Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 35: Arms Skills, Wilderness Intelligence

When Rhodes walked out of Arlos's tent, although the previous conversation made both of them angry and a bit unhappy.

However, Rhodes's hands, which were originally empty, had an extra tube of green and crystal reagent when he walked out. This was thrown to him by the arrogant nobleman before he walked out of the tent.

In this era, colorless glass is extremely expensive, and the potion contained in such expensive alchemical items is of course a good thing.

"This is holy water blessed by the priest. Give it to your warriors to mix with water and take it. It can effectively recover from injuries and prevent the disease from entering the body."

Recalling what Arlos had just said in his mind, Rhodes believed it. At this moment, he raised the reagent in his hand and put it in front of his eyes and whispered:

"Although this nobleman is still a little immature, he has a temperament. If I am not me, it might be a good choice to surrender and be loyal to him."

In the previous life, Mount and Blade used virtual reality technology to become a holographic image game, and with the improvement of the host innovation technology level, many NPCs are becoming more and more anthropomorphic.

So a group of LSP players began to take an unconventional path. They did not become lords properly, but focused on charm in all attributes, and then flirted with lonely noble ladies, young widows, played with their feelings, and even cheated them of their money.

There were successes and failures, good endings and bad endings. The good endings brought rich lolita home, and the bad endings left only the largest pieces of corpses as big as fingernails when they died, which were chopped into pieces!

Among them, there was a player with the game ID "0 faint smile 0", who made a lot of money by focusing on charm and sweet talk. After a few years, he had a castle and a heavy cavalry team. He was a dominant player among the Mount and Blade players at that time, and was regarded as an idol by many charm players.

But later, time management was not done well, and the harem mistresses ran into each other, and then the Shura Field bloodbath occurred, and several years of hard work went to waste.

The castle was gone, and the army was gone. However, in this extreme situation, he was able to escape unscathed, and was not hunted down by those angry male NPCs and deleted. He was indeed a perseverant and persistent person. In fact, Rhodes felt that with this means and perseverance, he could also succeed in doing something else.

There is also a player with the ID "Gao Wei 2333", who likes both lolita and young women. He spent several years pursuing a rich lolita, and later succeeded. A few months later, his father-in-law died "accidentally" on the battlefield. This player took over his father-in-law's castle army, daughter and wife at the same time: Later, a tough guy investigated and found out that this guy was a criminal policeman, and his planning ability, execution ability, patience and knowledge were far beyond the level of ordinary players.

However, because this "Gao Wei 2333" was devoted enough and his mind was meticulous, he never failed. He was always a first-line player in Mount and Blade War Wind, stirring up the situation in the server and being extremely strong.

However, players who take the charm route have more failures and fewer successes, more failures and fewer stable ones, because the core of this route is always to take advantage of the situation, but in many cases, the more you take advantage of the situation, the easier it is to be swallowed by the general trend.

In his previous life, Rhode had always been a leader of the intelligent and charming players. Although he developed slowly in the early stage, he was steady. In this life, he certainly would not easily join the faction of any great noble.

Because Rhode knew very well that if he got involved, if he was not careful, he and his followers would be crushed to pieces by the vortex of power struggle.

Although twelve Redwood militiamen died in the battle, not many people were disabled due to injuries. To be precise, none of them were disabled. This was due to the characteristics of the violent goblins. When facing these dwarfs who were only about half a person's height, the Redwood militiamen were not easy to be disabled or fatal unless they were rushed by the other side and attacked to the vital parts.

After all, they were all human soldiers with protective gear and fully trained.

Among the twelve people who died in the battle, eight were archers from Redwood Town, two were first-level soldiers of the Haidam militia, and two were second-level soldiers of the Shar spearmen.

At night, when he was counting the numbers in his tent, the more he recorded, the more angry he became.

"Fuck!" Throwing his feather pen, Rhode stood up and walked back and forth in the tent, wishing he could take action right now and kill Gunnarsser. Originally, the casualties could be reduced to one or two people at most.

"I don't want to get involved, I don't want to get involved in these things. But I still couldn't avoid it completely, and I was still involved."


Take a breath and suppress your temper. Rhode knows very well that all his anger comes from his powerlessness at this moment, and the reason why Gunnarsser dared to do this is that he was sure that he couldn't do anything to him now.

Even Arlos wouldn't do anything to him. After all, it's too obvious to compare the nearly fifty heavily armored slave traders with the eighty Redwood Town militia. Even in terms of distance, Rhode and Redwood Town have no advantage.

Even if Rhodes was in Alos' position at this moment, he would not do anything to Gunnarsor. Not letting personal likes and dislikes affect one's rational judgment is a necessary quality for becoming a superior.

