Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 52 Doctor Octopus, The Birth Of The Artificial Sun!

Dr. Otto solemnly explained his artificial intelligence mechanical assistant.

Tony, a super genius in artificial intelligence, suddenly said:

"Dr. Otto, what methods have you adopted to suppress the artificial intelligence of these tentacles?"

His question hit the nail on the head.

Dr. Otto had fixed the mechanical tentacles on his body. He turned around and pointed at the mechanical spine on his back.

"I have installed a total of ten nerve suppressors on this! As long as one of them can work properly, I can ensure that I have control over these assistants."

"I guess I won't be so unlucky as to have both nerve suppressors destroyed at the same time, right?"

Dr. Otto smiled at Tony.

This is also Sauron's arrangement. Dr. Otto is a genius in nuclear physics, and becoming Doctor Octopus is a huge waste.

Tony nodded, then made another comment.

"If your experiment is successful, how will you deal with the strong magnetic field brought about by the artificial solar peak explosion?"

Dr. Otto was not surprised by Tony's genius.

He pointed to some nearby searchlight-like equipment.

"These are force field stabilizers made by Osborn. They can tighten all force fields within a certain range."

Tony nodded and said:

"Dr. Otto, I wish you success!"

Tony has only seen two problems so far, and Dr. Otto has given perfect solutions to both.

He also felt that this experiment was likely to be successful.

On Dr. Otto's back, four mechanical tentacles controlled the equipment under his will.

A small golden sphere was placed into the center of the magnetic field by mechanical tentacles.

"Tritium is the core raw material of this experiment, but its content in nature is extremely weak!"

"Thanks to Norman Osborn and Osborn Company for sponsoring!"

Dr. Otto introduced.

Norman smiled and said: "Otto, I'm happy to pay for it!"

The tritium ball rotated rapidly in the magnetic field, and Otto's wife handed him the sunglasses.

The two looked at each other affectionately, Dr. Otto put on his sunglasses and started the procedure.

Channels of high-energy light irradiated the tritium, causing its temperature to rise sharply, quickly reaching the critical point of the nuclear fusion reaction.

And its size has also expanded to hundreds of times File size.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed and the temperature in the laboratory began to rise!

Everyone only felt that in the deep and hot environment, but in the core magnetic field of the laboratory, a sun as big as a millstone was born!

"Doctor, our nuclear fusion reaction was successful!"

Everyone couldn't help but started to applaud!

Many of the top capital tycoons who were invited gathered around Norman.

"Norman, you have achieved something unprecedented"!

At this moment, Norman Osborn is the biggest and most delicious cake in their eyes!

Norman responded with a smile. In his eyes, these capital bosses had become leeks in his field.

“One thousand megawatts of energy has been generated!”

New York's power grid is undertaken by the power company owned by Osborn Company. At this time, all the huge energy generated here is input into the New York power grid.

Four mechanical tentacles, under the control of Dr. Otto, constantly control the surge of energy storms.

Avoid the terrifying energy and break through the constrained magnetic field.

This technology is actually based on the same principle as the technology on Sauron's portable Fixed Star weapon.

It’s just that the alien technology in the Men in Black universe is countless times more advanced! Not only is the energy field bound to a blue giant star, it also uses more advanced space technology.

Sauron looked at the artificial sun in front of him, feeling a sense of longing in his body.

He had a feeling that integrate's Solar Flare and Sunspot Ability would allow him to perform solar transformation.

Once transformed, he can digest this artificial sun!

As his strength increased, his sun transformed and could even eat the blue giant star!


The sound of swallowing attracted Hill's attention.

"The energy of the sun is in the palm of my hand!"

Dr. Otto looked at the artificial sun in front of him, his heart filled with excitement.

But soon, the assistant sounded a warning.

"Doctor, magnetic surge detected!"

Dr. Otto couldn't help but look back and looked at Sauron.

He didn't expect that the surge in magnetism that Sauron proposed would actually happen.

"Activate the force field stabilizer"!


Part of the energy released from the artificial sun went into the surrounding areas for stability.

The huge energy is converted into a powerful magnetic field, which reversely cancels out the super magnetic force released by the artificial sun.

The surrounding metals affected by the magnetism returned to normal.

"Doctor, the external magnetism has returned to normal!"

The four mechanical tentacles are still in a super strong magnetic field, but they are not affected by high temperatures and magnetic fields.

The mechanical tentacles continuously controlled the energy storm in the artificial sun, and finally made the reaction of the artificial sun completely stable.

Dr. Otto breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and proudly announced:

"I declare that the artificial sun experiment is a success!"

Sauron smiled in his heart: My feast has begun!

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