Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Chapter 1 Confusion

In the dark alley, creepy crunching sounds kept ringing. Like a sewer rat chewing food.

A black shadow lay on Lao Nuo's body, constantly taking out something and making terrifying chewing sounds.

This is already an urban-rural fringe area close to the outskirts of Zhongdu. It was approaching midnight, and no one noticed the horrific scene in this alley.

Suddenly, the sound of chewing stopped, and a ray of moonlight shone down, illuminating Li Anping's pale face.

His eyes were protruding and full of horror. When he saw the bloody old Nuo under him, he screamed and backed away, leaning against the wall.

Li Anping looked at the blood on his hands and the wreckage on the ground, and finally couldn't help but vomited.

He vomited for a long time, but he couldn't vomit completely. He always felt like something was churning in his stomach. When he saw the blood in his vomit, he screamed like crazy.

"If you want to attract the police, just keep calling."

Li Anping raised his head and said angrily: "What on earth did you do? You actually... let me eat... let me eat..."

"You want to say cannibalism?" The voice said with ill intentions: "I didn't control you. From the beginning to the end, it was you who acted on your own. It didn't matter whether you killed the police or the first intruder. That’s fine, you also chased down the second intruder, killed him, and then took a few bites of his meat, all of which you did yourself.”

"How is that possible?!" Li Anping banged his head against the wall hysterically: "How could I eat people? You devil, how could you let me eat people?!"

"Hehehehe, I said I didn't control you, I just gave you power." The voice sneered: "And everything you do after that is driven by instinct under the influence of power.

Li Anping, you are born to be a devil. In the bottom of your heart that has been pursuing justice for more than twenty years, you hide the deepest malice of mankind.

To you, killing is as natural as breathing, and destroying life is as simple as dressing or eating. These are your instincts and are the real you. "

Li Anping put his head in his hands and covered his ears: "Nonsense, I don't want to listen to your temptation anymore, it's all you, you are the one manipulating me, you devil, you devil!! You have ruined my life !”

The voice snorted coldly: "Before this, you had no life left. On the contrary, now that your body has been repaired, you have mastered powers that ordinary people cannot control, and you have a chance for revenge.

The only price is to arouse one's own instinct. What a bargain.

Besides, you promised me before that you would pay any price. Are you going to regret it now? "

Li Anping remained silent, with a ruthless look on his face: "But I didn't promise you to eat people! What will it take for you to leave my body? I will never eat people again."

The voice said again: "I just need to make a deal with you. In the process of the deal, you will only get countless benefits and master power that ordinary people can't imagine..."

Faced with terrible truths, some people go mad, some break down, and some reveal their true nature.

"You have been using me from the beginning, right?" The logical thinking in Li Anping's brain also started to work again: "When you were in the ward, although you talked a lot, you didn't actually reveal any important information. Even what exactly did you do? What kind of existence it is, I have no idea.

But at that time I was completely despondent, so I chose to believe you..."

"Hehehehe, it turns out that your choice was right."

"Really? Thinking about it calmly now, I feel that I was bewitched by you and just followed the path you wanted me to take." The voice remained silent, and Li Anping continued: "If you want to trade, at least First tell me what you are and what is going on?" He pointed at the body on the ground.

"Hey, the deal has been reached. It's too late to say anything now. When you relax, my power and your body have become inseparable. Speaking of which, should you take a look at your own body first? ?”

"Huh?" Li Anping stood up after hearing this and looked down at his body. He screamed in surprise, looked at his torso in disbelief, and shouted with all his limbs: "How is this possible?"

I saw that his original body of 1.8 meters had become taller, almost reaching 1.9 meters, and the thin body that had been tortured in the hospital bed had become extremely strong, with patches of tendons on his arms and thighs. , coupled with the streamlined abdomen and chest muscles, it looks like a gymnast or swimmer.

It was a huge difference from how he looked a day ago.

At the same time, a seductive voice sounded in his ears again: "My ability is to enhance myself by absorbing human souls and bodies. After inhabiting your body, you will also have the same ability." ability.

As long as you keep hunting humans, you will become stronger and stronger, and your body will become closer to perfection.

As long as you hunt enough humans, one day you will become the god of the new world and run the world according to your own will. "

"Don't even think about it." Li Anping said decisively: "I will never eat people. And what you said is completely baseless."

