Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 32: The Training of the Wise Knight (Please collect, recommend, and vote!)

In the glacier snow valley, on the battlefield, the red blood soaked the pure white ice and snow, and the warriors on both sides were shouting, fighting, and fighting!

Blood and life, strength and skills, cold and heat, life and death, at this moment, all climbed to the most intense peak of life. War is the concentration of everything, which is true.

Both sides of the war have their own advantages. Although the Atlan Chamber of Commerce caravan has an absolute military advantage, most of its forces will not intervene in the battlefield, because this battle is a stage for the warriors of Redwood Town to show their qualifications.

Just like a lion will not walk with a hyena, and an eagle will not be with a bird, if the strength of the Redwood Town army is too weak, then no matter how low their posture is, they will be abandoned.

Because the time to gain power through the "God's Blessing Ceremony" is too short and relatively quick, the soldiers of Redwood Town still have a simple inferiority belonging to farmers.

During this period of time, the soldiers of Redwood Town almost worked as porters of the caravan, and they did not have the arrogance of arrogant soldiers.

The caravan guards, hired crossbowmen, and even slave traders dared to assign them to make fun of them, because the status of both sides was unequal.

However, after this battle, all these past events will become nothingness. Those powerful slave traders are fine, at least the caravan guards and hired crossbowmen will no longer have the courage to despise the warriors of Redwood Town.

Forty second-level soldiers, the Shar spearmen, through strict training and firm discipline, formed a shield and spear formation, lined up in a row and firmly resisted the frontal charge of more than a hundred wilderness races. They were strong and tough, and then twenty Haidam militiamen jumped out, took advantage of the situation to kill the enemy with the cooperation of arms, and suppressed more than a hundred wilderness race coalition forces with a disadvantageous number of sixty people.

If the battlefield was limited to this at this time, then the sixty people would have already won the game, and the only problem left was the loss of their own side after the final victory. Without the intervention of other factors, victory would be inevitable.

Seeing that those honest young guys had such powerful combat power, the guards and crossbowmen in the caravan looked at each other and swallowed their saliva secretly:

Because in their estimation, if they really clashed with them, they might not be enough for them to kill.

It's like a dog slapping a fly on a lion's head. If you don't know how powerful the other party is, it's fine. If you know and notice it, you will be afraid.

Forty charr spearmen restrained the light cavalry charge of the caravan guards, and the iron-clad broad shields in their hands also restrained the hired crossbowmen. They may be inferior in personal combat power, but the military discipline of the redwood town warriors is obviously much higher than them.

At this time, on the battlefield, the archer troops who had ambushed on one side in the early stage suddenly appeared and attacked with a rain of arrows, which directly accelerated the defeat of the wilderness coalition and reduced their continuous combat losses.

Under such circumstances, the evil goblin Abby was finally willing to send out the main force of his own army.

Although it controls a coalition force, it is not assured of the loyalty of this coalition force. After all, whether it is ratmen, fishmen, dog-headed men, lizardmen or even the goblins' close relatives, bear goblins, they will use goblins as rations when they are hungry.

Therefore, in previous wars, Abby also frequently sent out multi-ethnic coalition forces as pioneers, and never allowed their main body to exceed its main goblin force.

This kind of calculation can definitely be called a kind of wisdom. Unfortunately, this is also the main reason for its disastrous defeat in this battle.

When the multi-ethnic coalition collapsed, Abby commanded his main goblin force to move and attack Rhodes' archer force. The main goblin forces surrounding Abby usually ate well, and their simple weapons were relatively complete. After being ruled by Abby for many years, they actually had some discipline.

In particular, in the core center of the main force of the goblins, there stood two two-meter-tall strong ogres. Once these two ogres, whose bodies were tied with solid bark and stone as armor, charged, the other goblins only needed to follow behind as a cover.

Although the goblins were known for their cowardice and lack of courage, they could fight a one-sided battle. After all, they were a race that could survive on the continent for a long time.

Because they sensed their own danger, the archer troops, under the command of two Shire Wild Hunters, began to change the direction of attack. They no longer continued to attack the multi-race coalition that had already fallen into defeat, but instead shot a large number of arrows at Abby's main force of goblins.

Compared with the goblins, of course, the two tall and strong ogres attracted more attention. It was just that the dense rain of arrows kept attacking them, making a snapping sound, and they were pierced like hedgehogs in a short time, but they could not hinder their pace of advancement at all - the absolute power gap was too large, and they could not break the defense at all. Instead, those scattered and inaccurate arrows killed many armed goblins around.

"After all, the Charr Hunter is only a second-level soldier. It is too difficult to use it to deal with the gifted ogres." At this time, Rhode had already led Fatis, Raymond, and Kress to the front line.

The man borrowed the horse's power, so the attack and destructive power increased dramatically.

