Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 34 Prisoner Management, Void Kingdom

Before making the decision to assassinate the pioneer lord Rodhart, Gunnather never thought that he would eventually face such an embarrassing situation.

After realizing that the nobleman of Moon City, whom he had managed to climb up to, was quite fond of the young pioneer lord, although he knew rationally that he should restrain himself, the presence of Rhodes still made Gunnather feel painful. It is almost natural for some people to be jealous of talents and suppress talented young people.

Therefore, he slightly revised the battle plan based on the current battle situation, changing the original frontal charge into a bypass charge.

According to Gunnather's calculation, Rhodes would suffer some hardships as a result, and it would also cause some discord between him and the nobleman. However, the second half of the battle was completely messed up.

First, in order to protect his archer unit, Rodhart actually took a risk and personally led two of his men to contain the main force of the goblins. Then he accidentally fell off his horse and was in danger.

If Rodhart died, that would be a good thing. As far as Gunnather was concerned, it would be a direct end to the matter.

On the northern border, it is common for one or two pioneer lords to die. With Mr. Jaros's relationship, this guy's death will not cause even a splash.

However, after Rhodes was in danger, his men, those villagers who obviously had not been trained for long, rushed to the rescue one after another like crazy.

This scene confused Gunnather and his men. They had never seen a noble lord with such high prestige, nor had they seen such a loyal and brave militia.

The soldiers of Redwood Town are willing to fight for Rhodes, partly because of the so-called "Divine Blessing Ceremony", but also because of the training that Rhodes eats and lives with them, leading them to run Redwood Town better. Well, let their parents, wives and children live a better life... These mud-legged people really have no knowledge, but when they meet a real lord who is good to them, they are willing to sacrifice for this lord. Life-threatening.

The essence of power is to make people around you believe that you can lead them to live a better life.

Therefore, when the wandering knight Fatis reorganized his army, a militiaman saw Rhodes falling from his horse and was in danger. He screamed out. The exhausted militiamen around him silently picked up their weapons again, and even mixed with each other. He was dragged and dragged towards the battlefield again.

Even with Fatis's tactical command, he could hardly control the situation. He could only make adjustments as the soldiers marched, trying to control the charging formation as much as possible.

In a real wolf pack, when marching, the strong male wolf leads the way at the front of the group, the women, children, old and weak are in the middle of the group, the strong female wolf and ordinary male wolves are at the back of the group, and when facing danger, the most dangerous place is Who takes the lead?

It's a wolf.

Rhodes did all of these, and thus he gained a strong army composed of mud-legged people but full of fanatical fighting spirit. They were not only fighting for a noble lord, but also fighting for their own future.

On the snow, many spearmen threw down their shields, roared and raised their long iron spears. Then they formed a formation and pushed straight towards the violent goblins in front of them with a tragic, almost overwhelming power. .

The momentum is like a mountain! Spears come out like a forest! Advance through the mountains and forests, and those who are in charge will be invincible!

In order to save their lord, the soldiers of Redwood Town put down all defenses, and fought one after another. With such a desperate force, they directly killed the violent goblin who used the medicine to confuse his mind. One side relied on the medicine, and the other side used his brain. I am sober but I just want to trade death with you.

Then, the goblins completely collapsed. Even if they didn't collapse, they would be completely killed by such a fighting force.

At this time, Gunnather led his cavalry to a suitable location for charging. By the time his twenty heavy armored cavalry rushed down the snowy slope, the main force of the goblins had already exploded first.

The goblins whose minds were devoured by fear were in a state of collapse at 360 degrees, so even the cavalry troops could not hope to gain any more gains in this situation.

In other words, this battle was fought entirely by the Redwood Town militia and Rodhart, and had nothing to do with Gunnather. Gunnather and his men ended up spinning around in vain, without the slightest trace of it. No results were obtained.

In a military operation, this is a sign of incompetence.

