Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 41 Silent Hills

In the early morning, there is the wilderness on the northern border of the Styak Empire.

The camp is surrounded by white snow. After the heavy snow fell all night last night, today's wilderness, all the scenery is wrapped in silvery white and looks particularly beautiful.

The young noble opened his leather tent and walked out. The bonfire in the camp was no longer so strong after burning all night, but the red light still provided a certain warmth to the surrounding soldiers. Except for a small number of soldiers patrolling and keeping vigil, the large army of Redwood Town The soldiers are still immersed in sweet dreams.

After taking out a wooden washbasin and boiling a few piles of ice and snow into warm water, and washing his face, Rhodes felt that his whole body became energetic. He first poured himself a bowl of hot soup that was simmering on the iron stove in the tent. After a while, I went to the dry forest not far away to clean up the accumulated waste overnight.

Be very careful during this process, otherwise you will step on other people's "legacy".

During the whole process, a loaded heavy crossbow was always in Rhode's hand. After he walked out of the dead forest, he returned to the camp, breathed the fresh air for a while, and then began to exercise: support on the ground, squats, and push-ups.

After completing their studies, people who have worked for several years will find that in fact, the knowledge learned in the minds of most ordinary people is quite limited, and is often not enough to support them to change their destiny. Or a person’s physical fitness and willpower.

And early morning exercise can exercise both at the same time.

Adequate exercise in the morning can ensure a person's condition throughout the day. After completing a round of exercise, Rhodes patrolled around with a crossbow and greeted the patrolling soldiers around him. In most cases, he couldn't check anything, but he had to consciously cultivate good habits for himself, and at the same time, he also gave The soldiers under your command develop good habits.

Although everything in the last world has just passed not long ago, when Rhodes thinks about it now, he still feels like it was a lifetime ago.

But in that glorious world with great development and abundance of materials and information, many of the principles that were memorized in my mind at that time are now being integrated into my body little by little under the pressure of life and death in this world, allowing me to become a better person. More determined, stronger.

As time went by, when everyone in the camping camp got up, it meant that a new day's journey adventure was about to begin. Kress opened his eyes drowsily and found that the master had already gotten up earlier than him. Suddenly, Feeling a little frustrated and regretful.

However, this is normal. Girls of her age are prone to snoozing because their bodies are still growing.

Breakfast was jerky, mushrooms and a little cheese. While eating, Rhodes clicked on his system panel and the store option to see if any new products had been updated. After this period of accumulation, he I have accumulated 1802 dinars in my hands, most of which were gained from selling trophies from the battle with the goblin tribe. The system store sometimes refreshes some goods whose prices seriously do not match the value of the items:

For example, a dozen pieces of high-quality iron ingots only cost a few tens of dinars, or a large bucket of salted fish only costs a few dinars. If you buy it at this time, you will make money. It is also a system store, and sometimes it is the same. The price of goods will increase by about ten times.

For example, for weapons and equipment, a normal scimitar costs at least a few hundred dinars, but a chipped or rusty scimitar, the price in the system store plummets to more than a hundred dinars. , purchased, good quality and low price, one knife has some chips and rust, will it affect its use? It doesn't have much impact, and the latter might even be considered a natural quenching of poison.

However, today, while Rhodes was eating breakfast and browsing the updated system store, he accidentally found a book in a corner: "The Incomplete Rodok Crossbow Training Manual".

This book records the training methods of the crossbowmen of the Rodok Kingdom and the manufacturing techniques of the Rodok heavy crossbows, but it lacks the manufacturing methods of the Rodok repeating crossbows. Using this book can replace the original troop upgrade system, but it cannot promote Rodok's ultimate troop.

Rhodok Tribe, Rhodok Crossbowman, Rhodok Skilled Crossbowman, Rhodok Veteran Crossbowman, Rhodok Marksman, Rhodok Fortress Sniper (missing).

