Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 28: Recruiting Sanddust! Super Seven!

Sauron suddenly disappeared, and Dark Phoenix woke up from his sleep.

She pouted, her face full of emotions.

However, she did not make any noise, but closed her eyes.

Continue to use Telepathy to perceive the memory of the master Ge Qin.

Fill in the gaps in your past.

In the country of Iraq, Sauron appeared in a desert.

His super hearing covers almost the entire country of Iraq.

The X gene is spread across all races on Blue Star.

There are also Mutants in Iraq, but they are much rarer.

Almost ninety percent of all Mutants are Level 1 and Level 2 Mutants.

The super abilities of these Mutants are very weak.

In fact, a considerable number of these Mutants do not have super abilities at all, but only have certain parts or organs of their bodies that have mutated.

This is why many Mutants, in the eyes of ordinary people, are monsters.

Sauron is locked, and all mutants in Iraq have Awakened super abilities.

There are tens of thousands!

But most of them are first- and second-level Mutants.

Sauron locked in, a Mutant.

Dust! Soraya Kadir!

She is a girl from Afghanistan. Because of America's invasion of Afghanistan, the national order no longer exists!

She was targeted by traffickers because of her beautiful appearance.

In the process of resisting the kidnapping, she instinctively unleashed her super ability.

It turned into a sandstorm and killed all the traffickers.

Her ability is to transform herself into a destructive sandstorm while maintaining control of her sand form.

In the chaotic country of Ah, she not only faced the pursuit of gangsters, but was also targeted by some mercenaries.

Capture her and sell her to some labs researching Mutants.

Shachen fled A country and entered Iraq. From here, he wanted to find a way to sneak to America or other safe countries.

Unexpectedly, America declared war on Iraq.

She was trapped in Iraq again.

A dilapidated village in Iraq.

Here, it had just been bombed by the American military. There is no human habitation anymore.

Shachen relies on his ability to escape the bombing and hides here.

She searched for food in the deserted room.

"Do you want to get out of here?"

The sound that suddenly came to mind made Shachen break into a sweat!

She turned around suddenly and saw a handsome oriental man.

"Who are you?"

She stared at Sauron vigilantly, ready to activate her ability at any time.

Sauron's face was filled with a sunny smile.

"We are all the same people!"

Sauron made a casual move, and the food Shachen had just found floated.

The vigilance in Shachen's eyes diminished a bit.

"What do you want from me?"

Sauron originally planned to see if there were any powerful Mutants in Iraq.

Let Iraq's Mutant cause some trouble for America's military.

However, sand and dust were found.

For one's own team and subordinates, the more the better.

There are still too few people in Xavier's School.

Charles recruits students who are either highly capable.

For example, Iceman Bobby, a level five Mutant.

Either the ability is very dangerous, such as Burning Man John or Cyclops Scott.

Either that, because of Ability Awakening, being treated like a monster, or being ostracized from the family.

In America alone, there are hundreds of thousands of Mutants!

There are tens of thousands of underage Mutants.

The academy can't fit in it.

Although Shachen wears a veil, under Sauron's perspective, no secrets can be hidden.

Shachen is a beautiful girl with a great figure!

"My name is Soren Lee and I am a graduating student from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters."

"Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is a school opened by Professor X specifically for Mutants."

"When I graduate, I'm going to start my own team of superheroes."

"I'm here to invite you to join!"

"Follow me, and you won't have to hide around anymore, and you won't have to worry about your own safety."

"Not only can you live a stable life, but you can also become a superhero that everyone loves"!

Sauron generously extended the invitation.

Shachen's eyes lit up, what Sauron said was what she had dreamed of.

"Then what's the name of your superhero team?"

Shachen asked.

Sauron touched his smooth chin.

"What do you think of the Super Seven?"

"I am the leader of the Super Seven, Superman Sauron!"

Shachen nodded and said:

"If you didn't lie to me, I would be willing to join your team."

Sauron nodded with satisfaction. If John couldn't transform into the fire element, he could only be a subordinate.

Sanddust's ability lies in large-scale group attacks!

If she covers the entire New York City with a sandstorm.

Let me ask, who can defeat her?

"But before joining, there is a small test."

"Do you dare to face the Hulk and tell him the truth about America's invasion?"

Sauron asked seriously.

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