Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 2 Blood Sea Chapter 3 Ambush

"Do you want to save your uncle? Then eat these two guys. Hehe, they are not good people anyway, and eating them will enhance your strength. Your next actions will have a higher success rate."

"Leave me alone."

The tempting voice sounded in Li Anping's mind, but he ignored it. Looking at the two tall gangsters and thinking of all the things he had encountered, Li Anping gradually clenched his fists, and there was a burst of resentment in his eyes.

‘Let’s start with you. ’

Li Anping opened the door and walked towards the two big men. His appearance changed drastically now, and the other party didn't even recognize him.

"Boy, who are you?"

"Do you recognize Li Anping?"

Li Anping didn't reply. He silently walked up to the two of them and punched a big man in the chest. With a bang, the big man flew two meters away and hit the wall. There was a feeling of tightness in his chest and he passed out.

The other big man felt a figure flash past and his companion had fallen. As soon as he reacted, Li Anping punched him again.

Their physical quality is far different from Li Anping's. Regardless of strength, speed or reaction, they are completely suppressed by Li Anping, and they are no match at all.

Without enough time to react, Li Anping punched the big man in the face. He howled miserably and leaned back. But Li Anping grabbed his neck, pulled him back, and punched him in the head again.

Two punches in a row, the big man was hit so hard that stars appeared in his eyes. If Li Anping didn't hold back his hand because he wanted to ask him something, he might have fainted like the first big man.

"Where did you take Li Liping? Who sent you here?"

The big man listened to Li Anping's question, but turned a deaf ear. Instead, he raised his foot and hit Li Anping's lower body with his knee. However, Li Anping easily blocked it with his other hand, holding his calf in his hand and gradually tightening it until it hurt.

"Let me go, boy, do you know who we are?" The big man felt as if his calf was being tightened by an iron hoop, and it was getting tighter and tighter, but he still shouted: "You little bastard, kill me if you have the guts." , or I will kill your whole family."

"Humph!" Li Anping snorted coldly, but let go of his hand and let the big man sit on the ground.

Thinking that Li Anping had succumbed to his threat, the big man then cursed loudly: "Damn it, boy, where are you doing? How dare you touch Brother Chang's people? I tell you that you are dead this time. Kneel down and apologize first. "

After Li Anping heard what he said, he just stepped on the big man's calf. With a click, the big man's leg bone broke.

"Ah!" The big man's scream turned into a groan in the middle of his scream, and Li Anping pinched his mouth.

"Where did you take Li Liping? If you don't tell me, he will be on the other side."

The big man was usually just a gangster who followed Chang Zheng, and his toughness and arrogance just now were just the inertia left by following Chang Zheng for too long. How could he withstand this kind of torture? After being glared at by Li Anping, he confessed everything.

It turns out that Chang Zheng has a lair on the outskirts of Zhongdu. If he catches a debt collector, he will be locked up there and tortured. He himself lived there with a dozen brothers. The person who sent Chang Zheng was named Huo Qing, a big boss in Zhongdu City.

"Chang Zheng... Huo Qing..." Li Anping chewed on these two names.

Judging from the previous conversation between the two big men and the subsequent questioning, it seemed that Huo Qing was Chang Zheng and the eldest brother of the two in the hospital. Shang Zhenbang paid, and the money went into the hands of Huo Qing. Huo Qing sent people to kill Li Anping's grandmother, and then sent Alang and Lao Nuo to the hospital to kill Li Anping.

So if Li Anping wanted to take revenge, he would have several targets. The first would be the person who killed his grandma personally, and then Huo Qing and Shang Zhenbang. Then there were Shang Anguo and Wei Shishi who framed him.

After asking a few more times, Li Anping knocked the big man unconscious and walked towards his home. He also wanted to get some money and a change of clothes.

"Aren't you going to silence them? Just leave them here casually?"

Li Anping said: "You don't have to worry about it, I have my principles."

