In any case, the entire journey to the Silent Hills is only a little over two days. As long as it is not a direct and devastating danger, if you grit your teeth, you can survive it.

This is what everyone at the top of the caravan thinks. In fact, even Rhodes thinks so too.

"Judging from the information provided by Fatis and Kress, the monster hidden here is not a super-large creature. In other words, it is not a giant dragon or a Behemoth. As long as it is not these creatures, magical creatures If so, there are still some restrictions in this era.”

"And the environment here doesn't seem to be suitable for high-level vampires or demons." Looking around, the thoughts in his mind changed like this.

Except for what happened last night, the caravan's entire day trip was safe and smooth. In the past, they would encounter some miscellaneous intelligent creatures and beasts, but today they encountered none, which is rare since the trip. Relaxed and carefree.


Just as Rhode's thoughts flashed across his mind, a huge shaking sound was heard not far away.

His expression changed, and he quickly rushed over with Raymond beside him: But when a food truck reached the edge of the mountain road, the hillside collapsed, and the entire food truck tilted and fell.

At this moment, the soldiers in Redwood Town are stepping up their efforts. However, the two packhorses pulling the cart were injured.

"Stop picking it up. We don't want any of the things in this car. Let's take the lightly injured horse away, cut off the rope of the severely injured horse and let it stay here."

Seeing that the seriously injured horse had already broken a leg, Rhodes gave the order directly. At the same time, Raymond urged other Redwood Town soldiers to follow the team and not to disrupt the formation because of snatching property.

Raymond's method of managing the army was simple and crude. He simply rode over and whipped him with a whip. Normally Rhodes would stop him from doing this, but he didn't at this time.

The pack horse with a broken leg was trying to stand up at this moment. It came to the side of the broken food cart and began to eat the meat. Horses are omnivores. Keeping them here is just a cart. The thing is enough for it to survive until it recovers from its injuries, provided that it can survive here for a long time.

"Rhode, you did a good job this time. You gave the order very decisively. Finally, you are not willing to take any losses like before." After a while, Alos came to Rhodes and said with a smile.

She really liked the young man in front of her. Of course, it was the kind of love a superior person would have for an outstanding young general. Rhodes' talent in cultivating fighting spirit and his talent in command made Yaros pay attention to him.

Although he was a little greedy because he came from a declining family, Yaros still believed that Rodhart was a rare talent.

As for Rhodes' rejection, she didn't mind very much.

"As long as you are still a pioneer lord in the north, you can only surrender to me in the end. As my outstanding subject, live or die, there is no third way for you to choose." Because he regards it as his own, Yaros has no choice for Luo. Every bit of growth in virtue naturally brings joy to the heart.

As for Gunnather, the best he can do is take advantage of it now.

Because of her bloodline, Alos has a very long lifespan, and only very young talents among human generals are valued by her. Those who are too old will die within a few years. Unless they are really outstanding, they have no value in cultivating them.


Rhodes did not respond to Alos' words. He looked around, still feeling vaguely uneasy, but he couldn't explain where the uneasiness came from.

As time went by, the caravan moved forward and gradually reached the hilly valley. As long as it continued to move forward, it could leave this dangerous area before nightfall.

Therefore, all the senior officials ordered everyone not to waste their energy and speed up. After leaving this hilly area, they could camp outside and rest properly.

"Master, what do you think that is?"

Kress suddenly pointed at the mountain wall beside her. Rhodes looked along her direction and saw something vaguely buried in the mountain wall.

Rhodes rode over. He used the scabbard in his hand to break apart some of the earth and rocks, and then found an iron man with a strange texture inside the mountain wall.


Rhodes gently hit the brass-colored iron man with the scabbard and found nothing unusual. But the further the caravan entered the valley, the number of half-stone bronze and iron figures on the left and right sides of the mountain wall increased.

They wore ancient armor and held two swords. They were generally khaki in color. They watched the caravan passing by with expressionless faces. Even if they were touched by people out of curiosity, they did not react at all.

Riding on his horse, Rhodes observed the bronze and iron statues for a moment. Suddenly, his expression showed a change similar to fear, and then he quickly called Fatis and Raymond to his side.

"Tell the people in our team to stay away from these iron men."

"What's wrong, sir, what did you find?" Fatis asked with a frown.

