Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 33: The Ogre's Surrender, Blood of Fear

At the beginning of the battle between the two sides, the situation was actually temporarily stable.

Although the Charles hunters are not good at close combat, they are not without long legs and cannot run. Even under the restraint of three of their own knights headed by Rhodes, twenty Redwood Town shooters turned around and ran for a while, then turned and shot for a while. , turn around and run for a while, turn around and shoot for a while, use the professional vocabulary of Rhodes's previous life to describe it, this is called:

Go A, an extremely exquisite and rare advanced shooting skill. If you can master it skillfully, you can use it to humiliate all stupid and clumsy combat units.

Seeing this, Rhodes, who was guarding Raymond and Kress, relaxed slightly.

Even Jaros and his personal guard Riel in the distance were amazed by the resilience and courage of the Redwood Town shooter.

After all, from their perspective, the distance between these two combat units can be said to be extremely close.

Shooting at an opponent only a dozen steps away is extremely effective, but it also tests the archer's psychological quality. This is a very dangerous distance, and there is almost no barrier between the two sides.

"Master, that Gunnather dares not to act according to your instructions. What should we do with him after the war?" Riel relaxed a little at this time and asked her master Yalos.

She knew that her master had always pursued perfection to the extreme, and was strict with himself and others. Therefore, acting like the slave trader leader Gunnather was undoubtedly very taboo.

However, this time, what Rui'er waited for was not his master's usual decision without hesitation. On the contrary, after waiting for a moment, she heard her master sigh softly:

"I thought this trip would be relatively easy, but I didn't expect to encounter something like this. Rui'er, as my guardian knight, you should have your own territory and retainers in the future. Then you will know how troublesome and troublesome it is to deal with the relationship between these ministers. "

"In one matter, if you reward one minister, it will arouse the dissatisfaction of other ministers. In another matter, if you make a decision, it will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of another part of the ministers. No one can balance multiple parties at all. That’s right, being able to unite some people is already great.”

At this moment, Yalos felt something. He could sense that the reason why Gunnather was in this situation was probably because he was keenly aware of how much he valued Rhodes.

According to his normal temperament, Gunnather must be dealt with severely if something like this happens. However, this time it is different. This time traveling through the wilderness is too important for him and the forces behind him. , even far more important than Ruier, far more important than Gunnather imagined.

Gunnather and his slave-catching cavalry team are an important guarantee for the completion of his mission. Compared with this mission, my personal likes and dislikes need to be temporarily restrained.

"But we can't completely ignore him, otherwise it will chill Lord Rodhart's heart and make Gunnather become more and more disobedient."

Just when Steward Alos was thinking and worrying, the battle situation ahead suddenly changed unexpectedly. Due to the height and running speed of humans, coupled with the efforts of the three knights to contain them, Abby's main force was always under attack but delayed. Unable to catch up with the enemy, he suffered a lot of losses from the opponent's attacks, which made Abby completely angry.

It first shrank down and hid in the ogre's backpack. When it emerged again, the goblin had two large bottles of glassware filled with pink and white powder in its hands, and then threw them around.

Under the influence of these strange medicinal powders scattered everywhere, the goblins who were already cowering due to constant battle casualties quickly had their eyes turn blood red, and even their bodies swelled faintly, and the speed of their crazy pursuit suddenly increased significantly.

This change of move was beyond everyone's expectations, so that Rhodes, Raymond, and Kress, who had been fighting the goblins at a controlled distance, fell into a crisis.

Fortunately for Raymond and Kress, they both use long-range attack tactics, so they stay at a relatively safe distance. Rhodes uses a kite-shaped shield with a long sword because he has been practicing swordsmanship, so there is no Equip ranged weapons.

Enhanced by the violent powder, the running speed of the goblins and the power of throwing stones increased dramatically. Although Rhodes noticed something was wrong and immediately yanked the reins of the horse, turned the horse's head and fled away, but at this time an unexpected thing happened.