This training manual was written by an exiled Rhodok military noble, but for some unknown reason, he did not record the last secrets of his motherland in a book. Even so, this training manual is still of great value.

Price: 5040 dinars.

"It's a good thing. Although it's a bit expensive, it's really a good thing." In the style of horse-and-chopping warfare, the heavy crossbow of the Kingdom of Rodek is world-famous. The main ace of the Kingdom of Rodek is said to be able to Frontal shooting, collapse, heavy cavalry charge, such a training manual appeared in the system store, and it only cost 5040 dinars. It was absolutely worth it, but Rhodes couldn't afford it.

Unless, in a short period of time, there is another big battle comparable to fighting the goblin tribe, then there are still some opportunities.

"Lord Hart, are you up? My master has invited you to go and tell the story."

At this moment, the voice of the female knight Riel came from outside the tent. Rhodes swallowed the food in his hand with a mouthful of broth, then stood up and responded.

"I understand, Knight Riel, please wait a moment, I will be there soon."

"Sir, why would Lord Alos come to see you so early?" Kress had not finished breakfast yet, but she put down the soup bowl and helped Rhodes put on his robe before asking.

"It should be that the caravan is about to arrive at Stone Ridge. All the intelligence shows that there are monsters there. At this time, I will also call everyone for a meeting to warn everyone to be more vigilant. Master Yalos is not looking for us. These things I will do the same."

The situation was indeed as Rhodes imagined, but Yalos was more open and honest than he imagined.

"Before we entered, the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce had organized manpower and tried to open up business routes several times. Of course, the scale at that time was far from as large as this time."

"Blackwater Swamp, Centaur Forest, and Crow Canyon. In fact, the previous businessmen have risked their lives, sent generous gifts, and communicated with each other. However, only this stone ridge is said to be infested by monsters, and communication is impossible at all. But at the same time, this is the only road that large caravans can pass. We have no other choice but to force our way through. "

In the tent, in addition to Steward Alos and the female knight Riel, there were also Rhodes who came with Fatis and Raymond, and Gunnather who came with one of his close subordinates.

"Sir, do you know what the monsters are in that place?" Gunnather asked. As a senior mercenary, he was cautious enough.

"I don't know. The exploring merchants arranged by the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce either found nothing or disappeared completely, so until now we still don't know what the monster hidden there is."

"A monster that can make a small group of people disappear may not dare to attack a large caravan of nearly two hundred people. Maybe we will not encounter anything." Raymond said this, which seemed a bit too optimistic, but this is indeed a high probability. Condition.

Although the wilderness is a place of magical violence, and many magical creatures from ancient times still live here, it is rare for even magical creatures to be able to defeat two hundred warriors head-on, unless they are Beamon, giant dragons, or high-level vampires. , Abyss Demons, these legendary creatures.

But since it is a legendary creature, it is not so easy to encounter it.

Gunnather and Rhodes are both cautious by nature, but no matter how cautious they are, now that they are subordinates, they have to bite the bullet when faced with danger. Otherwise, Alos may be more dangerous than those legendary creatures.

As time passed day after day, Rhodes still insisted on rotating training with the soldiers. Of course, the soldiers rotated, and he kept practicing.

Until, we really came close to arriving near Stone Ridge.

This hilly area is obviously completely different from the pure white snow scene around it. There is no snow on the entire hilly area, and the rocks are pitch black, naturally spreading a strange feeling to the outside world.

This time, Alos did not send scouts or other scouts into the Stone Ridge. Instead, he took the lead and led a large force in.

Because she knew very well in her heart that the scouts and investigators of the caravan were not as good as the elites sent by the Chamber of Commerce before. Therefore, instead of filling people in with no gain, it would be better to just press everyone up. Try Raymond's guess.

If the monster hiding here was afraid of crowds, maybe nothing would happen. On the contrary, even the giant dragon should not be able to easily destroy this caravan of nearly two hundred people.