He rushed down with his warrior cavalry, and ended up cleaning up the battlefield. Gunnather was a little embarrassed riding on his chainmail horse. He rode towards Rhodes and wanted to say at least one or two words. However, at this moment, there was a row of corpses in front of Rhodes. He was seriously injured. The young Kress was held in his arms, and the Holy Light Qi and fighting energy was transported into his body to relieve pain and heal his injuries.

The surrounding soldiers, led by Fatis, blocked Gunnather.

[This is a brilliant victory, the morale of the troops is +18. You gained 354 dinars, valuable loot]

[The current command morale is 89, and there are soldiers who can be upgraded. 】

[Because you broke through your own limits in this battle, you truly felt extraordinary power for the first time. Strength +1, agility +1, system skill prisoner management +1, comprehension completed. Currently, the number of prisoners in the team is 5/5. 】

[Salvation of the Soul 2/5, has been triggered. Please choose whether to accept it in the task log. 】

Eighty human soldiers who had not been trained for a long time faced off against two hundred wilderness races. They defeated their opponents without suffering any major losses and won the final victory.

Even the system admitted that this was a brilliant victory. In fact, it was all a trick. If Rhodes' Holy Light Qi and fighting spirit had not exploded, the two ogres in the goblin team had not surrendered. It was just these two crazy people. If you want to kill the ogres, the militiamen of Redwood Town will suffer a lot, not to mention that they are directly captured. It is lucky to win this battle so easily.

However, at this moment, Rhodes was not very happy, because there were people lined up on the snow in front of him. Regardless of the injured, there were only twelve soldiers who died in this battle in Redwood Town.

Rhodes' heart was bleeding. If this were in his previous life, he would have forced his way out and fought this battle again. But now he has no way to make these people in front of him come alive again.

"This battle obviously doesn't require anyone to die. At least, it doesn't require so many people to die. Gunnather... How dare you f*ck me."

"I swore that I would kill you, and I will kill you!"

"Sir Rhodes, you have done a great job. This is a battlefield, and there are no immortals on the battlefield. They feel at ease and are honored to die fighting for you."

At this time, Fatis came to Rhodes and advised him like this. In this regard, Fatis's psychological quality is much stronger than Rhodes. Rhodes lived in a peaceful era in his last life. , a powerful country, even if it has lived for more than ninety years, it has not suffered any too painful life and death.

In the eyes of people of this era, my lord is worthy of being a noble, and he is so full of emotions. He fought such a big battle, only to have so many people die, and he still had to be sad for so long.

It’s not that they are indifferent, but that they have seen too much of this kind of thing in this era and have become numb. Moreover, rich and rich emotions require a lot of energy to support. For many civilians who cannot have enough to eat all year round, there is no such thing. Objective conditions produce too strong love and hate.

When Rhodes stood up from the snow slope with the unconscious little girl Kress in his arms, no one noticed that the ring on his left index finger flashed a strange light for a moment.

This highest masterpiece of the goblin technological civilization, its real name is: Void Divine Kingdom. It is the highest achievement of the goblin civilization to explore the mysteries of God through scientific and technological civilization. It is also one of the direct reasons why the gods in the heavens can no longer bear to wage war against the goblins. one.

Of course, this kind of thing really has little to do with the current Rhodes. At this moment, all Rhodes is thinking about is how to kill Gunnather.

Near night, inside the military tent in the snow. All the leaders of the caravan gathered here: Yaros, Gunnather, and Rhodes.

Alos's personal guard Rui'er was sent out to make tea. At this moment, there were only three people in the tent.

Of course, there is only one person who can really make decisions here, and that is Alos. At this moment, this noble young man with a noble temperament is holding his arms in his arms, gently pressing his eyebrows with his fingers, listening to Gunnather's efforts to quibble... Oh , is explaining.

"I originally wanted to follow the original plan and attack the enemy head-on to assist Lord Rhodes, but I found that there were two armed ogres among the goblins. Because they were too far away at the time, I did not realize that this was I was worried that if we charged forward according to the original plan, the heavy cavalry would suffer losses, and it would even affect Lord Alos's plan to open a new trade route, so I chose to go back and let the Rhodes brothers bear more of the responsibility. took some pressure off.”

