Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 26 General Ross: My Son-In-Law Has Turned Into A Monster!

Dark Phoenix possesses Sauron.

This makes Twinkle, Rugrat, and Shadowcat unhappy!

Whenever they get close, Dark Phoenix is ​​like a lioness guarding her prey.

Issue a warning to them.

I can't beat him again and again!

You can't even grab it!

Sauron began to live a happy and enjoyable life.

He had a girlfriend in his previous life, but she was just a middle-aged girl.

Far inferior to the red-haired beauty Dark Phoenix.

I’ve been holding it back for eighteen years, let’s enjoy it enough first, then talk about it!

The college also regained its rare calm.

Charles made a stern protest to the president.

Colonel William took the blame.

Being thrown into jail.

In today's academy, no one wants to offend easily.

Afraid of offending either Charles or Sauron!

One with the most powerful psychic power!

One with invincible defense and attack!

But beneath the calm, there is an undercurrent!

General Ross, returned to his military base.

Sauron's power made him realize that relying on the army's aircraft and cannons was no longer enough to deal with those superpowers with top-level super abilities.

The restoration project of Super Serum has become a card used by General Ross to deal with Mutants or other superpowers!

A single super soldier may not be able to defeat him.

But a hundred, a thousand eh?

Huge resources are invested in the project.

Bruce Banner, who is in charge of project research, is happy.

At the moment, he was still the talented and flamboyant young man.

He worked with General Ross's daughter, Betty Ross, and was a couple.

Because of HYDRA's assassination, Professor Erskine, who invented Super Serum, died, but his research data was not left behind.

Whether it is America's military or S.H.I.E.L.D., their research on the recovery of Super Serum relies on the blood samples left by Captain America.

The project led by General Ross believes that the key to Super Serum is gamma rays!

The life rays used by Captain America to strengthen at that time were gamma rays.

But every experiment failed!

Before an experiment, experimental assistant Harper was conducting routine tests.

Soon, he discovered the problem.

"There's a short circuit in the wires here. You'd better come in and take a look."

Harper said as he inspected the gamma ray instrument.

He didn't know that the gamma ray instrument had been tampered with by Banner's father.

When Banner walked into the laboratory, the circuit board suddenly short-circuited and sparks appeared!

The gamma ray instrument was also activated.

The kind-hearted Dr. Banner used his body to block high-intensity gamma rays that could kill any living thing!

Old Banner's hidden ability in his son's genes was activated!

Bruce knew everything the old Banner had done, and in anger, he transformed into the Hulk!

The entire laboratory was almost destroyed at the hands of Hulk who lost his mind.

As the actual person in charge of the entire project, Ross did not act as he did in the original plot.

He hunted his prospective son-in-law as a monster.

Want to crack the secret of his transformation and create an army of Hulk.

"Bruce, I need to talk to you."

General Ross invited Banner to come to his parents' house.

"Uncle Ross, Betty and I truly love each other."

Banner also thought that General Ross was opposed to his love affair with Betty.

General Ross took out Banner's laboratory pass.

"This is what you left in the laboratory last night."

"I know, that green giant is you!"

General Ross's eyes were full of excitement.

Even Captain America can't break a big hole in the thickened reinforced concrete wall.

Captain America is just a person with extreme abilities, but last night's green monster already has inhuman abilities.

Bruce subconsciously denied it.

"General Ross, I'm just an ordinary person. I didn't go to the lab at all last night."

"I may have missed this pass before."

General Ross didn't believe a word of it.

"Bruce, I don't want to capture you for study."

"On behalf of the military, I formally invite you to join"!

"I will set up a special response team for you."

"To deal with those who have super abilities but are enemies of the country"!

General Ross said it very sincerely.

Bruce was stunned.

This was something he never expected.

"Bruce, once you join, you will not be attacked by the military if you transform into the green giant form."

"The military will protect you! Prevent you from being hunted down by other forces!"

"Even, you will become a superhero!"

"Just like Steve Rogers!":

Bruce's heart beat hard!

Being a superhero like Captain America, a man, I can't refuse!

What's more, his reason told him.

Cooperating with the military is ten thousand times better than hiding and wandering around!

In particular, Bruce turned his attention to his girlfriend, Betty Ross.

If he refused to reject the military, he might be on the road to exile.

Then, Betty is afraid that she will become someone else’s girlfriend!

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