"It's nothing, I just think the configuration of these iron men is too rich, so rich that it makes me wonder...if they were living people before."

The terracotta warriors and horses in Rhode's previous life also had thousands of faces. But that was based on a great empire, and in this extraordinary world, compared to the technological achievements of a great country, Rhodes was more suspicious of reasons such as dark magic and "mass petrification".

Rhodes had a very high degree of control over his army. As the order was issued, all Redwood Town soldiers consciously stayed away from the human figures on the walls of the valley. This reaction was completely different from that of the caravan guards and slave traders.

Because she was about to walk out of the valley safely, Yalos was in a good mood. Although she noticed the actions of the Redwood Town soldiers, she instinctively felt that Rodhart was too cautious.

Although this is an excellent quality as a military general, as a man, this seems a bit timid and boring, which is a negative point.

"This should be the creation of a certain ancient dynasty's civilization. Rui'er, look at the armor on their bodies." Because of his bloodline and temperament, Yalos has a very high ability to appreciate art. When she was talking about ancient times with great interest, In the civilized art style, right in front of her, a bronze and iron figure suddenly moved, and then cut off the head of a caravan guard in front of her with a knife, letting the hot blood spray and soak into its body.

Boom, boom.

The entire valley faintly shook, and then, the bronze and iron statues from all directions came to life, and they directly killed the caravan guards and slave traders who came close to them out of curiosity, causing the sound of miserable screams to fill the air. The whole valley.

"Let me tell you, in ancient times, who would study such complicated and cumbersome crafts as thousands of people and thousands of faces if there was magic, and how convenient it would be to directly petrify all the slaves."

"The spearmen stood guard with the truck as the center, the light infantry cooperated, and the shooters climbed on the roof of the vehicle to shoot in a circle."

This change is so sudden that it is completely beyond imagination for people who have not experienced magic in this world for thousands of years.

Rhodes was able to react because he had experienced the bombardment of information storms in the previous life. His ability to associate the same thing was far beyond that of people in this era.

Rhodes, Fatis, Raymond, and the still dizzy Yalos and the female knight Ruier joined their own defensive formation. At this moment, except for the Redwood Town warriors who quickly received the order and held on with their shields, they also put up their shields. Apart from being relatively stable, both the caravan guards and the slave traders were in chaos.

Fortunately for the slave traders, they wore chain-link armor and were skilled in martial arts. They violently swung the heavy metal military hammers in their hands, and could even smash the heads of these bronze and iron statues. On the contrary, the blunt knives in the hands of the bronze and iron statues were difficult to harm. them.

But caravan guards are in a worse situation. For these people, fighting is a part-time job, and they are rarely equipped with expensive and heavy iron armor. A blunt knife is also a knife. If you cut them, they will still see blood. If you cut them hard, blood and flesh will fly everywhere.

This is the first time since entering the wilderness that the caravan guard has suffered such a serious blow and suffered heavy casualties. Seeing this, Yaros suddenly became angry. This kind of thing is just to persuade others, but it falls on him. It’s hard to bear.

Rhodes noticed that Alos's palm, which was wearing a blue-green ring, could not help but open slightly. However, Rhodes thought of something, and he quickly ordered to the general beside him:

"Fatis, take the Haidam light infantry to quickly support the caravan guard. If the caravan guard suffers heavy losses, it will be difficult for us to travel the rest of the way."

This is indeed the case. Although the soldiers in Redwood Town are hard-working and highly disciplined, they are all farmers after all. Most of the affairs of the caravan need to be handled by the people of the caravan.

Hearing Rhodes's order, Alos's expression softened slightly, and a hint of gratitude flashed in his eyes. However, Alos knew how much this guy in front of him cherished the soldiers. It was really not easy for him to issue such an order. .

"These iron statues can defend the strong and attack the weak. They cannot be pierced by spears or killed by arrows. Most of the pressure for the coming battle will still be on Gunnather. Please give strict orders to Lord Yalos."

"This is of course. Next, Gunnather and his men will be handed over to Rhodes to command. I am indeed not as good as you in terms of military command." Yaros was able to say such words, bringing the two of them together. The personal guard Rui'er nearby was stunned when she heard this. She couldn't believe that her always proud master would actually say such soft words.

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