Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 29 Shachen Reveals The Ugly Truth To Banner!

"Aren't you from America?"

"Why should I tell America's military superhero this?"

Shachen's mind was filled with confusion.

Sauron sneered:

"Look at my face, I'm a pure Oriental."

"Although I grew up in America, I am not a lackey of America's capital and politicians."

"You have to remember that as a member of the Super Seven, you should not limit your sights to a certain country."

"What we want to do is to be a superhero for all mankind!"

"America's war against Afghanistan and Iraq is unjust!"

"They are plundering resources for their own satisfaction!"

"We are righteous! We must reveal the truth"!

"The Hulk was deceived. We let him know the truth."

"The most powerful family in the world!"

Sauron's words caused a great shock to Shachen's heart.

She couldn't help but think of her own country, A country.

Originally, her life was very stable. Although she was not rich, she had a beautiful family.

But everything was shattered with America's invasion.

A look of determination appeared on Shachen's face.

"I will definitely complete the test"!

Sauron is very satisfied with this new little sister.

"Come, hold my waist, I will take you to complete the test"!

Sauron opened his hands and said calmly.

Under the veil of sand, his face immediately turned red.

Those traffickers wanted to take off her veil, and she completely broke out.

According to her belief, only her husband can take off her veil.

I can't even show my face, let alone give me a hug.

However, Shachen gritted his teeth, walked over, and hugged Sauron's waist.

Sauron casually put his hand on Shachen's waist.

Shachen's body was shaken and he was about to resist.


Sauron took her and soared into the sky!

Shachen subconsciously hugged Sauron's waist tightly and completely forgot about Sauron's hand on her waist.

Hulk and Banner are like Jean and Dark Phoenix.

Completely two personalities.

Banner was exposed to high concentrations of gamma rays for three months before his main personality could integrate with Hulk.

But the sequelae are also obvious.

Dr. Banner, who was originally very reliable, has become less reliable when it comes to science.

Banner doesn't know all the memories in the Hulk state.

General Ross took advantage of this.

After Hulk destroys a military base, he will place weapons of mass destruction in these bases.

After detonating, let reporters take pictures of the wreckage.

This confirms the justice of America’s war against Iraq!

After waking up, Banner saw the evidence and felt that he was on the side of justice.

A small town occupied by the American military.

Banner stayed in the room arranged by the military.

There is an external network here, and he can make video calls with Betty.

"come here!"

Suddenly, Banner remembered a voice in his mind.


Banner turned around, only to find that he was the only one in the room.

He thought he was hallucinating.

But soon, the voice came to mind again.

"come here!"

"Do you want to know the truth?"

"You were deceived!"

Banner immediately understood that this was a person with Telepathy Ability who wanted to see him.

Relying on his Hulk status, he is almost invincible!

He just wanted to see who wanted to see him!

Banner followed the guidance of the voice in his head and came to a bar.

Most of the people here are bearded locals.

The look he looked at was strange.

Banner was not afraid. He followed the sound and walked to the corner, opposite a girl sitting with her back to the door.

"Are you looking for me?"

Banner came up and asked directly.

Two Mutants who were secretly protecting (monitoring) Banner also walked in and randomly found a seat nearby to sit down.

Shachen nodded and said:

"Bruce Banner, I'm here to reveal the truth to you!"

Banner frowned and said:

"What truth?"

Shachen's eyes were full of seriousness.

"Bruce Banner, there are no so-called weapons of mass destruction in Iraq! Chemical weapons"!

Shachen said.

Banner sneered:

"How is that possible! I saw the remains of those weapons with my own eyes!"

Shachen asked instead:

"As the Hulk who breached the military base, have you seen those intact weapons?"

Banner was stunned for a moment and said:

"My memories with Hulk are not the same."

"But if I didn't destroy those weapons, where did those wreckage come from?"

The more intelligent people are, the more they stick to their own perceptions.

Shachen said:

"You give up your inner resistance, and I can let you see Hulk's memories."

"You will know what the truth is."

Banner looked at the little girl in front of him and chose to believe it.

"Okay! I won't resist!"

Banner closed his eyes.

Shachen suspended his hand above Banner's head.

Pour the power of the mind that Sauron lent him into Banner's brain.

A passage connecting two personalities was temporarily opened!

Banner saw Hulk's memory, and Hulk also saw Banner's memory.

The anger of being deceived surged into Banner's heart.

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