Master of Fist

Chapter 150: secrets (on)

"Since the old senior has this intention, it is naturally a wish! I also have to thank the old senior on behalf of my third uncle!"

With a smile on Jiang Heng's face, he showed the junior's attitude towards the senior, but there was no reaction on his body, he didn't step forward to support him, and he didn't bow down to salute.

"That's good! That's good! Since Xiaoyou Jiang thinks it's okay, does that mean that you and my family are now relatives?" The old man stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Senior Fu! What do you mean?" Hearing this, Jiang Heng's face instantly turned cold.

"This junior made his debut late, so if he doesn't understand some twists and turns, Senior Fu can just speak up if he has anything to say!"


The old ancestor of the Fu family nodded approvingly, and then lowered his head as if meditating on something.

"If..." The old man slightly raised his head and smiled more kindly, "I said I want to form an alliance with you, do you believe me or not?"

"I believe!"

Almost without the slightest pause, Jiang Heng said directly.

"Oh! It's interesting, my little friend has no doubts?" The old man looked at Jiang Heng with a smile.

"I'm sure you don't believe me if I don't have one, but I also really want to know about your huge Canglang gang and the powerful Fu family. If you don't talk to big men like Commander Lu, why would you choose me as a pawn?"

Tan Tanshou Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows and looked down at the old man. With his height, he was two or three heads taller than the old man.

"Hey, little friend, I don't want to form an alliance with the Zhen Fusi. The government is not easy to deal with. The old man only forms an alliance with you!"

The old man smiled like a fortune teller lying on the street, very cunning.

"Old senior, you have made the younger generation a little scared. How can the younger generation be valued so much by the senior? How can you let the huge Canglang Gang choose to cooperate with me, the little Xuanyiwei?"

"Hehe! You are not simple, just because of what you did just now, I dare say that the entire Dayan is now second to none!"

The old man waved his hand, then looked around and smiled, "It's not a place to talk about things in a mess here, come with me, there are some things that the old man has to tell you in detail!"

"Senior, you don't have five hundred knives in ambush, do you?" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

"Hmph! You boy, five hundred knives are not enough to deal with you!"

The old man didn't reply, and walked out tremblingly with a cane in one hand and a blade in the other. He didn't know if the old man was just pretending.

"Old ancestor! My ancestor! This... this person killed my four guest ministers from the Fu family, and made Xiaosan like this. Old ancestor, you must make the decision for me!"

At this time, Fu Qingshui came running far away dragging a pair of severed arms that were bleeding profusely. Just now, he was swept away by the saber energy and passed out. He didn't see the development behind at all. After waking up from the pain, he thought it was Jiang Heng's fault. Seeing that even a few guest officials had died completely, and thinking that the old ancestor was outside, he was quite courageous.

"Trash, don't you think it's too embarrassing? Get out of here!"

The old ancestor of the Fu family yelled and cursed with a face full of hatred for iron and steel. Fu Qingshui was stunned when he scolded. Before he could react, he saw his old ancestor using the A more kind smile than those of their juniors.

"Little friend Jiang, please come with me!"

Then I saw the two smiling and disappearing in front of Fu Qingshui hand in hand like close old friends. Fu Qingshui's heart felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. If his arm was still there, he really wanted to slap himself twice to see if it was a dream.

When the party came to the inner hall of Fu's house, the old man asked the maid to take Jiang Heng to clean it.

At first, he planned to refuse, but after thinking about it, he was not afraid of the other party's tricks anyway. If he wanted to kill him, he would probably have to gather half of the Canglang Gang, and the organization must be neat and orderly. But such an uneconomical deal, I believe that as long as the ancestor of the Fu family is not stupid, he will not make such a decision lightly.

So he washed it, changed into a navy blue robe that didn't fit well, and then Shi Shiran came to a private room next to the inner hall. The old man was already sitting opposite the nanmu table, holding a cup of tea in one hand, obviously he had been waiting for a long time.

The old man waved his hand to signal the waiting maidservant to leave. Seeing that there was no one in the room, the old man smiled and said, "Xiaoyou Jiang, sit down! Drink tea, let's chat while drinking!"

Wen Yan Jiang Heng was not polite, he controlled his strength and carefully sat on the chair. He was not used to sitting on the chairs outside, the main reason was that they were too heavy.

"Don't worry, this chair is made of high-quality iron and wood, let alone your weight of a thousand catties, even if you double it, you can still sit on it!"

"Oh! The old man seems to be very familiar with the junior! Aren't you curious about my strange abilities?" Jiang Heng sat down at ease, but turned to look at the old man in front of him with a smile.

"Strange ability? Hehe, it's really rare in this world like you to use external skills!"

The old man took a sip of his tea, and his tone was very Oh? Old man, you said that in today's world, could it be that there are people who have gone through similar paths before? To be honest, the younger generation thought I was the first person to pioneer this way! "Jiang Heng was a little happy in his heart, it seemed that the old ancestor of the Fu family in front of him really knew a lot.

It was worth the trip!

Hearing this, Fu Changsheng sighed slightly, smelled the fragrance of tea slightly, and his voice was faint.

"The old man of mine wanted to meet someone like you, but unfortunately he never got to meet him in his lifetime. In fact, the way of martial arts was the right way of martial arts before the founding of Dayan! But that was all an old story hundreds of years ago. "

Seeing that Jiang Heng's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have something to say, Fu Changsheng smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, this old man has kept this matter in his heart for a long time. I have been hearing it from the old man in my family to my ears. Hidden in my heart, now I can finally spit it out!"

"At the beginning of Dayan's founding of the country, martial arts was based on external skills, and martial arts in the world were based on qi and blood, and they worked diligently every day to boil qi and blood, then boiled bones, and finally transformed dragons!

Warriors whose external skills are kings all aim to transform their energy and blood into dragons, and they imagine each massive and majestic energy and blood as giant dragons.

The limbs and heads are five dragons, the heart is one dragon, and the rest of the internal organs are three dragons. Nine dragons come out together, and the heart dragon is the main one! At that time, he will be the Great Master of External Kung Fu!

It is equivalent to the great masters of our internal energy methods today, but each has its own strengths. The external energy is mainly based on body qi and blood, and the internal energy is mainly based on internal qi and viscera.

One breaks all spells with strength, and the other resists all spells with energy!

The external kung fu still relies on the body's muscles, bones, blood, and pure strength, while the internal kung fu uses qi to display complicated methods. In the realm of a master, one can use qi to control things. It seems that the methods are complicated, but the ultimate goal is to kill the enemy.

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