"Brother Rhodes, I can't help you this time. I will pay for all your soldiers who died in battle."

As the leader of the slave traders, Gunnather, he was a person who worked his way up from the bottom of the dirty society. Unreasonable sophistry, thick skin and evil heart are the most basic qualities and skills for him. Soldiers in these days have pensions. Gold, how much can the country’s regular army have? Not to mention the soldiers in Redwood Town are militia standards.

Gunnather wanted to completely resolve this matter in front of Jaros at this moment, and as long as Jaros would no longer pursue it, Rhodes? Gunnather didn't really care.

At his age and status among slave traders, who doesn't have a few enemies? Just a pioneering lord who is still in the initial stage of development. Who is afraid of whom? Even if there is some potential, one day the whole town will suddenly disappear.

"So, how much pension is Mr. Gunnather prepared to pay me?"

After staring at Gunnather in front of him expressionlessly for a moment, Rhodes suddenly smiled and asked like this, seemingly not caring too much and intending to solve the matter with money.

However, because of Rhode's weird demeanor before, Gunnather, who was a little stunned by him, was stunned when he heard this. Then he thought for a moment and said: "How about two... four hundred gold coins, the extra ones , I’ll give you a shock, brother.”

The death pension for the regular army of the empire is only ten gold coins. Although military families enjoy certain preferential policies in other aspects, the price given by Gunnather is still reasonable, at least in his opinion, it is very reasonable.

"Okay, four hundred gold coins will be four hundred." Rhode nodded in agreement without even paying back the price.

But at this moment, Mr. Yalos, who had been standing aside and had not spoken a word, suddenly spoke: "Don't give me the four hundred gold coins."

Hearing this, Rhodes and Gunnarsor were both stunned, and both turned their eyes to the person in front of them, both with doubts.

"Rhodes, before the war, you rented a batch of chain armor from Gunnarsor, right? I'll take charge of this matter, and you don't have to return the 20 sets of armor. I also have a certain responsibility for what happened today."


Gunnarsor wanted to speak at this time. The armor was much more expensive than 400 gold coins. Even if the depreciation was included, it was at least one or two times the price difference. Gunnarsor didn't want to pay such a price.

However, at this moment, Arlos had made up his mind. Gunnarsor was about to speak when Arlos glanced at him, and he couldn't say anything immediately.

"Okay, Gunasser, go out first and reflect on yourself. If something like this happens again, I will never give you another chance to make up for your mistakes." At this moment, a terrible majesty spread from this blond, blue-eyed nobleman. It was a majesty that was definitely not what a businessman should have. Showing such a gesture in front of Rhode without any hesitation also meant a certain signal.

Gunasser, who was cunning and treacherous, was really scared at this moment. He bowed his head and said yes, not daring to say another word, and then left the tent.

"Rodhart, I know you will never let this go easily. But, at least before the purpose of my trip is achieved, I will never allow you to use any means..."

"You are still young, and there are still infinite possibilities in the future. Don't do irrational things because of a momentary anger."

"...Manager Arlos, I can agree to your request. But after this happens, I also require that my team and I have the power to choose battles and make independent decisions from now on. In other words, if there is such a large-scale battle in the future, your people will not go up, and my people will never go up again. Your lives are lives, and my men are also lives!"

Rhode's reply was very meaningful.

He called Arlos "Manager" instead of "Sir". In other words, Rhode only needs to reach this level of communication with the other party.

As for not seeing the identity, that is impossible. Although they did not explain it after arriving at the wilderness, Arlos and Rui'er had not concealed it much. With Rhode's ability level, it is impossible for him not to see it.

But he just "can't see" it now, which is equivalent to rejecting the olive branch offered by Arlos on another level: I don't want to board the ship of your faction.

This connotation has been expressed very clearly.

When Rui'er made tea and walked into the tent with hot tea, he saw Rhodes coming out. Then, when Rui'er walked into the tent, he saw his master, who was always calm, arrogant and dignified, sweeping the cup off the table with a bang.

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