Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Chapter 2 Dispute

Inside the elevator stood Li Anping's uncle Li Liping and aunt Jiang Li, who were heading to the house left by Li Anping's grandmother after her death, with a slightly panicked look on their faces.

After hearing the news of Li Anping's disappearance early this morning, Li Liping hurriedly brought his wife to his mother's house.

Jiang Li said with some worry: "They won't come so soon, right? Besides, that boy is missing, what does it have to do with us? Why are they looking for trouble with us?"

"What do you know?" Li Liping glared at Jiang Li: "Someone wants to make trouble for that boy. Now he is missing and can't be found, so they will look for us, right? So I hurried over and took away everything I could, especially the dowry my mother brought, which included several gold chains. I can't let others take it cheaply."

After a while, the elevator went up, but as soon as the door opened, Li Liping was dumbfounded. The corridor was full of people, all of whom were muscular and wearing T-shirts. They were holding steel pipes, baseball bats and other things in their hands, staring at Li Liping.

At this time, it was too late to run away. Immediately, two big men rushed up and pulled the couple out. The passengers in the elevator saw it and didn't dare to say a word, so they closed the elevator door and left.

Li Liping and his wife were surrounded by a group of big men in the middle, trembling. He bravely asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?" From his current angle, he could see Li Anping's house. The door had been pried open long ago, and things were thrown all over the floor, as if it had been turned over long ago.

"Who are these two?" The big man in the lead asked with his chin raised high, wearing a pair of sunglasses and a bare head.

The younger brother beside him looked at the notebook in his hand and replied, "They are the biological son and daughter-in-law of that old man."

The bald man glanced at Li Liping and said disdainfully, "Li Anping is in trouble. Do you know where he is?"

Hearing this, Li Liping hurriedly told the situation, fearing that the other party would make a move.

"He has nothing to do with us. We helped Lawyer Xu find that little beast. Who knew he was an ungrateful wolf, but he screwed us to death and finally killed my mother. If I see him, I can't beat him to death."

According to him, this is in broad daylight after all, and he, Li Anping, has no contact with him. The other party should not be too messy after knowing the situation.

But the bald man just sneered and stretched out his hand to grab Jiang Li. Li Liping wanted to block him, but was slapped to the ground by the other party. The bald man grabbed Jiang Li's hair, causing her to scream. Li Liping sat on the ground with a pale face, a large swelling on his face, and looked at the bald man in fear.

The bald man snorted coldly, then pulled out a dagger from his waist and pressed it against Jiang Li's face. The blade rubbed against Jiang Li's face, squeezing out a line of blood, and scared Jiang Li to scream continuously.

"Fuck your grandma, are you fooling around with me? Do you know who I am?" As the bald man said, several younger brothers around Li Liping immediately kicked him.

"Kneel down!"

"Don't you know Brother Chang?"

"You scolded the neighbor."

Chang Zheng slashed with a knife, leaving a hideous scar on Jiang Li's face immediately. Jiang Li cried wildly, but was kicked on the calf by Chang Zheng and fell to the ground.

"What are you yelling for? If you yell again, I'll stab you a few more times." Jiang Li immediately stopped talking in fear.

Seeing this, Chang Zheng walked up to Li Liping again and kicked him in the face. Li Liping had no choice but to kneel on the ground with his head in his hands, allowing him to be punched and kicked.

Another kick landed on the kidneys on Li Liping's back, causing him to twitch in pain.

"Damn it, you dare to come here with such a cowardly look? I waited for a whole night in vain."

Li Liping was hit a few more times. Chang Zheng's punches and feet were already very heavy, and Li Liping's body was not in good condition. After a series of punches and kicks, he was already somewhat unconscious.

Chang Zheng was very angry. Brother Huo called him at three o'clock in the middle of the night yesterday, told him about the hospital, and asked him to quickly catch Li Anping. He thought that the other party was penniless, so he had to go home anyway. So he squatted at the door of Li Anping's house with his younger brother.

As a result, Li Anping didn't go home after squatting for a whole night, and only Li Liping came.

"Damn it, where is Li Anping? Will you tell me?"

"I really don't know where he is. Stop hitting me. I really don't know." Li Liping cried and cried with his head on the ground.

Chang Zheng was furious and kicked Li Liping: "Fuck, are you still pretending?"

Suddenly, the cell phone rang. Chang Zheng answered the call and turned to Li Liping and said: "You are lucky. We knocked him out and took him away." Then he put the knife to Jiang Li's neck and threatened viciously: "We will take your man away. If you dare to call the police, you will have to wait for the body to be collected. And if Li Anping contacts you, call us immediately. Do you understand?"