A naturally sharp stone cone pierced into the horse's front leg with a loud bang. This caused the traveling horse Rhodes was riding to stumble due to the severe pain, flipping forward and falling down suddenly. .

If Rhodes was riding a horse with a fast start, or a war horse with strong explosive power, this kind of thing would not happen. However, Rhodes is poor, let alone auxiliary combat equipment such as vests. They are reluctant to buy any horses, which leads to the crisis at this moment.


Cursing secretly, Rhodes pushed the horse hard, causing it to fall and roll onto the snow beside him without being hit by the horse.

When he quickly stood up again, the violent goblins with dark red eyes in front of him were already approaching. At this moment, the sky was filled with flying rocks. If he dared to turn around and run away, there was a high chance that he would be hit by flying rocks like just now. The key points on the back of the head are knocked down directly.


Rhodes quickly raised his shield to protect his body while retreating back.

At this moment, he could no longer care about other people. The injured travel horse in front of him was directly pounced on and eaten alive by a large group of violent goblins.

The hot blood soaked the snow. It was still alive until it was completely torn apart. These goblins didn't even want to waste time killing it and directly shared it.


Rhode roared like a beast, shocking the goblins in front of him with his own violent spirit, inspiring his own fighting spirit, the kite-shaped wooden shield in his left hand, and the sword of power in his right hand. These were the only things he could rely on to survive at this moment.

"Damn it, damn it."

"Being forced to this point by a group of goblins, if I trust those pig teammates again in the future, I will..."

Pounced forward, Rhode stabbed a violent goblin to death with a sword. Because of the height and strength difference between the two sides, the sword in Rhode's hand pierced into the goblin's body, and he could even swing it around and throw it out.

However, the speed and frequency of the violent goblins attacking from all directions did not slow down at all.

At this moment, under the crazy secretion of adrenaline in the body, even time slowed down. Although he knew rationally that not much time had passed, it felt as if a long time had passed.

Bang bang bang bang, snap, in the process of blocking, the kite-shaped wooden shield in Rhodes' hand shattered, and his body was also attacked by many wounds from the flying stone knives.

However, at this moment, Rhodes heard the sound of horses neighing, and the next moment, the violent goblins attacking from both sides were knocked down by long swords and javelins.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Sir, no one can hurt you before Raymond dies."


"Although I am very touched, the actual situation is that I have been seriously injured now. What's the point of you two rushing in at this time? Ahem..." Although he said so, when Rhode, Raymond, and Cress stood back to back with weapons to protect each other, the goblins that were madly killing from all sides were still chopped down one after another.

The most powerful among the three was Cress. At this moment, she had activated her talent and specialty, the violent state, and all her personal combat attributes were doubled. However, she was the one that Rhode was most worried about. Energy is conserved. How could a little girl who has not yet touched the extraordinary get such power?

The violent specialty actually burned her vitality.

Therefore, Rhodes and Raymond, who were far superior to her in both physical fitness and martial arts, were not as efficient in killing as she was, because any martial arts was based on self-preservation first, protecting oneself first and then killing the enemy, but Kress prioritized killing the enemy as the first goal... But even so, even if Kress had risked his life, when two huge shadows came over, despair still weighed on everyone's heart:

Ogre, fully armed, this is a wilderness monster that can kill a human cavalry team.

"Defeat humans, goblins eat meat!"

Accompanied by slogans full of down-to-earth and simple style, Abby controlled her two ogre sons to kill.

However, when approaching the strange human with black hair and dark red eyes, Abby clearly felt that her two ogre sons showed obvious resistance and retreat.

"Are you hungry again? Yes, Big Fatty and Second Fatty haven't eaten for more than an hour (ten minutes)."

So Abby changed his slogan: "Defeat humans, Fatty eat meat!"

Because they heard their names and because of the constant urging of their father on their backs, the two blue fat boys looked at each other and finally walked towards and attacked... Raymond and Cress.

