Master of Fist

Chapter 151: secret (middle)

However, according to the rumors, a grand master is only a stage in the journey of external skills, and there is a higher level to go up. However, these are just a fleeting moment for today, the previous dynasty has been destroyed, and the new dynasty will have new rules, but all martial arts fighters who are below the third rank and above will be strangled with all their strength!

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but said: "How dare this Great Yan Dynasty dare to offend so many warriors in the world?"

Hearing this, Fu Changsheng gave Jiang Heng a meaningful glance, and waved his hand to signal Jiang Heng to drink tea. Seeing this, Jiang Heng was in a heavy mood, but he still sipped the tea.

"Do you know the origin and origin of the Dayan royal family?" But Fu Changsheng suddenly changed the subject and said like this.

This made Jiang Heng startled, and frowned slightly: "I don't know what this has to do with killing all martial arts in the world?"

"Then do you know where the current family leader of the Great Yan family comes from?"

Fu Changsheng still asked this completely irrelevant question, Jiang Heng frowned and did not speak, just quietly waiting for the old man to answer.

"Ah! Hundreds of years have passed, who in this world knows? Years have made the world proud of the people of the Great Swallow, but they don't know that the emperor who sings praises for them is the tiger wolf, erasing history, and letting time dilute all traces.

Little did they know that the Dayan royal family and those aristocratic families were originally from the same family as the plateau people hundreds of years ago! Seeing them fighting and killing each other all these years, those who don't know think it's just the plateau people who are wolves? Little do they know that they are all the same raccoon dog! "

Fu Changsheng sighed deeply, and his expression of laughing all the time became extremely heavy.

"Oh, by the way, do you know where the plateau people come from?" Fu Changsheng asked again.

This time, Jiang Heng did not choose to keep his mouth shut, but said in an uncertain tone: "Enemy country?"

Although I already had a guess in my heart, I wanted to know the elder's answer even more.

"Well, yes, that's how the world's perception is!" Fu Changsheng didn't have much reaction to Jiang Heng's answer. He nodded slightly, but then said softly: "After all, that's what the imperial court told the world. That's all the world knows."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's heart sank, and the terrible conjecture that he had suspected for a long time came to his mind again, his hands holding the teacup trembled slightly, and he even didn't want to continue hearing the terrible truth.

"What do you think monsters are? Do you think monsters are vicious things?"

Regarding Fu Changsheng's question again, Jiang Heng just nodded heavily, he already guessed what the old man was going to say next.

"Haha!" Fu Changsheng looked up to the sky and laughed, his smile was very imageless, and he couldn't laugh or cry, and finally let out a long breath before he calmed down.

"It's ridiculous! It's extremely ridiculous!"

"If the monsters that the imperial court propagates are vicious, then they really are thieves yelling, stop thieves! Don't you think it's ridiculous?" Fu Changsheng didn't laugh now, he was crying with a mournful face, his voice already trembling.

"But don't you feel curious or angry when you hear the old man's outrageous remarks? It's the first time for those younger generations in my family to hear it, and some of them almost went to the government to bring the old man to justice!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't respond for a long time, Fu Changsheng stopped talking and said in surprise.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng barely managed to squeeze out a smile, and said with a wry smile: "Senior, if I said it, I actually had a little guess, I don't know if you believe it or not?"

"En." Fu Changsheng nodded, looked at Jiang Heng with some deep meaning, and sighed: "Indeed, no matter how well the imperial court seals it off, when the status and strength reach a certain level, what you come into contact with will naturally be different. But you You can be regarded as a person with a heart, not deceived by the appearance of the world, not bad! Not bad!"

Regarding Fu Changsheng's praise, Jiang Heng couldn't be happier.

"Hey, the reason why I told you this is because you can't turn back. You and I are grasshoppers on the same boat. Cooperation is inevitable!"

"Huh? How did senior Fu talk about this matter? It seems that the junior and senior have never met before, right?"

Jiang Heng was surprised, wondering why the old man in front of him talked like this.

"Hehe! Do you still think that you are so powerful that you can run wild in this prefecture?" Fu Changsheng said unhappily when he heard the words, and seeing Jiang Heng's puzzled face, he chuckled and said, "Didn't you come to Cangzhou a few days ago?" Are the two adults from Zhenyousi?"


Jiang Heng nodded. As for why the old man in front of him knew the secrets that only the insiders of the Zhenfu Department knew, he didn't need to think too much about it. It would be easy for the Canglang Gang to put some eyeliner in the Zhenfu Department.

"Hmph! You are already the meat on someone's chopping board, and you won't be jumping around for a few days!" Fu Changsheng chuckled lightly.

"Do you think the people in Yousi Town are good people who help you? But it's a pity, they eat different food from us, they eat human flesh and blood!"

Fu Changsheng's last few words were particularly emphatic, with a sneer on his face.

"In their eyes, martial artists in the world are the best blood food, and you are even more different. The almost extinct foreign martial arts fighters are even the best! Maybe they are the one who is greedy for you now! Now If you don’t eat you, it’s your luck, when they want to eat something good you will be doomed!”

Jiang Heng was really in a cold sweat, his palms were already sweating, and his back felt a chill.

At this moment, he recalled the scene he saw in Hengjiang City back then, and he didn't have the slightest doubt in his heart!

Are they going to eat me? !

We are blood eaters? !

"Don't believe it, I have been receiving news recently that many rootless warriors in the city who wandered from the Northland disappeared not long after. You said...they are all here now. where?"

Fu Changsheng sipped his tea, looked at Jiang Heng, and said with a light smile.

" mean...they are monsters?!"

Jiang Heng looked up at Fu Changsheng and asked directly.

"No!" Fu Changsheng shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng frowned and said, "No?"

"No, they are different from those monsters. Humans and monsters are born, how can they be monsters? Didn't you see that they look like humans in clothes? They don't look like them either!"

Fu Changsheng said mockingly, he didn't know whether he was mocking the monsters or those people who suppressed Yousi.

"Every year when the imperial court chooses concubines, those merchants, the families of officials, or ordinary people are all excited to send their daughters to the palace. Pooh! It's not worth giving your daughter to those guys for nothing. Self-knowledge! Is the last born human?

Ridiculous! Born by people, but in the end it turns to eat people! Do you think this is ridiculous? "

Jiang Heng's heart sank again and again, and finally almost sank to the bottom of the valley. He guessed that Zhenyousi might be a monster, and thought that the plateau people other than Dayan might be monsters, but he didn't expect... Today... is also a monster!


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