After that, he asked his younger brother to hand over the business card.

Jiang Li nodded hurriedly: "I understand, I will never call the police, I will definitely contact you when Li Anping comes."

At this moment, two middle-aged security guards rushed out of the elevator, pointed at Chang Zheng and shouted: "What are you doing? Let the people go, we have called the police."

"Fuck you."

Without Chang Zheng saying anything, the younger brothers around him immediately beat the two middle-aged security guards with fists and sticks. These security guards are just laid-off employees in their 40s and 50s, how can they be opponents of these gangsters. They were knocked down in two or three hits, and the steel pipes and wooden sticks hit the heads of the two security guards, and blood immediately splashed all over the floor.

Until the two security guards fell to the ground with their last breath, Chang Zheng stopped his men.

He stepped on the hand of a security guard, listened to the other party's painful groan, and then nodded with satisfaction. He took the steel pipe from his younger brother's hand, smashed it hard on the iron door beside the corridor, pointed at the gate and roared: "Don't think I don't know who called them here. Whoever dares to meddle in other people's business again will buy a coffin." The neighbors behind the door were trembling with fear.

"Leave two people here to wait for the boy, and the rest will follow me."

After saying that, he took Li Liping away with an arrogant face.

Li Anping was walking towards home. Although he didn't know what to do next, he had to find a way to help his grandmother get revenge. Before that, he had to go home first, get some money, and change clothes.

But as soon as he walked downstairs, he heard a bunch of aunts and aunts talking, as if something big had happened.

When Li Anping was feeling confused, he suddenly found that he could hear what the other party was saying even though he was more than ten meters away.

"Alas, the Li family is really miserable. Li Anping just committed a crime, and his grandmother passed away. Now that the eldest son is back, he was also arrested by the underworld."

"Be careful not to talk nonsense, that's Huo Qing's people. They kill people without blinking. Look, Jiang Li got a knife on her face, and she didn't even dare to fart."

"Is it really that powerful?"

"Humph, the person who came this time is called Chang Zheng. He is Huo Qiang's subordinate who specializes in debt collection. He is cruel and ruthless, and has a strong backstage. You see, they called the security guard in the building, but he was beaten half to death. I heard that one of his legs was disabled."

Li Anping was furious when he heard this, and he couldn't help but rush behind the aunts who were talking: "Are you talking about Li Liping who used to live on the 13th floor? Seeing him being arrested like this, why didn't anyone call the police? Just let these underworld gangs run rampant?" He couldn't believe that there were such rampant underworld gangs in broad daylight.

The aunties were startled when they saw someone rushing out, but they calmed down when they saw the beggar-like Li Anping.

"I was so scared, I thought someone had heard us." The auntie patted her chest and looked at Li Anping and said, "Little beggar, what do you know? Behind Chang Zheng stands Huo Qing, who is the big brother of Zhongdu. Who dares not to give face to him in the black and white world? And this Chang Zheng is under Huo Qiang to collect debts for him, so he is very cruel."

"How cruel?" Li Anping asked with a frown.

"I heard that he was collecting debts in the city center last month and killed someone, but nothing happened."

"Don't the police care about this kind of scum?" Li Anping said angrily, "Is Huo Qing more powerful than the government?"

"No, there is a lot of water here."

Li Anping asked more and found that he couldn't get anything out. After all, they were just a few old ladies. They were already very good at gossiping to know these rumors about the ** in Zhongdu.

So he went upstairs to his home. However, knowing what happened to Li Liping in advance, he was cautious and took the stairs instead of the elevator.

In this kind of old-style public housing with elevators, no one usually takes the stairs, because the floors are high and the stairs are narrow and slanted, which makes it very hard to walk. Ordinary people may be out of breath after walking a few steps.

But Li Anping was fine. With his strengthened body, he climbed the stairs very quickly and reached the thirteenth floor in a blink of an eye without feeling tired at all.

He carefully looked through the crack of the security door and found two big men wandering in the corridor, chatting incoherently.

"How long do we have to wait? What if this guy gets the news and doesn't come? Wouldn't we have waited in vain?" One person complained.

The other man smiled helplessly: "There's nothing we can do. I don't know who did it this time to make Brother Lang and the others fall. Lord Huo was furious and was determined to take revenge. He called up several big brothers in the middle of the night, not only Brother Chang, but also Brother Fei and Brother Bao. Now the only clue is the missing kid Li Anping. Lord Huo has already named him."

"This kid first offended Young Master Shang, and now he has offended Lord Huo. I think after he is caught, he can't die even if he wants to.'

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