Master of Fist

Chapter 152: secrets (below)

"Senior Fu, I want to ask, this... how can I survive in this... this world?"

Jiang Heng really wanted to ask, how can he fight against the demons, but... even he himself has no confidence to dare to say that he can fight against the demons! The only humble question is how to survive?

How to keep a glimmer of life in the mouths of these terrifying monsters!

He could clearly see how terrifying the demon was from that battle. Compared with strength, that demon almost killed him with a single blow that day! Not even a light touch to someone else.

But they are still poisonous, the black mist emitted from the invisible, just the remaining toxins mixed into several large tanks, that kind of poison can kill him!

Only courage, he still has a little courage to face the monsters, but humble...

Fu Changsheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and he smiled silently, but this smile was uglier than crying.

"You ask me, I don't know!" Fu Changsheng sighed, looked at Jiang Heng and said softly: "Why do you think the old man can still live to this day? Can this huge foundation be maintained? Do you think it depends on Jiang Heng?" Is it because the imperial court dare not touch me? Or is my Canglang Gang hard enough?"

Jiang Heng was silent, did not interrupt the old man, just listened quietly.

"It's because of... that my Canglang Gang sends out one hundred entry-level fighters and one thousand living people every year!!"

The old man couldn't help but raise his voice after he said that, his old face was almost roaring, his eyes were already flushed, and his two rows of teeth that were still in good condition were clenched tightly. The palms, which were as thin as dead branches, creaked even more.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was also taken aback. He stared blankly at the thin old man in front of him, feeling the majestic anger in the old man's heart at this moment, as if a volcano that had been suppressed was about to erupt. He opened his mouth to say something, but no matter what Can't say it.

He also has family members to protect, even if he had to choose a thousand living people from among the subordinates he had taken in recently, he would not be able to do so, who was not born by his parents? Who hasn't been raised by their parents? Who wants to die?

"Do you think the Zhenfusi is really trying to control my power in the world? Do you know the herdsmen? The herdsmen usually raise a dog to help them herd. The Zhenfusi is the herding dog, and we are the ones being herded of cattle and sheep.

We have to send a certain amount of people to the Zhenfu Division every year, and then the Zhenfu Division will **** them to the capital for the enjoyment of those aristocratic families and the royal family. This peaceful and prosperous how it is maintained! "

As Fu Changsheng spoke, he became much older. He didn't even drink the tea in his hand, and he stared out the window in a daze.

Jiang Heng was shocked when he heard that, he didn't expect that there would be so many activities in the dark that he didn't know about. Although Zhenfusi was the eagle dog of the imperial court, he didn't expect it to be like this...

At this moment, he even felt that the Xuanyi he was wearing before was so dirty, as if it was covered with blood, countless blood, as if he could see countless dead bones crying towards him.

"That **** Lu Jin also knows about it, but it's useless even if he kills him. The court will soon change another commander to continue blood transfusions for the court. In this world, you and I are just rations!

Why do you think people from the highlands frequently attack me, Dayan? Alas, no matter, since the words have reached this point, you are quite courageous, and you can hear this without changing your face. Much better than those dolls in my family. That being the case, there is nothing to hide from now on. "

Fu Changsheng looked at Jiang Heng, his eyes became much more sincere, this time it really felt like he was looking at a younger generation.

"Senior, please let me know!" Jiang Heng said solemnly, he wanted to know more about the truth of this world.

He didn't know why he was reborn in such a world, but since he came here, even though the road ahead was extremely difficult, he still wanted to be a sensible person vigorously and clearly!

"Well, so I won't hide it from you. There are three kingdoms near Dayan, but they are almost the same as our Dayan. They are all in a situation where monsters feed on humans. But there are more monsters there, and people... .Hehe...after so many years, it has been almost eaten, right?

People there have no rights at all. They are more miserable than the people of the Great Swallow. They know that they are just animals from birth. They need to work for their masters, and they will be reduced to blood when they grow strong.

Hundreds of years ago, my Dayan royal family and those aristocratic families were also members of that group of plateau people, but they were more ambitious, so they became the masters of my Dayan, sitting on the people of Kyushu, taking the entire Kyushu People for food.

But after a long time, people will always be jealous, even monsters are no exception, foreign monsters are very greedy! "

Speaking of this, Fu Changsheng smiled wryly, and sighed: "So there is this continuous border trouble. The imperial court sent heavy troops to garrison, so they called their own people from the highlands. As for those monsters...hehe... .It's just a fish that slipped through the net from the frontier defense line into the hinterland of the world sees the true face, it cannot be concealed, not cover it up, so there is another It's just a trick of the thief shouting "stop the thief".

I guess, your Commander Lu might be trying his best to collect blood to supply to that demon-slaying Master Liu! "

When Fu Changsheng mentioned the sarcasm on his face, he felt helpless again.

"Don't Lu Zhi know the true face of Zhen Yousi?"

"Why don't you know, it's just pretending to be confused, and he has to cover up for these uncles. This matter must not be known to anyone other than him. Even some silver-clothed guards in your Zhenfu Division know about it. There are also those who often help Lu Jian with affairs, but they are all pretending to be confused. Once they say it, Lu Zhen will be the first to spare them! Otherwise, he will die! It will even bring disaster to the entire town. Fusi!" Fu Changsheng snorted coldly.

Wen Yan Jiang Heng took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay, you can't tell anyone about these things outside of my door, you know?" Fu Changsheng said solemnly.

"Mmm! This junior knows the severity!"

Fu Changsheng nodded, waved his hand and said softly: "Don't talk about those things, let me tell you why I want to cooperate with you!"

"Senior, it's okay to speak straight!"

"It's very simple. Cangzhou is already in a critical situation, and it will soon be the place of the Fourth World War. I know more about my affairs in Liuzhou than you do. The good monster slayer sage has been taken away from me recently. Less contraband. There is another general who arrives. If I come to Cangzhou, I will find out this kind of activity. Besides, these defeated troops don’t know how to make sense. I can’t sleep well for this big business!”

Fu Changsheng stroked his beard and shook his head wryly.

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