It was quite difficult to move forward in heavy snow, so as soon as the caravan soldiers entered the hilly area, their first reaction was that they were quite happy. After all, they no longer had to crawl through the snow. However, the expressions of the leaders became serious.

"Lord Rhodes, I feel that this hill seems to be exuding a kind of... power!" Fatis came to Rhodes and said this. His favorability for Rhodes has risen to over ninety. Because of his character, he is willing to trust Rhodes in a life-and-death friendship.

However, "Soul Salvation 5/5" is stuck here. As far as Fatis is concerned, no matter how good his personal relationship is, he can die for you, but this is not enough for him to devote his loyalty to you.

Therefore, in the last life, Fatis was also known as the most deceptive hero. Once he appeared in a tavern or accidentally wandered into the territory, almost no player could resist recruiting him. At the beginning, this guy's favorability was low. It keeps rising, but even if the favorability level breaks through 90 in the end, this is enough favorability for most famous generals and heroes to be loyal to. But as long as you fail to find his way to redemption, all the early investment will be in vain. I will still go if I have to.

So much so that for a while, everyone felt that Fatis was just a hero that assisted the development of novice players. It seemed that he could be recruited, but in fact he couldn't be recruited.

As for Rhodes, unless it was the stand-alone version or the online version in his previous life, he had never recruited Fatis, so he didn't know what Fatis's "salvation" was.

However, during this period, Fatis will fully serve the lord. During this period, there is no difference between him and the heroes who truly belong to the lord.

"It should be a kind of magic radiation. It is said that many high-level wizards will spread magic power in their bodies, so that they must live alone in high towers, otherwise mortals within a certain range will die due to too strong magic erosion."

"The snow here melts as soon as it falls. There may be some powerful magic creature sleeping under the hills, or a magic mine. Of course, there may be other reasons." The Holy Light Qi in Rhodes' body is the Holy Light in Fatis' body. He could feel the source of Qi, and of course Rhodes could, too.

Although the holy light energy does not have the property effects of burning by the fire fighting energy and freezing by the ice fighting energy, its effect is to shield and suppress these effects, which is the so-called anti-magic. Therefore, it is relatively sensitive to the energy emitted by the hills in front of it.

After entering the Stone Ridge, Rhodes, Fatis, Raymond, Cress, Gunnars and several of his confidants became nervous. At the same time, the caravan shortened its rest time and tried to speed up. The soldiers below also gradually felt the tension, and the atmosphere of the entire caravan became a little dull and depressing.

However, the hilly area of ​​Stone Ridge is quite large, and the mountain road is difficult to travel. Even if you speed up, it is difficult to cross it within a day. It was safe all day during the day, but when the night around gradually thickened, it became more and more dangerous to travel on the mountain road at night.

"Stop and camp. After all, we can't get out of here overnight. Arrange more patrol guards at night to strengthen defense, and it may not happen."

Riding to the front of the caravan, Rhodes suggested to Yalos.

At this moment, Arlos's face was very ugly. Rhode noticed this and asked directly:

"Lord Arlos, did you find anything?"

"No, it's just... it's just that this place makes me feel very uncomfortable. It seems that I naturally hate and reject this place."

No matter how much they hate and reject it, the caravan can't move forward. After a while, Gunnarsor also came over and suggested that Arlos start camping.

Seeing that Rhode and Gunnarsor, who always confronted each other, now made the same judgment, Arlos knew that he couldn't make his own decision anymore. Finally, he ordered everyone to start camping. However, as Rhode said, the number of daily patrols arranged was more than doubled than usual.

Looking at the strange rocks in the dark night, Rhode frowned slightly and sighed softly: "I hope everything will be safe today. I don't want to know what kind of monster is hidden in Stone Ridge."

"Sir, don't worry. How can there be any wild monster that dares to attack such a large caravan like ours?" Raymond, who followed Rhode, was quite optimistic. Because he was an ordinary mortal, he didn't have much perception of the abnormality of the surrounding environment.

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