"Aren't you really curious?"

The monkey head probed.

"Don't be curious. What you should know will be known naturally. What you shouldn't know will be meaningless if you know it."

Chen Pingan said calmly.

Let me go!

I promised to manipulate you, but why did I get manipulated instead?

Chen Ping'an's indifferent look made Houtou feel uncomfortable.

"Peace, your character is really..."

The monkey head was at a loss for words. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of any suitable words of evaluation.

In the end, I could only hold back one sentence:

"Zhe Luxury!"

Seeing Chen Ping'an's unresponsiveness, Houtou, who was feeling uncomfortable, could only honestly tell him what had happened.

It turns out that the reason why it was so lively early this morning was that the atmosphere was great. It's because there is a new officer in Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi. Like them, he is a temporary officer who is not registered.

It was nothing. From time to time, Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi will have some temporary personnel. However, this new temporary officer has a special status and is not brought in based on ordinary connections.

The new temporary officer is called Zheng Shiyong, and he is the nephew of Zheng Chatou from Fusi in Nanquanli Lane Town.

This is not a distant nephew or a nephew in name only. That's a real nephew.

Zheng Chatou, who is that? ?

That was the most famous and powerful among the five chiefs of their Nanquanlixiang Town Fu Division!

With this relationship, many guards in Nanquanli Lane naturally came together to make friends.

"Houtou, this is Zheng Shiyong. If he has such a strong connection, why is he still an unregistered temporary officer?"

While Hou Tou and Chen Pingan were talking, Dashan on the side interrupted and asked.

"What? Dashan, you are also interested! It's really rare."

Monkeyhead teased. Then he explained the reason.

Among the few people, he has been working as an errand at the Nanquanli Lane Town Fusi for the longest time, and he also knows the most things and rules.

It turns out that unless someone is extremely talented or has reached the second level of Qi and Blood in martial arts, they can get the special move of Zhenfu Division and become a formal servant as soon as they come in.

Otherwise, if you want to join the Zhenfu Division, you can only start as an unregistered temporary sergeant.

The rules of the Zhenfu Division are like this, and no one can be exempted. It’s not necessarily true that no one is exempt. It’s not clear whether Chasi can do it, but at least at Zheng Chatou’s level, he can’t do it.

"I see."

Dashan nodded.

"Hericium, you know so much."

At the end, Dashan added this sentence.

It was obvious that Dashan was praising him, but Hericium was not happy at all. Seeing Chen Ping'an's calm expression, he couldn't show off his wish. This feeling was really fucking uncomfortable.

Who knows who is coming!

As several people communicated, time gradually passed. Finally, several heavyweights came in one after another.

Zheng Chatou, Huang Chatou, Yan Chatou, Li Chatou.

Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi has five weak heads, but today four of them came in a row. This is really rare.

As the officers came in, the originally group of officers gradually dispersed and stood in their respective positions. It was also at this time that Chen Ping'an saw clearly the new officer named Zheng Shiyong.

Zheng Shiyong looks young, probably around sixteen or seventeen years old. He has a strong body and a faint hint of unruliness on his face.

For all the officers, Zheng Shiyong is also the second generation of the poor in Nanquanlixiang Town Fusi!

With Zheng Cha's head covering him, the road ahead for him will probably be extremely smooth. I'm afraid if I stay for a few more years and have enough qualifications, I can easily become a formal servant, which most people can only dream of.

It’s no wonder that so many people try to please someone in advance and form a good relationship.

Even the official officers were extremely polite to Zheng Shiyong.

Sure enough, no matter where you are, there are people at the top who are good at serving as errands, this sentence is true.

It was still Zheng Chatou who spoke at today's regular meeting, and what he said and introduced were all big but empty words. It's probably about the situation in Fusi in Nancheng Town, the situation in surrounding lanes and towns, and the next key directions.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Chatou's speech lasted less than half a quarter of an hour today, which was not as normal as usual.

"It's about to be liberated!"

Monkeyhead whispered.

I thought that Chaqian's regular meeting would end here, but who would have thought that Yan Chatou would actually come and add a few words. While talking, he also specifically mentioned Zheng Shiyong, the new police officer who joined today.

"Come on, Shiyong, come up and stand, let everyone know you!"

Yan Chatou, who had always been serious, now seemed amiable.

Zheng Shiyong didn't show any timidity at all. After hearing Yan Chatou's words, he immediately walked onto the stage.

"Hello, colleagues. I am Zheng Shiyong. I have joined our Nanquanlixiang Town Fu Division today. Please take good care of me in the days to come."


"Welcome welcome!"


After Zheng Shiyong finished speaking, the officers below responded and gave him enough face.

"Okay, that's right. Shi Yong, I hope I can hear news of your meritorious service in the days to come. Okay, let's go down first and get familiar with your colleagues."

Yan Cha patted Zheng Shiyong on the shoulder to encourage him.

"Thank you Yan Chatou."

Zheng Shiyong responded and left the stage with a proud look on his face.

After this encounter, Yan Chatou casually said a few words and ended this regular meeting before the chaplain meeting.

After the regular meeting, each of them led the deacons to patrol the streets today.

Today, Chen Pingan, Houtou and Dashan’s task is to patrol Baishi Lane in Nanquan Lane.

Baishi Lane is mostly residential, not too many shops and vendors, so the number of ruffians is greatly reduced, and the pressure of patrol is not as great as the previous two days.

Of course, to be honest, the pressure in the previous two days was not very great!

For the officers of the Zhenfu Division, as long as there are no difficult cases or actions, most of the time, this life is still quite comfortable.

"Let's go, Houtou, Dashan."

Today's patrol task is for Chen Pingan to sign. After he received the sword waist badge, he said to Houtou and Dashan.

He found that the two were staring blankly not far away.

Chen Pingan's eyes followed the direction of the two people's sight. He found that there were many people gathered there.

"What's wrong?"

He asked the two.

"Hey, people are so annoying when they compare themselves to others!"

Houtou muttered.

"I'm so envious."

Dashan rarely said a word.

It turned out that just now, several messengers came over to encourage Zheng Shiyong. That's fine, Zheng Shiyong is obviously a new temporary messenger, according to their previous experience, he has to start from the most tiring work.

I never thought that Zheng Shiyong didn't even have to patrol the streets today, but only had to follow Yan Chatou as a close companion.

After listening to Houtou's story, Chen Pingan understood.

It seems that among the messengers, Yan Chatou and Zheng Chatou have a good relationship. Whatever Zheng Chatou is not convenient to do, Yan Chatou helps him do it. Whether it is the introduction just now or the arrangement of the actual deacon.

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