Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 50 Hill Agent As Secretary? The Love Between The Bald Braised Egg And The Green Alien

At this time, Black Widow has not yet been recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Otherwise, Nick will definitely send Black Widow, who understands men better, to contact her.

After the Japanese Locust submitted the complaint, they confidently waited for the United Nations Conference to hand over Sauron to Japan.

Although construction of the Super Sevens building has just begun, Norman has already carefully begun recruiting.

When the building is completed, it will become the tallest building in Manhattan!

It is the tallest in the world!

On the top floor, a hanging garden will be built to become Sauron's residence.

It's impossible for only the Super Seven members to live in such a tall building.

Just like the Vought Company Building, there will be countless employees serving the Super Seven.

Norman knew very well the preferences of his young captain.

A group of beauties were selected to serve as the captain's secretaries and be responsible for Sauron's work and life.

When Sauron finished guiding Gwen in today's combat practice, Norman arrived in person with dozens of beauties.

"Captain, these are all candidates for the future captain's secretary. Which one do you think is suitable?"

Sauron couldn't help but look at Norman, he didn't expect you, Old Green, to be such a person!

Sauron's gaze swept across, his eyes determined.

Sauron knew one of these people.

Maria Hill!

Future, Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D!

How can there be any happy ending under Nick's bald man?

The dignified deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. died at the gunpoint of a Skrull.

Later Hill was a Skrull in disguise.

Good old Phil Coulson also died once.

"Just her!"

Sauron casually pointed to Hill.

In S.H.I.E.L.D, planting a seed isn't bad either.

When Agent Hill becomes one of our own, let her fully take over S.H.I.E.L.D!

It's so easy to get Nick to step down before Snake and Shield is exposed!

I have to mention this, Nick’s bald braised egg has a super taste!

As a bald man, he didn't feel anything wrong if he found someone of his own race, even if it was a very authentic one.

But unfortunately, Nick’s love transcends skin color and race!

Fucked with a Skrull woman!

This Skrull woman is one of the hidden Skrulls on the Kree Empire battleship in Captain Marvel.

After all, Sauron didn't know whether she was the wife of the Skrull Talos.

But certainly not the daughter of Talos.

But if it’s Talos’ wife, that would be quite interesting!

In Sauron's previous life, when he saw the last moment, the last kiss between the two really disgusted Sauron.

What S.H.I.E.L.D’s greatest agent!

In Sauron's eyes, Nick, a bald brat, is a complete traitor who is greedy for money and power!

Killing him easily will give him an advantage!

His true face must be revealed! He must be ruined! He must be made a traitor that everyone despises!

Hill is not the prettiest or the prettiest among these people.

But living as an agent all year round makes her the most interesting and story-telling among them.

Even Norman would admire Sauron's vision.

"Maria stays, everyone else gets out."

The other beauties looked at Maria with envy.

They don't know Solan's identity, they just know that the monthly salary of this job is extremely generous!

After Norman explained her work content to Hill agent, he left with a wink.

Sauron is not an animal, and his mind is not full of that kind of content.

"Maria Hill, S.H.I.E.L.D6 level agent"!

"Did Nick Fury send you or Pierce sent you?"

Sauron sat down and pointed it out directly.

Agent Hill's eyes changed. She never expected that Sauron knew her so well.

She is worthy of being the woman who can become the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D in the future.

She took a deep breath and sat down gracefully.

"It's Deputy Director Nick. Japanese Locust submitted a complaint against you to the United Nations General Assembly, and the Security Council forwarded it to S.H.I.E.L.D."

Sauron smiled.

"The Japanese Locust has lost his mind? Are you suing me to the United Nations General Assembly? Just that decoration?"

"Okay, don't worry about that big locust."

"Hill agent, are you interested in officially joining my Super Seven team?"

"Definitely, you can't be a team member without super ability. But I need an intelligence director."

Hill agent, this is the first time I heard the term Super Seven.

"Super Seven, is the superhero organization you formed?"

"But aren't you a member of Xavier's School?"

Hill agent, started his own job, obtaining intelligence.

Soren didn't care that Hill knew this.

"It's true that I'm a student at Xavier's School, but I'm about to graduate."

"The philosophy of the X-Men didn't fit with mine, so I created my own superhero organization."

"The Super Seven, responsible for the global crisis of destruction, and the other supervillains of Level Universe."

"Well, this is not 10,000 times better than you staying in S.H.I.E.L.D and scheming!"

Hill agent smiled heartily and said:

"I accept your invitation to join your superhero organization!"

(I need to sort out the plot, accept everyone’s opinions in the comment area, and the punctuation is also being corrected!)

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