Rhode rode alone, holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, and performed the Fiery Sword Style. He made four or five creatures of the wilderness race fall down with one charge. Of course, this was more because they were basically not wearing armor and Rhode did not go to find the bear goblins.

In contrast to Rhode, who pursued killing efficiency and used the sword of strength to increase his own morale and accelerate the collapse of the enemy's morale, Fatis controlled his lance and charged and stabbed the remaining bear goblins. He was skilled in spearmanship and horsemanship. The physical load of a knight charging and stabbing with a lance was not small, but Fatis could perform it continuously in a short period of time, showing the strong comprehensive strength of a veteran knight.

Raymond held a triangular shield that could cover most of his body in his left hand and a single sword in his right hand. He was riding on horseback and slashing left and right. His performance was normal and there was nothing to say. He was equipped with four weapons at the same time: shield, sword, bow, and arrow.

Raymond was a professional advancement of the fourth-level archer system, so it was normal for him to perform mediocrely in cavalry warfare. In fact, if he was not an elite template, it would be difficult for ordinary soldiers to practice riding skills to his level in such a short time.

As for Cress, she held a triangular shield in her left hand, and a thick broad shield behind her for protection. She held a heavy javelin in her hand, a bag on her back, and another bag tied to the neck of her packhorse. Rhode's request to her was that she only needed to throw all twelve heavy javelin in this battle while protecting her own safety.

Before the battle, Cress was not convinced when she heard Rhode's request. She knew that she had a talent for fighting. In her first battle, she killed nearly ten wilderness bandits alone. Of course, she wanted to get more expectations on the battlefield.

However, Rhode told her:

"An excellent warrior can kill four or five enemies in a battle, which is already very good. Although you are given two bags of twelve javelin, you can kill six wilderness bandits, which is already very powerful."

With a rather unconvinced mind, Cress went to the battlefield for the first time in a real sense and fought alone, although Rhode, Fatis, and Raymond protected her in the middle and were not too far away.


A spear was thrown, but it didn't hit. Another spear was thrown, but it missed.

"Damn it."

The orange-haired girl Kress gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself down. Then she steadied her horse and threw a spear, hitting a goblin, but it pierced one of its legs and nailed it to the snow, failing to kill it.

When Kress wanted to go over and throw another spear at the opponent, a flying stone came from nowhere and hit Kress's head with a bang. Although he was protected by a leather helmet and did not bleed, Kress felt the difficulty of a warrior on the chaotic battlefield at this moment.

"This is not as easy as when I cut their necks while they are sleeping... Awake enemies will struggle, resist, and attack secretly. We may not even be their opponents in a frontal battle."

It was just a flying stone, but Kress, who has a strong fighting talent, instinctively began to reflect and summarize.

Although she thought it was easier to take advantage of the enemy's sleep and then cut their necks, Cress could feel that Master Rhodes wanted her to be a female knight, not a killer hiding in the dark.

"Since that's what the master wants, that's what I want to achieve." With this in mind, Cress's fighting talent gradually showed up on the battlefield. She began to become more fierce and more cautious. She was not particularly eye-catching on the battlefield, but she could also appear and complete a fatal blow when necessary.

[Experience +6]

[Growth hero Cress can be upgraded. ]

With a sword swing, a fishman's head flew high, and the slightly cool blood splashed on Rhodes' cheek. At this time, two rows of text appeared in the lower left corner of Rhodes's field of vision.

Therefore, Rhodes gradually slowed down his horse's speed and temporarily avoided the chaotic rout. He quickly opened Cress's attribute panel and directly put one of her attribute points on the intelligence attribute, but put the skill point on the throwing skill, and the weapon proficiency point on the throwing proficiency.

The whole process was very quick. It was obvious that Rhode had been considering the direction of Cress's training for more than a day or two.

"As expected of a growing hero, Cress, a natural killer, she can easily take the lives of others. Ordinary people would have fear, guilt and other emotions, but she doesn't have them at all."

"But what I want is not a perverted lunatic trapped in darkness, blood, and killing, but a wise and intelligent female knight who can help me manage the entire territory and is loyal to me."

Cress is only fifteen years old this year. Although in this world, this is an age where she can get married and even have children, Rhode will teach her to read, learn military affairs, economics, politics and even literature. He will take her to see the wider world outside, and her life has just begun.

Although no one trained Cress to a high level of intellectual knight in the previous life, Rhode did not think that he could not do it. After all, no matter how much he invested in the previous life, it was just a game. This life is the most real world for him.

The moment Rhode completed the enhancement through the panel, Cress felt a warm current spreading through his body. At the same time, he felt his mind become clearer. The javelin in his hand, which was a little unfamiliar at first, became much more familiar in an instant. Even the damage of the thrown javelin seemed to be significantly enhanced.

Throwing skill (personal +2), each point increases the throwing damage by 10%.

Throwing proficiency: 48+10, Kress himself has also trained hard.

