There are several public water-drawing places in Lihua Lane. However, the closest one to Chen Ping'an's house is under the big mulberry tree in the east.

There is a stream next to the big mulberry tree, where women from the lane often come to wash clothes. There is also a small open space, where many children come with the women on weekdays and often play there. There is a well in the open space, which is where the surrounding people get water.

Chen Ping'an walked very fast and soon came to the big mulberry tree.

Sure enough, there were many people here. Children ran around and played happily. "Have you heard about it? The family of Old Gao in the southeast corner seems to be doing well recently."

"What happened?"

"A few days ago, when I was visiting them, I happened to meet them eating and found that they were eating braised pork."

"Braised pork!? Old Gao's wife has no skills and no strength. What happened? Did she get rich?"

"I don't know! Isn't it strange?"

"It's strange! Let's go and ask someday to see if they have found any opportunities to make a fortune!"


Beside the stream, several women were washing clothes and talking about their families.

Chen Pingan ignored them. He walked straight to the well and drew water.

There was a wooden bucket specially used for drawing water next to the well. Chen Pingan threw it into the well.

Clear water splashed everywhere.

Chen Pingan skillfully swung the wooden rope, and the wooden bucket tipped over and began to swallow the clear water in the well.

Chen Pingan looked at the well mouth, and when the water was full, he lifted the wooden bucket.

Hmm! ?

Chen Pingan was slightly stunned. He found that the wooden bucket full of water seemed a little light, which was not the feeling in his memory.

Chen Pingan lifted the wooden bucket out of the well and poured it into the wooden bucket he brought, which was just full.

Repeating the previous action, he filled another bucket with water.

"Have I become so much stronger?"

The second time he lifted the wooden bucket, he still felt light. Chen Pingan guessed secretly.

After carrying two buckets of water, Chen Pingan walked towards home.

Along the way, his steps were light, completely different from the previous experience of fetching water.

Although he could carry two full buckets of water in the past, he was shaking all the way, and when he got home, half of the water had already splashed out. Two buckets of water means half of the water is wasted on the road.

This is not only laborious, but also inefficient. Therefore, Chen Pingan usually fills the water halfway.

But today...

Chen Pingan carried the water steadily, looking very relaxed.

Until he poured the water into the water tank, he was calm and relaxed, not feeling tired at all.

"This is the change brought by the first level of Qi and Blood!"

Chen Pingan was just surprised.

This was the first time he felt the changes in his body so clearly.

"Come again!"

Chen Pingan rushed out of the house excitedly.

He repeated this until the water tank was full to the mouth.

It usually takes ten trips to fill the water tank, but today he only went seven or eight times. Because every time he filled the water tank, it was full, not half full as before.

"My strength is more than half greater than before!"

After experiencing it, Chen Pingan began to practice Iron Shirt.

After half an hour, the familiar +1 experience value appeared.

Name: Chen Pingan

Realm: First Level of Qi and Blood

Martial Arts: Introduction to Iron Shirt (3/15)


In the following days, Chen Pingan lived a very regular life.

Every morning, he got up early and started practicing the iron shirt, then went to the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division to report on time.

According to the distribution of the Zhenfu Division, he patrolled the streets and alleys in Nanquan Lane to deter the scoundrels.

After finishing his work every day, he practiced the iron shirt again after having dinner with Chen Erya.

In a few days, he also met Qin Tou once.

Qin Tou had gray hair and a kind smile.

He was nearly sixty years old and was about to reach the age of hearing obedience. He was no longer brave and aggressive as he was when he was young. If he was not wearing the formal uniform of a policeman, he would look like a short old man next door when walking in the crowd.

Only the occasional sharpness in his eyes showed his martial arts cultivation of the second level of Qi and blood.

How could Qin Tou not have two brushes to become a formal policeman of the Nanquan Lane Zhenfu Division without any background and being poor?

Old Chen Tou was like this back then, and Qin Tou was naturally the same.

On this day, it was rare that Qintou did not slack off and patrolled the streets with them.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Qintou was generous and paid for them to drink tea.

During the conversation, Qintou also talked about Chen Ping'an's father, Old Chentou, and there was some sigh in his words.

"Old Chen was also a figure in the past! If it weren't for the action of encircling and suppressing the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, he would have been seriously injured by a deacon of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. With Old Chen's situation, I'm afraid he will be able to enter the third level of Qi and Blood in two years! By then, he can't escape the identity of a messenger!"

Qi and Blood First Level, Refining Skin! Qi and Blood Second Level, Training Meat! Qi and Blood Third Level, Changing Muscles!

As long as a messenger can successfully enter the third level of Qi and Blood, there is no particularly obvious bad record. Generally speaking, the Nancheng Town Fusi will grant a messenger the identity of a messenger.

Once you are granted a messenger, you have truly achieved a class leap.

Chen Ping'an was silent. He remembered some of Old Chentou's voice and smile in his mind.

Ten Thousand Demons Sect...

"What a bad head! In our Nanquan Lane, we are all dealing with prominent figures!"

Qin Tou took a sip of tea and sighed.

"Qin Tou, you are not bad at all. With your martial arts cultivation at the second level of Qi and Blood, and your mastery of the Thirteen Gongmen Swordsmanship, you are a well-known figure in Nanquan Lane!"

Monkeyhead complimented from the side.

"You say so, Dashan."

Dashan smiled stupidly and nodded in agreement.

There are more than thirty official officers in Nanquanli Lane, at least half of whom have failed to reach the second level of Qi and blood and are still at the first level of Qi and blood.

"I'm getting old! In the martial arts, old age leads to exhaustion, vitality disappears, and qi and blood decline! I am now fifty-nine years old. I only have the second level of qi and blood. If I really fight, I will only be able to complete the first level of qi and blood. level."

Qin Tou looked at the knife on his waist and seemed to have thought of something.

"This man can't bear to accept his old age!"

"Ginger is still spicy when you are old, but you are still awesome when you are old!"


Qin Tou laughed.

Seeing this, Hericium and Dashan laughed together.

Although they have not entered martial arts practice, they still know a thing or two about the common sense of martial arts.

There are six levels of qi and blood, one level is stronger than the other!

Except for the last two levels, the first four levels cannot avoid the natural law of exhaustion due to old age and the decline of Qi and blood.

Once you get past fifty, it starts to slowly go downhill.

Only by nourishing the body with various great medicines and precious materials can the decline of the age be delayed for several years or even ten years.

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