Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 1 Light and Shadow Epilogue

Dim lights, pungent smell.

Although this was not the first time he came to the morgue, Huang Linjun still felt uncomfortable.

Pushing open the door of the morgue, Alang's body was lying on the autopsy table. The trays around him still contained various blood, pieces of meat and some kind of tools that Huang Linjun couldn't name.

The victim was found in hospital yesterday. Originally, this kind of murder case was not within Huang Linjun's jurisdiction, but because of the unusual nature of the case, the police chief of Zhongdu City pulled him out of bed with a phone call.

'That's pretty rough. ’ Seeing the corpse in front of him again, Huang Linjun still couldn’t help but frown.

The limbs were broken, the neck was torn open, large areas of tissue were bruised throughout the body, and a hole was opened in the skull. If Huang Linjun hadn't analyzed the case in advance, he would have almost thought it was the work of some perverted murderer.

He stood by the autopsy table and waited for a while. Forensic doctor Zhang Wei walked in from the door.

"They actually called you over? Haha, now the guys from the crime team can be freed." Zhang Wei seemed a little surprised to see Huang Linjun looking at the corpse.

While packing up the equipment, he said: "I have sent the autopsy report to your mailbox. Are you still in the mood to look at this pile of minced meat? You know, the two novices who delivered the corpse yesterday almost vomited out their livers. . To be honest, this is the most brutal corpse I have ever seen in all my years of doing this.”

Huang Linjun turned his head to look at Zhang Wei and smiled: "I can't help it. I am the only one in the entire bureau who can handle this kind of thing. I came here today to ask you about some things that cannot be seen in the autopsy report. Situation." Huang Linjun said meaningfully.

He knew that the medical examiner was writing an autopsy report and would always find some extraordinary circumstances when encountering cases related to people with abilities. These extraordinary circumstances are obviously results that most upper-level police leaders cannot accept.

You can't tell your boss that the victim was killed by a person with super powers. At least it can't be written like this in writing, otherwise you will be carrying it at a police station in a remote area for the rest of your life.

Therefore, although ability users are almost an open secret in the upper echelons of many government departments, there are no written records about them in any official documents of Daxia.

Therefore, when forensic doctors encounter cases related to people with abilities, they often use Chunqiu's writing method to reduce and reduce, and give a reasonable explanation or hypothesis.

The true facts of the case are often known only to secret police officers like Huang Linjun who specialize in paranormal cases.

"I knew it." Zhang Wei muttered, but still answered Huang Linjun's question.

"What was the cause of death?" Huang Linjun casually opened the deceased's information and asked.

"Heavy arterial bleeding, plus half of his brain being torn out of the skull, no matter what the situation, he is dead." Zhang Wei twitched the corner of his mouth: "It is worth noting here, and here." He pointed to the body's arms and neck.

"The size of these arms is obviously not in line with the size of normal humans. They are almost four times as thick as ordinary people, and they are all muscle, with almost no fat. I believe he can kill a bear with his bare hands."

"Maybe he is a fitness enthusiast? He specializes in exercising upper body muscles?" Huang Linjun was unsure: "Is this possible?"

"Have you ever seen any bodybuilder whose muscles are below the elbow? Popeye?" Zhang Wei shook his head: "Any exercise affects the whole body. It is impossible to exercise only this part without involving the elbows and above." Parts of his body, especially his shoulders and back, were pitifully thin, as if he had been malnourished for a long time, which was in stark contrast to his arms.”

Zhang Wei nodded and thought calmly: 'This Wolf should be a mutant type of ability user, similar to the ability to control muscles, so the traces of damage caused on the scene can be explained. It was his power that caused it. But the murderer was able to tear him into pieces head on...'

"And the neck." Zhang Wei pointed to the torn bronchus on the corpse and said.

"Was it bit open?" Huang Linjun asked: "The murderer did not receive formal fighting training, or is there a deep hatred between the murderer and the victim?"

"That's what you want to check. I'm only talking about the corpse." Zhang Wei exhaled and said slowly: "The piece of meat was not found."

"Huh?" Huang Linjun didn't react for a moment.

"We didn't find the meat bitten off the neck. The whole hospital was searched, but nothing was found." Zhang Wei's eyes became darker, seeming to reveal some kind of fear.

"Generally speaking, even if the murderer bites the victim and bites off a piece of meat, he will spit it out immediately. Are you trying to say that?" Huang Linjun said in disbelief.

"I don't want to think that, but guess what I found when I dissected his brain?" Zhang Wei sneered: "The weight of a normal adult's brain is 1,300 to 1,400 grams, but when I was in the skull of a corpse, I only Found 500 grams.

Hum hum, 800 grams of tofu curd is missing.

Either the deceased was mentally disabled during his lifetime, or someone packed up the brain and took it away. "

Huang Linjun frowned deeply: "You want to say that the murderer took away part of the deceased's brain?"

"I'm more suspicious that he ate it. But you still need to investigate what happened." Zhang Weidao: "I'm just responsible for telling you the true situation completely."

As one of the six major powers in the world, although there is still a huge gap between the rich and the poor, the problem of food for the common people has long been solved.

So Huang Linjun really couldn't imagine that in today's modern society, when even homeless people can't starve to death, there are still people who eat people? So he asked: "What about the other policeman?"

"Brain death..." Zhang Wei said: "To be precise, the brain suddenly stopped functioning. There was no external injury on the whole body except for the bruises from the fall, but the brain suddenly stopped functioning, and then the breathing stopped, and all the organs stopped working. I have never seen this kind of death."

"Are there any signs of poisoning?" Huang Linjun touched his chin and said: "Could it be some disease? Did the deceased have no similar medical history before?"

"No, nothing. If he hadn't stopped breathing, I would almost think he was still alive." Zhang Wei shook his head: "He is much luckier than that pile of minced meat, and he can be buried decently."

Huang Linjun felt that the case was more difficult, and thought to himself: 'Is it done by a capable person again? If so, then it means that two capable people have taken action. Or the owner of multiple abilities? What is their relationship with the missing Li Anping? ’

At this moment, Huang Linjun’s cell phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and rushed out without saying a few words.

He gritted his teeth and said, "This bastard."

Huang Wei behind him asked, "What's wrong?"

Huang Linjun did not answer. His mind was all on the news brought by the phone.

Just within 16 hours after the murder case in the hospital, another similar murder case occurred, which was also suspected to be done by a person with abilities...

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