At this time, with the ambush shooting of the archer troops and the four Rhodes cavalry rushing into the battlefield, the multi-racial coalition in the wilderness had completely collapsed. However, at this same time, Abby's main force of goblins was already very close to the Redwood Town archer troops. .

The archer unit's long-range damage is very high, but close combat is a tragedy. A wise commander will never allow this to happen if he has a choice. Especially the number of the main goblin troops is nearly five times that of the archer unit. They There are also two heavily armored ogres as trump cards.

Therefore, as soon as the distance between the two sides narrowed, the morale of the Redwood Town shooters was significantly shaken. No matter how disciplined and hard-trained the soldiers were, it was difficult for the soldiers to be fearless of life and death, even in Rhodes' world. , and he only knew of one army that had done it.

"What's going on? Yalos promised me heavy cavalry support, why hasn't it shown up yet?" Seeing that the situation in front of him was becoming more and more critical, but the heavy cavalry support troops in the tactical arrangement had not yet appeared, Rhodes frowned, Scan the battlefield.

Our own forty Shire spearmen and twenty Haidam militia troops have joined forces and have won a brilliant victory. At this time, they are constantly chasing and expanding the results.

But if they are not allowed to reorganize their formation at this time and directly engage in fighting against the main force of the goblins, they may cause serious losses.

After all, the biggest reliance of low- and mid-level troops is discipline and formation. A densely arranged formation of shields and spears and a scattered formation of shields and spears are not the same combat power at all.

"No, they must be given some time to rest."

"Fatis, you stay and reorganize the army. Raymond and Kress come with me to contain and disrupt the enemy."

In the end, Rhodes gritted his teeth and chose to take Raymond and Kress to support the shooter troops first, while Fatis stayed behind to command and reorganize the troops and rejoin the battlefield as soon as possible.

Although Fatis's personal combat power is higher than that of Raymond and Kress combined, Raymond and Kress have an archer and a spear thrower, and Fatis can charge and get trapped in the goblins. Maybe they won't be able to get out, but Raymond and Kress won't. Rhodes can lead them to fight guerrillas and contain their opponents.

What's more, Fatis's commanding ability and experience are not comparable to those of the two brothers. With his command, large troops can enter the battlefield faster.

At the same time, on the other side of the snow valley.

At this moment, the high-level slave-catching cavalry that should have been deployed on the frontal battlefield are now bypassing the battlefield and heading to the position behind the goblins.

These high-level slave-catching cavalry, whose entire body is wrapped in chain-iron armor, including their horses and their own bodies, are of course led by their leader Gunnartha.

At this moment, looking at the bloody battlefield on the hillside of the Snow Valley, a crimson man next to Gunnasse couldn't help but ask: "Sir, does it really matter if we do this? Does it count? Will Mr. Jaros be unhappy about this delay?"

"Hmph, how can a plan made in advance be compared with the actual situation that happened in reality? It is obvious that a surprise attack from the rear is more advantageous, so what reason do we have to launch a charge from the front?"

According to the original agreement reached by Rhodes, Alos and Gunnather before entering the Snow Valley, this twenty-man heavy cavalry unit of the Slave Capture Team should appear on the battlefield at this moment, charging head-on to the main goblin army and blocking the Redwood Town. Before the shooter unit, the shooter unit in Redwood Town will also provide long-range support to the cavalry unit.

However, after the war actually started, looking at the changes in the situation on the battlefield, the leader of the slave traders, Gunathur, regretted it. He decided to lead his troops around and then launch a charge from the rear of the main goblin army on the snowy slope.

This choice is undoubtedly more beneficial to himself and his men. Joining the battlefield later and changing from frontal charge to rear charge has greater advantages and less danger, but such a temporary change in combat layout His behavior can be said to have deceived Rhodes of Redwood Town, and the shooter troops of Redwood Town fell into a crisis.

"Mr. Jaros will understand us. After all, we are the heavy cavalry under the nobleman, not those redwood town bumpkins."

"Hahaha, yes, that's right." Rough laughter came from the slave traders' team, but they didn't know what they would pay for today's laughter.

Rhodes is a person who always insists on retribution. He is almost known as the "old harm" in his community, because he knows very well that if a person is hurt by others, but the inflicter is not made to pay the price, then this kind of harm will have a negative impact on the inflictor. Say, it becomes costless.

On the battlefield, due to the guerrilla movements of Rhodes, Raymond, and Kress, the goblin troops were delayed and could never catch up with the shooters in Redwood Town.

"Beat humans, goblins eat meat!" In the ogre's backpack, Abby tried her best to wave the scimitar in her hand to boost her own morale.

From the perspective of the evil goblin Abby, the army in front of him is already the last guardian of the human caravan. As long as they are defeated, he can enjoy the many precious materials transported by this human caravan, and even use it to make himself forces become more powerful.

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