinct. The suppression made them dare not act rashly.

"Forget it. Since you really can't ask anything, Raymond, just clean it and let it go."

"Okay, just take a look."


Raymond, who was born as a hunter, was not afraid of getting dirty, but he was very aggressive when scrubbing, and Abby screamed like a pig being killed.

When Big Fat and Er Fat finally couldn't bear it any longer, they tore open the tent and rushed in. What they saw was that their father Abby had been stuffed into a clean cotton coat, although he looked angry. It looked like it wasn't breathing in, but it was obviously not dead yet.

At the same time, a circle of spearmen quickly surrounded the two ogres, and those bright and sharp weapons were pointed steadily at their fatal points.

"The time is about forty-six minutes. Is this the limit of their endurance?"

"It's not bad. It's much higher than I expected." Looking at the white stone hourglass from Alos, Rhodes roughly calculated the time.

Then he stepped forward and personally held the back of Abby's neck, threw it to Big Fatty and Fatty, and then asked his men to drive them away without harming them.

"Sir, why do you spend so much thought on them? There are only two ogres and one goblin. Just kill them to avoid wasting so much food." Raymond said next to Rhodes. In this era, Human beings have no favorable impressions of goblins, ogres, or even most alien life forms.

Humans eat them, and they also eat humans. It is a survival competition in which they hunt each other. The two ogres, who had all their weapons confiscated, were not beyond the range of the current Redwood Town soldiers.

"Killing them will only save some food, but if we can control them and equip them with suitable equipment, how many fewer brothers can these two ogres save us from killing in the future?"

"I am mainly worried that it is difficult to control. Once I equip them with equipment, they will go crazy..."

"So I want to test the extent of my suppression of them and the ability of the goblin to control them. Now I have almost calculated it. If the life of the goblin is firmly in our hands, we will not be afraid of the two ogres. It will be easy to lose control. Besides, we are constantly getting stronger."

"Sir, I understand."

"Where's Kress?" After the topic ended, Rhodes asked casually with a glance.

"At this time, I should be delivering dinner to Mr. Fatis who is on night duty."

Stone Ridge is also known as the Silent Hills, and Crow Canyon is also known as the Mountain Fortress. These are temporary place names given to them by the pioneers of the trade route. The wilderness has not yet ushered in its true master.

As the caravan passed through here, not only the soldiers at the bottom, but also almost all the leaders and their cronies became alert and nervous.

Even Kress specially cooked a refreshing soup tonight and sent it to Mr. Fatis. This is a treatment he does not usually have.

"Miss Kress, thank you for the soup." Following the words of Knight Fatis, the Haydam light infantry around him also thanked him one after another.

Although the little girl with freckles in front of her, whose front is as flat as her back, is nothing in itself, her brother is the leader of the lord's guard, and she herself is the lord's personal maid. Therefore, although the soldiers of Redwood Town cannot be said to be fawning, they are still. But he won't be slowed down.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. It's so cold for everyone to have some soup to refresh themselves..." While speaking with a smile like this, Kress's ears suddenly moved subconsciously. She suddenly turned around and looked at Dead forest in the distance.

Cress had been taught by Fatis during this period. He knew clearly that this little girl had a wild blood in her body, and her intuition was even sharper than his own.

Therefore, seeing Cress's instinctive reaction, Fatis took out the heavy crossbow without thinking and shot an arrow.


Although there was such an echo, something seemed to fly away quickly in the dark night, like a huge bat.

"Did it miss?"

Everyone ran over and found the crossbow arrow, but did not find the creature or anything else that was shot.

"No, it hit, but it didn't bleed." Fatis squatted down and picked up the arrow, looking at the slightly deformed arrowhead, his eyes solemn.

That night, this slightly deformed crossbow arrow appeared in front of several leaders of the caravan.

"Didn't it hit the stone?" Yalos asked with a frown, holding the crossbow arrow.

"It's definitely not. I believe that Fatis would not have remembered the direction of his shooting incorrectly. Even if he missed in that direction, he would only have hit the dead wood. There were no arrow marks around the dead wood. In other words, Fatis shot the monster, but it was not injured." Rhodes believed in Fatis's personal qualities, so he asserted.

"Black, with night vision and flying ability, a bit like a bat..."

However, with only this level of clues, no one could guess what kind of monster it was. The next morning, the caravan continued its journey. It was impossible for everyone to be scared away by this level of unknown fog.

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