"There is no evidence? How do you explain your current body? How do you explain everything you did in the hospital?" The voice sarcastically said: "You absorbed the soul of the policeman to fight against the person with the ability to control muscles. , and then after eating that ability user, I was able to chase this man all the way and complete the initial transformation of my body."

"It's not me who did this!! It's you!!" Li Anping roared: "You can never use me again, you monster, I will not be at your mercy anymore."

"Hmph, how do you get revenge? You don't have to be strong through cannibalism. But what do you do now? The police are looking for you, and the Shang family won't let you go. Although they are not sure that you killed the people in the hospital, Yes, but I also know that you are missing. If they send a stronger ability user next time, you will die with your current strength. "

"It's none of your business." Li Anping held his head and walked out of the alley.

"You're such a rookie. You don't even know how to hide the body after eating."

Li Anping didn't say a word and just walked out of the alley. Although his thinking returned to normal, he was still very confused. He wanted to vent, but he didn't know what to do. He wanted to find someone to talk to, but he didn't know who to talk to.

He was walking alone on the cold winter street. He was still wearing a hospital gown with blood stains on it, which made him look particularly weird.

The cold wind blew on his body, but Li Anping didn't feel the slightest chill. There is an endless stream of power in the body. Although he is not as strong now as when the hospital exploded his power, his strengthened body has made him far superior to ordinary people.

Gradually, Li Anping walked faster and faster, and he started running. The map of the entire Zhongdu City appeared in his mind, as if he was looking at the map in his hand. He had never felt that his memory was so strong. His arms swung powerfully, his feet stepped on the ground, and the huge thrust pushed his body forward.

Feeling the wind blowing on his face, Li Anping kept running at the speed of an ordinary sprinter, as if he wanted to vent all the anguish in his heart.

However, his strong body felt no fatigue at all, his limbs did not feel sore, his lungs breathed as normal, and there was not even a hint of wheezing.

when he stopped. I just feel my legs are slightly sore, just like ordinary people taking a walk after a meal.

It wasn't until dawn that he realized that he had unknowingly traveled dozens of kilometers and returned to the community where he used to live.

"Did I subconsciously come back here?" Li Anping murmured. Seeing the familiar plants and trees nearby, he experienced a feeling that things were different and people were different. The last time he came here, he was still a college student in his prime and a hero who acted bravely for justice.

But now, he has become a rapist despised by everyone and a murderer pursued by the police.

"What on earth should I do?"

Walking down the street in despair, Li Anping looked confused.

"Li Anping?" At this moment, a female voice sounded from behind him, almost frightening him to death.

He turned around and found that it was his neighbor's daughter, Wang Xue.

'what to do? Should I knock him out? Will he call the police? Could it be... kill her? ’ Li Anping turned around and looked at Wang Xue blankly, just as he was feeling ashamed of his subconscious reaction. Wang Xue behind him spoke again.

"Sorry, I got the wrong person." Wang Xue stuck out her tongue and winked at Li Anping. At 18 years old, she is in the prime of youth. In addition to her natural good looks, she looks even more adorable. She is also a popular figure among many boys in school.

At this time, Li Anping looked down at himself and reacted. It turned out that after his body was transformed, both his body shape and temperament had changed greatly. Only his eyebrows still vaguely looked the same as before, so Wang Xue mistook him for it.

But Wang Xue looked at Li Anping's dejected appearance and the blood stains on his clothes, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"'s okay." Li Anping said nervously: "I just fell."

Wang Xue can naturally see through such a mindless lie. However, living in this slum, Wang Xue saw many kinds of people. If she hadn't just felt that the other person was somewhat similar to Li Anping, she would not have come up to ask questions.

"It's fine. There are no obstacles in the world that you can't overcome." Wang Xue said carelessly: "If you want to find a job, you can go to the market to find my father, Wang Qing, to help move the vegetables. It's better than hanging around every day."

"Yes, I will consider it." Li Anping nodded, knowing that the other party misunderstood him as a beggar or a homeless person. But now he is no different from a tramp.

I had heard before that Wang Xue's father, Wang Qing, was the boss of the vegetable market, and she liked to help some needy households in the community and became a figure similar to a big sister. Now it turns out that this is indeed the case.

Watching Wang Xue leave, Li Anping suddenly felt warm in his heart. Maybe this world is very dirty, but it has not reached the moment of complete despair. Maybe it is only a small part, but there are still good people and good deeds in this world.

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