Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 51 The First Meeting With Tony

Maria Hill's ability is unquestionable!

With her joining, Sauron no longer has to worry about many things. As long as he gives orders, Hill will handle them properly.

As for whether a large amount of information about Sauron and the Super Seven will fall into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D during this process, it doesn't matter at all.

He is upright and has no secrets at all!

Dr. Otto's laboratory on the banks of the Manhattan River.

With the full support of Osborn Company, Dr. Otto's artificial sun project has finally entered the final stage.

Artificial sun, controllable thermonuclear fusion, the clean energy of the future!

This is not the display in Stark Industrial Park. Before Tony miniaturized the reactor, cold fusion had never been used commercially or on a large scale.

Before Osborn Company changed its business, it was with Stark Industries, a well-known military industrial enterprise in America and even the world!

The two companies have been competing with each other, but Osborn does not have Tony, a genius inventor who can develop various advanced weapons.

Osborn Corporation, which has always been lagging behind, this time has top-notch technology that can surpass Stark Corporation.

Norman, a proud guy, naturally invited Tony to participate in the final experiment of artificial sun.

This was a semi-public presentation project, with many important people invited.

Even HYDRA Councilman Stern was among those invited.

Although, Sauron no longer attaches much importance to the artificial sun after he has a blue giant star with him.

But this technology can provide constant wealth support for the Super Seven.

As the master behind the scenes, he naturally participated.

Being familiar with the plot, he had already warned Dr. Otto in advance that when the artificial sun reaches its peak energy, the surge in the magnetic field is likely to cause the experiment to fail.

In this regard, Dr. Otto has repeatedly verified and conducted repeated simulations through Osborn's supercomputer, and determined that the probability of this happening is very high.

So he also added new devices to deal with this possible occurrence.

This place is at a higher level than the place in the original work, and all kinds of infrastructure and preventive measures are more complete.

Next to Sauron was Hill agent. Gwen also participated in this experiment as a temporary assistant.

As a good friend of Harry, Peter entered here as a reporter.

He kept taking pictures. There were too many celebrities here today.

"Are you the mysterious man behind Osborn?"

Next to Tony was his new personal assistant, Pepper.

Looking at Sauron carefully, he said:

"You have a good vision. Osborn's military products cannot compete with Stark Industries."

"You were right to let him transform!"

"I heard that Osborn Company has achieved amazing results in cross-species gene integration. Are you interested in collaborating?"

"We at Stark Industries are also very good at biology."

Although Tony is a playboy and cynical.

But he had just come of age when his parents were assassinated by the Winter Soldier.

Although he has the support of Obadiah, he can firmly occupy the position of president of Stark Company, and he is also extremely capable of doing business.

Osborn's transformation cannot be ignored by Tony.

The intelligence network of Stark Industries is not a vegetarian. Through the commercial espionage within Osborn Company, he learned that Norman had actually strengthened his body and joined a superhero organization called the Super Seven.

The leader of this organization is an extremely young man with an oriental face.

It seems good to get the future Iron Man to join his camp.

Sauron is not interested in Tony's proposal, but he is still interested in Iron Man.

The only person in the universe cursed by knowledge.

"For cooperation, you can talk to Norman directly."

"I'm not interested in these business matters, but I'm very interested in whether you would like to become a superhero"

Sauron said to Tony.

Tony was stunned, he frowned slightly and said:

"Superhero? Like Norman? Human body strengthening?"

Tony couldn't help but feel excited.

It's not that he also wants to be a superhero, but after strengthening his body, he can deal with countless beauties around him more easily.

Sauron sensed Tony's thoughts and was speechless.

But Iron Man wasn't born yet, and Tony also started to play with genetic strengthening.

A Telepathy, helping Tony put the thought away.

Iron Man can't have any problems. His birth is too important in the Marvel universe.

Dr. Otto came out, and neither Soren nor Tony spoke anymore.

Dr. Otto began to introduce his best assistant.

Artificial intelligence mechanical tentacles! Precision manufacturing by Osborn Company!

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