"If you rely on a mountain, it will collapse; if you rely on water, it will flow away. It is unrealistic to expect others to avenge you. If you want revenge, you have to rely on yourself." After counting the casualties under the light, Rhodes reached out and gently opened the system panel that only he could see.

There were some benefits to today's battle, because Gunnarsor did not participate in the battle, and all the kills were done by the soldiers of Redwood Town.

However, Rhodes would not think well of that guy because the combat level of his soldiers could be gradually improved, but they only had one life.

After this tragic battle, two of the remaining Shar spearmen could be promoted to the third level. Rhodes directly consumed dinars to promote these two people to senior Shar spearmen.

[Do you want to consume 64 dinars for military promotion? ]

[Yes. ]

At this moment, on the leeward stone slope outside the tent, two tired and sleeping Shar spearmen turned over with a murmur, and a rolling heat suddenly surged out of their bodies and spread, greatly improving their physical fitness and personal martial arts. The mental and physical fatigue brought by today's bloody battle quickly subsided.

The senior charr spearmen, a third-level soldier, are good at resisting cavalry or fighting large creatures. They have strong bodies, firm wills, and are familiar with the skills of using shields and spears. They are elite soldiers who can be trusted on the battlefield.

Soldier skill 1: Hold on. When used, the defense power is improved for a certain period of time.

Soldier skill 2: Three consecutive thrusts. When used, the senior charr spearmen in the formation will thrust with shields and attack the opponent.

"Is the soldier skill available at level three? The charr militia should actually be considered a special soldier. My predecessor was really lucky. Unfortunately, he chose to give up before this army showed its potential."

In addition to the two charr spearmen, fourteen of the eighteen Haidam militiamen were promoted, and four of the remaining ten charr hunters were promoted. Of course, the former was promoted from a first-level soldier to a second-level soldier, and the latter was promoted from a second-level soldier to a third-level soldier.

However, the Charr Hunter was promoted to the Charr Wild Hunter. Although it was also a third-level soldier, it did not have its soldier skills activated. It might need to be promoted one or two levels later, or this soldier did not have any soldier skills at all. This situation was also very common, although they were all Charr.

Rhodes spent the whole night thinking about the post-war sorting and thinking about the future.

In the early morning of the next day, Kress, who was sleeping in the tent, woke up. Because of the pain in her body, the little girl moaned softly, which woke Rhodes from deep thought.

"Kress, are you awake?"

"Master... I'm hungry." Kress was a little confused at this moment, but because of her physical weakness, she still said this instinctively.

"It's good to be hungry, it's good to be hungry! Feeling hungry means that the body is still healthy." He went forward to help Kress up from his hammock, and there was no time to ask people outside to send food. Rhodes directly used the dinars that he usually saved to buy bread and honey from the system store. He mixed the honey with warm water and fed it to Kress little by little with the bread.

As the lord of Redwood Town, there is an iron stove in his tent, and hot water is always boiling on the stove.

"Master, you should eat too." He stood up and ate some. Seeing that Rhode was just feeding him, Cress pushed the food out with his backhand.

"Eat more. We are not short of food now. Cress, don't always turn on the violent state in the future. You are still growing up. Frequent overdrawing of your body potential will... not grow tall." Rhode originally wanted to say that it would affect his life span, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not auspicious so he changed his statement.

"Yeah." The little girl agreed very well, but when her master was in danger, she would still turn on the violent state without hesitation, even if the master would blame her for it afterwards.

Cress is thin and a little girl who has not developed much. Because of burning life and overdrawing potential, her face looks pale, and it is even uglier with freckles on her face. However, the more they get along, the more Rhode, who has been obsessed with beauty for many years, pities and loves this little girl.

If this wasn't a chaotic era, he would have allowed her to grow up more easily and comfortably. Unfortunately, in this era, not letting her learn to adapt to the hardships of training and fighting would reduce her chances of survival in the face of danger in the future. Without power, it is difficult to be happy in this era.

After letting Cress finish breakfast, Rhodes couldn't resist the little girl, so he ate some himself. Then he walked out of the tent, found the leader of the caravan guards in the camp, bought some healing herbs, and applied them to his soldiers.

Rhodes only used a quarter of the potion given by Arlos. With the healing herbs and Rhodes' healing skills, the soldiers' injuries had already recovered quickly. Those with relatively serious injuries had a carriage vacated and given to them to ride, so it did not affect the next journey. Without horses, ogres and bugbears were used to pull the carts. This scene amazed the caravan guards and said they had never seen such a docile ogre.

The blue fat ogre looks naive and even a little cute, but in fact they are one of the most bloodthirsty and brutal creatures. As long as they are still alive on the battlefield fighting against humans, no ogre will stop their horrific attacks. Their temperaments are extremely violent.

"It should be because they were raised by goblins."

