Three officers wearing Zhenfusi uniforms and carrying swords walked majestically on Baishi Alley, and from time to time they received awe-inspiring looks from the roadside.

Since ancient times, people have not fought with officials!

For ordinary people, even temporary servants who are not registered are still worthy of awe!

"None of the temporary servants who came before had such a shrouded introduction! It is said to be an introduction, but in fact it is just to reveal one's identity and background in public!"

"Also, these and the servants accompanying Chaotou are basically formal servants. I have been in the Zhenfu Division for more than two years, and I have never enjoyed such treatment. Zheng Shiyong is the new guy who just came in today. Now that he is enjoying such treatment, it is clear that he is paving the way for his future development!”

"To be honest, if it weren't for Zheng Chatou's relationship, how could the newcomer Zheng Shiyong be in the situation he is today!"

"This man is so irritating! He's so irritating!"


The monkey head shook his head and talked all the way, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Among them, he has the most seniority in Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi! If he could have Zheng Shiyong's background, he might be a registered official by now.

"Okay, Monkeyhead, please stop saying a few words. If someone who cares listens to it, you will inevitably end up in trouble!"

Chen Pingan advised.

"Hmph! Just listen. My monkey head is right. What does it have to do with spreading the word!"

Monkey Tou speaks rather forcefully. It's just that I don't know if Chen Ping'an's persuasion had an effect or for some other reason, but he changed the topic later and stopped complaining about Zheng Shiyong.

In response, Chen Pingan shook his head slightly.

This monkey head is really...

To be honest, Chen Ping'an was naturally envious of Zheng Shiyong getting such a grand introduction when he first arrived.

However, he knows that envy is useless!

In this world, you have to earn your status by yourself after all!

Whether it’s fist fights or background fights!

Old Chentou is dead, and all he can rely on is himself!

The only one Chen Erya can rely on is him!

During the street patrol, Chen Ping'an's thoughts were changing. Every change in his thoughts made his heart become more determined! The firm belief makes his body exude a completely different spirit!

This day's street patrol was still uneventful!

After eating and drinking in Fusi, Nanquanli Lane Town at noon, we found a place to rest for a while as usual. Since most of Baishi Lane is residential, there is no important place. So this time, several people had more time to rest and fish than usual.

Among the many streets in Nanquanli Lane, Baishi Lane is undoubtedly one of the more relaxed ones.


"Nanny, brother is back!"

As soon as Chen Pingan entered the door, he smelled the aroma of food.

"Brother is back!"

Chen Erya was busy in the kitchen and did not come out to greet him.

Chen Ping'an walked into the kitchen and found the milky white beef bone soup in the pot, steaming and enticing!

He had just returned from a business trip and was very hungry. He could not hold back when he smelled such fragrant and rich beef bone soup.

Chen Ping'an was about to say to try a bowl first, but Chen Erya on the side said while frying vegetables.

"Brother, you must be hungry. I made some wheat cakes this afternoon. Brother, you can eat some to fill your stomach first. It's in the cupboard."

While cooking, Chen Erya took the time to motion to the cupboard next to her.

"Nanny is so good!"

Chen Pingan was all smiles.

Where can I find such a considerate sister?

If in the previous life, at Nannan's age, I'm afraid she would still be the treasure of each family. She would be loved, pampered and pampered. How could she be so considerate!

The world...

As he thought about it, Chen Pingan couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Brother, what are you doing standing there in a daze? It's on the third floor of the cabinet!"

Seeing Chen Ping'an froze on the spot, Chen Erya urged.

Chen Pingan responded and took out a plate of wheat cakes from the cupboard.

This wheat cake burning is a common saying in every household. In fact, the egg liquid and wheat flour are mixed with each other, stirred evenly, and a little salt is added in the process. Then put an appropriate amount of sesame oil in the pot. After the sesame oil emits some green smoke, the egg and wheat flour mixture can be added to the pot and stir-fried.

Finally, add a handful of chopped green onion to enhance the aroma, and the oatmeal pancake is ready.

"It smells so good!"

Chen Pingan looked at the golden and crispy wheat cakes in front of him and praised them.

“It’s indeed Nannan’s craftsmanship!”

There was still a little bit of residual warmth on the wheat cakes. It was obvious that Chen Erya had estimated the time for his departure and made them in advance. Her thoughts were extremely delicate.

Chen Ping'an ate the wheat cakes and felt satisfied in his heart.

Since he practiced Iron Cloth Shirt, his appetite has increased.

During the day, he had eaten a lot in Zhenfusi, but now he was extremely hungry.

It was obvious that he had just started practicing martial arts and had entered the first level of Qi and blood. His Qi and blood were surging more fiercely than before, and the consumption was greater.

This is just the beginning of the first level of qi and blood. If the first level is perfected, I'm afraid I'll be half-way up and I'll be starving!

Chen Ping'an thought secretly in his heart.


Although he eats a lot of rice now, most of it is ordinary vegetarian dishes without much oil or water. If you want your body to truly absorb sufficient nutrients and blood, you probably still need those big meats!

No wonder, the food of the poor men must be different from that of the servants!

Now, Chen Pingan can understand some of the rules set by the Zhenfu Division.

He is still at the first level of Qi and Blood, but those who are weak in the Zhenfu Department are often at the third level of Qi and Blood. If you eat the same meat and vegetable dishes as the servants, how can you stay hungry? ?


Oil and water splashed, and a plate of raw beef was poured into the pot by Chen Erya.

After the beef was put into the pot, Chen Erya stir-fried it skillfully.

Add green pepper, salt, and accessories...

A plate of fried beef with green peppers that is fragrant and slightly spicy is ready to be served.

"Brother, you can eat~"

Chen Erya greeted.


Chen Pingan responded. At that moment, the brother and sister took the dishes out one by one.

Today’s dinner: a plate of fried beef with green pepper, a plate of stir-fried vegetables, a large bowl of beef bone soup, half a plate of wheat cakes and two bowls of fragrant white rice.

"Nanny, there's not enough water in the water tank. I'm going to get some."

After dinner, Chen Pingan patted his belly with satisfaction.

"I will go get some water tomorrow daytime. Brother, just practice martial arts!"

Chen Erya dissuaded.

For her, these things are all things she can help her brother do and are within her ability. If you don't bother your brother, don't bother him.

There was still enough water in the tank for two days, so she didn't go to fetch it today.

"It's okay, just in time to digest dinner!"

Chen Pingan said with a smile.

He went to fetch water, making at most ten trips back and forth. If Chen Erya goes there, I'm afraid the number of trips back and forth will more than double. And with her small arms and legs, she would probably be half exhausted after fetching water.

After that, Chen Pingan walked out with a pole and two wooden buckets.

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