"Hey, you just have too little experience. Kindness is like a poison. Those who don't clean it up will eventually die from it."

The door of the room had already been pried open by Chang Zheng and his men. The drawers and cabinets in the room were all opened, and the clothes and daily necessities inside were roughly thrown to the ground.

Li Anping didn't bother to tidy up, so he walked into the room and found that the entire bed had been turned over, and the thousands of dollars usually hidden under the bed were gone.

In desperation, Li Anping could only take dozens of change from the drawer, then took a shower and changed into sportswear. However, because of his deformed figure, the suit he wears now is obviously a bit tight.

After thinking about it again, Li Anping walked into the kitchen, found a fruit knife, and stuffed it into his arms. After looking around the house, Li Anping smiled bitterly. Apart from this fruit knife, there was nothing else that could be used as a weapon.

Although he was very confident in his current body, Li Anping was still a little unsure when he thought about facing more than ten vicious gangsters.

But after thinking about it, there was no one who could help him.

"Hey, are you scared? Then why are you hesitating? Eat the two people at the door. After you increase your strength, the so-called underworld will be vulnerable to you."

Li Anping exhaled and said: "Then what's the difference between me and them? No, if I do that, I will be worse than them."

"Hmph, childish sense of justice." The voice sounded dismissive: "Why haven't you understood after going through so many things? This world is originally dark and ugly, and your so-called bright justice does not exist at all."

Li Anping shook his head: "No, I have changed. Now I will no longer ask for help from others. I will no longer ask those in power to give me justice. I will use my own strength to pursue justice."

"You will die!"

"Then you can't eat people." Li Anping shook his head firmly, ignored the voices in his mind, and strode towards the door.

Recalling Lao Nuo's blood-covered body in his mind, Li Anping couldn't help but trembled: "I never want to experience that feeling again."

Since strengthening his body, Li Anping's memory and thinking ability have also been greatly improved. Now he has the entire map of Zhongdu in his mind.

After nightfall, Li Anping rushed to the place mentioned by the big man and found that it was an abandoned factory. From a distance, he could hear a wolf dog barking inside.

The door was closed and two vans were parked outside. The three-meter-high fence is still covered with barbed wire and glass shards. Li Anping walked around the factory from a distance, but he was not sure whether this was Chang Zheng's lair.

At this moment, a group of big men suddenly sprang out from the surroundings, holding machetes in their hands, and surrounded Li Anping. The two leaders also opened their clothes, revealing the pistols at their waists.

When he saw only a few people, Li Anping planned to resist, but the moment he saw the pistol, his nerves suddenly became tense. The deterrent effect of firearms is self-evident to people who have grown up in modern society. In particular, Li Anping had no experience with firearms.

A man touched the handle of the gun, walked up to Li Anping, and patted Li Anping's face gently: "You were the one who beat us? Are you checking Brother Chang's location?"

‘I was careless, I didn’t expect them to have guns. This position is surrounded by several guns, so I can’t be sure of escaping unscathed. ’ Li Anping didn’t notice at all that he was still calmly thinking about countermeasures at this time, instead of being afraid like ordinary people. I don’t know whether this is the effect of physical transformation, or the so-called ‘instinct’ that the voice said.

‘Hey hey hey hey, I’ll let you shut up, now someone has tipped you off...’ the voice gloated.

Li Anping ignored the voice in his head. He just looked at the people around him coldly without saying a word.

However, most people would obviously be frightened when they were surrounded by a group of thugs like this. The man seemed to have concluded that Li Anping was no longer a threat. He slapped Li Anping on the head and laughed: "I heard from Lao Song that you are good at beating, and you even kicked one of his legs off? Our boss wants to personally interrogate you, let's go. ”

Li Anping was pushed and pushed by several big men and led to the factory. Two men with guns walked behind him, staring at Li Anping's every move. He didn't resist and followed everyone into the factory.