Riding on the horse, Rhode whipped Abby on the back, startling the goblin who was pulling the cart. Big Fat and Second Fat quickly turned their heads to show their teeth, but when they saw Rhode's cold face, they quickly turned their heads back and pulled the cart more vigorously.

But one of them moved to the left and the other to the right, trying to block their father with their big butts.

The effect of the prisoner management skill is to improve the management and control of prisoners, reduce the possibility of prisoners escaping, and even increase the success rate of recruiting prisoners. However, recruiting prisoners will reduce the morale of one's own troops.

In the last battle, because of the surrender of the two ogres, Rhode passively activated the prisoner management skill, but he would not recruit the two ogres in a short time, although he received the system prompt that the two ogres applied to join the team on the same day. In the eyes of the ogres, Rhode is a more powerful two-headed ogre.

However, they just fought each other yesterday, and today they directly recruited. The soldiers of Redwood Town may not be able to turn around. It will be very damaging to their morale. At least they should be made slaves for a period of time to change the bad impression.

Gunnarsor, the leader of the slave traders, was shrewd and cunning. Seeing that Rhodes could enslave two ogres, although they were still young, he still felt uneasy.

But after yesterday's battle, Lord Arlos was already very dissatisfied with him, and now the soldiers of Redwood Town have formed a small group of their own. He can't intervene at all. In the end, he can only comfort himself that even if this little lord of Redwood Town really succeeded in enslaving two ogres, he is still not enough in front of his slave thugs. If he really fights to the end, he is still more likely to win. The little lord of Redwood Town will not go crazy easily.

In fact, Rhode did not intend to attack Gunnarsor for a while. Although it was better not to wait until the next day to take revenge, that meant that it would not harm one's own interests. Now the absolute combat power gap between the two armies was still relatively large. For Rhode and the Redwood Town warriors, this was not a good opportunity to take revenge.

Seeing that the big fat man and the second fat man who were trying to pull the cart had covered the little goblin tightly, Rhode "snapped" the whip, which frightened the three guys and then he said, "Abby, come here."

"Strong master, I'll come right here, and I'll come right here." Because of her background, Abby's common language was originally quite proficient, and her skills in the past two days were even more advanced by leaps and bounds.

It untied the rope and trotted all the way to Rhode's horse, nodding and bowing and trotting. This flattering posture made Rhode inexplicably think of those dog traitors in the previous life. He subconsciously raised the whip and almost raised his hand to whip it again.

"Huh. Tell me more about the distribution of forces in the wilderness." Rhode asked, closing his eyes and suppressing his urge to do so.

The two fat sons of the goblin were looking back from time to time. With the support of his two sons, Rhode did not dare to really kill it directly, otherwise the two ogres would go crazy at this time, which would be very troublesome.

Moreover, this goblin Abby knew more about the wilderness than anyone else. The more information he got from it, the more beneficial it would be for Rhode.

"Noble, strong and kind master, we goblins are not very interested in anything other than what to eat today, so I only know that if we continue to go north from here, we will pass through Blackwater Swamp, Stone Ridge, Centaur Forest and Crow Canyon. There are a lot of murlocs living in Blackwater Swamp, monsters are said to appear on Stone Ridge, and there are of course centaur tribes in Centaur Forest. The most dangerous is Crow Canyon. It is said that there is the most terrifying monster in the whole wasteland: 'Witch!'"

When he heard the word "witch", Rhode's hand holding the reins tightened slightly. He thought of the terrifying gnoll he defeated before and the witchcraft creations he obtained from it.

"The most powerful supernatural force in the Wilderness? For now, it's better to stay away if possible. The strategy level of this place is too high."

"However, in the hands of Arlos, there is only a very brief map of the wilderness. In this case, it is very difficult to avoid it subjectively."

Even if he is worth a lot of money and the power behind him is extremely powerful, humans currently have limited understanding of the Wilderness. The map in Arlos's hand is only purchased from merchants who have crossed the Wilderness once or twice. However, the situation of those merchants is different from the caravan at this time. They usually have three or five people or more than ten people at most. Such a small number of people crossing the Wilderness is of course very likely to be silent and pass through without alerting any local forces.

And now, if a large caravan of 200 people like the Atlan Chamber of Commerce can still pass through silently, it means that the local forces in the Wilderness have no control over their own sphere of influence.

"And, as Abby said, it's just a goblin, so the accuracy of its intelligence is questionable."

Thinking of this, Rhode on horseback grabbed Abby, who was running beside him with her tongue sticking out, by the scruff of the neck and lifted her up, then rode to the front of the caravan.

The two ogres pulling the cart were a little anxious when they saw this, but they didn't dare to act rashly for the time being because of Rhode's glare back at them. However, they still seemed very anxious and restless, and even the soldiers around them whipped them, it was difficult for them to calm down.

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