Abby didn't understand why her two fat sons wanted to go over the sword-wielding human in the lead, but it didn't matter. As long as they killed the two subordinates of the sword-wielding human first, they could kill him next.

But at this time, on the snow in the distance, a man, a horse and a horse took the lead, followed by nearly 60 Redwood Town warriors. The Redwood Town archers who were one step faster than them were relatively close.

Seeing that their lord and captain were surrounded by goblins because of protecting themselves and others, these archers looked at each other, threw their bows, and rushed up with melee weapons such as self-defense daggers and short axes. However, the fighting power of the violent goblins was much higher than expected, which made them unable to break through for a while, and several of them were knocked down instead.

After all, the physical strength of these archers had been consumed a lot in the previous battle.



As more and more Redwood Town warriors gathered around, and as the Redwood Town archers who rushed to protect him fell one after another, Rhodes, whose injuries were getting more and more serious, seemed to have hallucinations in his ears. At the same time, he did not notice at this moment that the simple and pure black iron ring on his left index finger gradually emitted an extremely gorgeous dark golden glow under the stain of a large amount of blood.


This voice was no longer a layered hallucination, but the cry of the little girl Cress beside him.

At this moment, Cress's violent state subsided, and she was grabbed by an ogre. Even if the violent personal combat attribute was doubled, the absolute power gap between the two sides was still astonishingly large.

As if he could feel the pressure from all around him getting tighter and tighter, and as if he was about to die, Cress instinctively called out "Master" again.

It was this sound that suddenly awakened Rhode from his somewhat illusory state.

All around, the holy light that had been spreading out and blessing the bodies of each of the Redwood Town warriors around him suddenly withdrew at this moment, making all the Redwood Town warriors feel a little weak. Of course, no one could notice this at this time.

"Put her down!"

Following the feeling in his body, he raised his long sword and chopped it down vertically. At that moment, Rhode's body flashed with an illusory pure white light, which finally condensed on the ancient cross sword/the incomplete sword of power, forming a faint platinum sword light.


Accompanied by an extremely beastly roar, the platinum sword light slashed down and swept past. The ogre's arm that was holding Cress's raised arm was actually broken by the sword in an instant, and large amounts of dirty blood sprayed out like a rainstorm.

At this moment, Arlos, who had been watching the battle coldly from a distance, couldn't help but curse in a low voice. He touched his forehead with his hand and felt a splitting headache.

"Asshole. I really don't know whether I am lucky or unlucky. I actually found such a talented human warrior in such a remote and poor place."

This is how the world is. There are not so many choices that have the best of both worlds. If you agree with one, you will offend the other. If you don't help either side and don't deal with it, you may offend both sides. This is a taboo for a superior.

Originally, Alos had decided to help Gunnarsor suppress Rodhart. Although he also looked down on Gunnarsor's approach, he had to deal with it in special circumstances. He now needed Gunnarsor's loyal loyalty. Compared with Gunnarsor's elite heavy cavalry, ordinary nobles would not even have the hesitation and entanglement of Alos.

However, with Rhode's heavy sword slashing at this moment, the personal guard Rui'er beside Alos was shocked. Alos also stroked his forehead with his hand, and felt a splitting headache: choose between the capable subordinates now and the genius hero/military leader in the future.

On the other side, after Rhode cut off one arm with a sword, the ogre with the broken arm did not continue to attack Rhode, who was surrounded and protected by the charr spearmen rushing around. Instead, he followed his brother and knelt down, wailing with his fat head against the ground.

No matter how their fathers on their backs jumped and scolded, the two blue fat men with tears refused to stand up again. From the perspective of the ogres, the two-meter-tall blue fat men were still children who had not yet reached adulthood. From their perspective, the black-haired and black-eyed human in front of them had the terrible aura of the superior... the two-headed ogre king.

At the same time, with the charr spearmen and the Haidam militia rushing forward almost regardless of life and death, the armed goblins finally exposed their true nature after the potion power gradually faded, and began to collapse completely.

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