‘The distance is too close, we have to wait for the opportunity. ’

When I walked into the factory, I saw several round tables set up in the open space behind the gate, and a dozen big men were eating barbecue and drinking beer. When Li Anping walked in, he stared at him maliciously.

After the two wolf dogs walked in from Li Anping, they kept barking at Li Anping.

"Damn it, what a shit, two people come and take the dog away."

The person behind him pushed Li Anping on the shoulder: "Let's go, you are very good at fighting. There are more than thirty people here today. Let me see how many you can fight." As he spoke, a big man was asked to search Li Anping. He took out the fruit knife hidden in his arms.

"Oh, you brought a knife?" The big men around pointed at Li Anping and laughed. He also stabbed Li Anping in the body with a knife.

Li Anping's face was solemn and he remained silent. No one thinks that Li Anping will resist. They have seen this kind of situation too many times. No matter how courageous the person is on the road, he will not have any unnecessary resistance when surrounded by so many people with weapons. This is human nature. . If you resist, you will be killed. This is the instinct that remains in the human heart after countless years of evolution.

So along the way, several people patted Li Anping on the back of the head and laughed unbridled. The person who had spoken to Li Anping earlier had already gone to the warehouse of the factory to report to Chang Zheng.

"You wait."

There was also a big man who had just finished the barbecue and his mouth was full of oil. When he saw Li Anping walking past him, he grabbed Li Anping's clothes and wiped his mouth with it. Seeing Li Anping's lack of reaction, the people around him laughed even more unbridled.

‘As long as you grab the people around you and eat a few people’s souls, you can fight against them. No need to eat meat, just kill them. ’ A voice full of temptation sounded in Li Anping’s mind again: ‘They are just gangsters and scum. If you eat them, you will save countless people who will be tortured by them in the future. ’

Li Anping didn't answer. He frowned deeply. He didn't expect Chang Zheng's lair to be so dangerous. What I didn't even expect was that his men would be so arrogant and dare to use guns in broad daylight.

The group of people walked into the warehouse and looked around. Only some goods and shelves from the original factory remained in the warehouse, leaving a large open space. Chang Zheng sat on a grand master's chair with a golden sword in his hand, holding a wine bottle in his hand, and a row of younger brothers stood beside him.

After Li Anping came in, the big men who had stayed outside also filed in and sat in a corner of the warehouse, leaving Li Anping standing in the middle, looking murderous.

But Li Anping didn't even look at them. His eyes were all attracted to another corner of the warehouse.

It was an iron cage similar to the one used to keep tigers in zoos. There was a bed in the cage, and a blood-stained man was tied to the bed. But the most terrifying thing was that the man had lost one of his feet. The part below the knee was chopped off and wrapped in dirty gauze. The man stared at the ceiling with numb eyes, as if he had lost the will to live.

That was Li Liping, Li Anping's nominal brother.

"He always lies and wants to escape. There is no way. I can only take one of his legs to make him behave himself." Chang Zheng pointed to the iron bed and said, "Do you know how many people have slept on this bed? What kind of heroes lie on this bed, and they all give in within three days."

Although Li Liping and Li Anping have a mediocre relationship due to their age, he is his brother after all. At this moment, Li Anping only felt as if there was a fire burning in his heart. He stared coldly at Chang Zheng who was sitting on the chair: "Does he have a grudge against you? Why can you be so cruel to a stranger?"

As soon as he said this, someone came out from behind and kicked him in the thigh, trying to make him kneel down.

But Li Anping didn't react at all when he kicked him, instead the man bounced and almost fell to the ground. Li Anping looked back at him, the man just felt that with so many people watching him, it would be too embarrassing to just give up, and after a slight pause, he wanted to draw his sword.

Chang Zheng, who was not far away, waved his hand, told him to get off, and then sneered: "You are quite courageous, I am Chang Zheng, tell me, why did you come to me."

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