Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 27 Do You Have My Consent To Change The Plot? !

Bruce finally agreed to General Ross's invitation.

Agree to join the military and become its super weapon.

General Ross smiled with satisfaction.

He became the first general in the military to master superpowers! This gives him a higher status in the Wujiao Building! Have more say!

General Ross, very excited.

Report to Wujiao Building, summon many scientists, and mobilize some Mutants in the army.

Just like Wolverine, there are actually some Mutants among America's military.

However, these Mutants are mostly on the physical side.

Either they are strong, or they have a certain Self-healing Ability, or they have detection abilities such as invisibility or telescope.

There is none on the spiritual side or the energy side.

Therefore, these Mutants may become elites, but they will not attract special attention.

General Ross, prepare to gather these people to form a special team.

Become a Banner team member.

It is an assistant, but also a kind of surveillance.

The military's actions were very rapid.

In order to test and control, the Hulk transformed after anger.

General Ross, dare not be in America.

Once Hulk loses control, he cannot bear the responsibility.

And the best place to test it is the country of Iraq, which America has just declared war on!

For America, it is for people in many places around the world.

They all believed what President America said.

Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and provides assistance to terrorist organizations.

Bruce Banner, at the moment was very young, not yet thirty years old.

Naturally, I believed this statement.

He did not hesitate to let him go to the battlefield.

Just agree!

Just a few days later, with the support of the military.

News about the Hulk destroying a military base in Iraq and destroying a batch of weapons of mass destruction.

In America’s country, it’s on fire!

Sauron is enjoying and obsessed with his Dark Phoenix every day these days.

The plot of X-Men3 has not yet begun.

He was paying attention to the news about the Hulk.

But for a long time, there was no news about the battle between the green giant and the military.

Sauron's super hearing has not yet enveloped the entire America.

I don't know, General Ross, because I saw his power.

Instead, Hulk, who was supposed to be hunted by him, was recruited instead.

Naturally, he couldn't hear anything about the other side of Blue Star.

Sauron is basking in the sun and absorbing Fixed Star energy.

Dark Phoenix was like a lazy kitten, lying on his chest.

Pyro John, Rockfall, and several other senior Mutants who recognized Sauron as their boss came over.

"What's the matter with you?"

Normally no one would bother him at this time.

There was excitement and excitement on John's face.

"Boss, have you watched the news?"

Sauron shook his head and said:

"What's wrong?"

John said excitedly:

"Boss, on the battlefield of Iraq, the military sent superhero Hulk 1"

"The Hulk easily destroyed a military base of the Iraqi military and destroyed the weapons of mass destruction hidden there!"

"Now, the whole country knows the superhero Hulk"!

"Boss, if we go to Iraq, will we also become superheroes?"

X-Men is a superhero team, but it is not well accepted by the public.

X-Men are generally Mutants who stop evildoers.

For ordinary people, it's all dog eat dog, and then they, ordinary people, are out of luck!

Sauron frowned when he heard this.

The Hulk actually went to the battlefield in Iraq and became the military superhero!

This simply destroyed the Hulk's timeline!

Does the Time Variation Administration have no control over it?

Ancient One doesn't care?

Sauron didn't like this feeling that the plot had completely changed!

In order to prevent Dark Phoenix from causing trouble and changing the plot, he sacrificed himself.

Being exploited by Dark Phoenix every day!

America's military is going to cause trouble if it's a fool's errand!

“What kind of superhero do you think you are when you invade someone else’s country?!”

Sauron looked at John and said:

"If you have nothing to do, you should exercise your ability!"

"As a fireman, you can't make your own fire!"

"In less than two years, you will be completely surpassed by Bobby!"

John and Bobby keep fighting!

Hearing Sauron say this, his fighting spirit was aroused.

"I understand, boss, I will work hard to improve my ability"!

Sauron still values ​​​​his first little brother.

"Whenever you can transform into the fire element, you will understand how weak you are now!"

"Before you exercise, go find your chemistry teacher and learn what fire is!"

John left respectfully.

Sauron stroked Dark Phoenix's red hair, thought about it, and decided that he could not allow the military to mess around.

It's just that the Hulk's timeline has been changed, so the problem isn't that big.

But I am afraid of a chain reaction that will completely disrupt the timeline of the entire universe.

Because of his familiarity with the plot, Sauron is able to drop abilities and abilities from superheroes and super villains step by step.

Integrate into your own body and complete a higher level of evolution.

Sauron's body disappeared instantly.

With teleportation blessed by teleportation, you can teleport to wherever you want!

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