Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 57: Earth-shaking

This is a knife without thickness, and the body of the cloaked man, no matter how strong his defense is, how high his density is, how thick and tight his skin is, his most microscopic structure is always composed of particles.

As long as he is still a material, there will be gaps, and as long as there are gaps, the two-dimensional plane without thickness will cut into this gap. The gap between the body and the body is filled by the two-dimensional hand knife, and the electromagnetic force, strong force, weak force, and gravity between the particles are all blocked.

The light-speed vibration hand knife is bounded by the elbow part, and it breaks instantly. The whole arm flies out at the speed of light and disappears.

The two-dimensional hand knife does not rely on three-dimensional means such as strength and sharpness to cut. Because of this, there is nothing in the world that he cannot cut. He cuts from the molecular, atomic, electronic and even smaller microscopic levels.

With one knife, the cloaked man's arm was broken, and a huge wound was cut on his chest.

He retreated quickly and looked at Li Anping in front of him in disbelief. This is the first time he was injured while using the energy of the yellow sun.

Li Anping looked at the wounds on his body that were slowly healing and thought: ‘Does he really have the ability to regenerate? But his body strength is too high, and the energy required for regeneration is tens of thousands of times that of the other two people. But in front of the two-dimensional hand knife, physical strength is meaningless, and such a high-strength body becomes a burden that consumes energy. ’

While thinking, Li Anping has already caught up and slashed at the cloaked man’s head again.

But this time, both the cloaked man and the green monkey beside him were well prepared. They did not use their bodies to resist, and directly used long-range attacks to deal with Li Anping.

But next, whether it was an energy attack or a force field attack, under Li Anping’s two-dimensional hand knife, they were all swiped and cut in half.

Nothing can be cut, everything can be cut.

Whether it is dimensionality reduction or absolute zero, no matter what attack, as long as they are still powered by the four forces of electromagnetic force, strong force, weak force, and gravity, as the cornerstone of starting, then they are generated by exchanging particles, and they cannot escape gravitons and gluons. Photons and bosons can be cut in half by Li Anping.

For a moment, when the two men were at a disadvantage in the face of Li Anping, the blond man who had not made a move finally moved.

The blond man raised his hands high, and a flame shot out from his palms.

The blond man did not have the powerful strength and speed of the cloaked man, and without his physical strength, he could not punch at the speed of light.

He did not have the strong regeneration power of the green monkey, and even his physical strength was only a few hundred thousand tons. There was no way to use tricks such as dimensionality reduction and dimensionality increase.

The only thing he had was energy, that is, Qi, endless. Enough to create the world, enough to fill the entire universe. There was much more Qi and energy than Li Anping, the cloaked man, and the green monkey combined.

When these energies were converted into mass-energy with unprecedented power. A terrible attack was born.

The inexhaustible Qi all over his body soon turned into an endless stream of flames, and then swept towards Li Anping and the other two in the form of a supernova explosion.

The sky is shaking and the earth is shaking—fire burns the sky!

The move that originally needed to absorb the power of heaven and earth to release was completely completed by the endless qi in the blond man's body at this moment, because compared with the so-called power of heaven and earth, the qi contained in the blond man's body, both in quality and quantity, is countless times stronger.

The so-called heaven and earth are also vulnerable in front of his move. It also allows him to release a unit lethality that is millions of times stronger than before.

Boom! More than one trillion temperatures suddenly burst out, accompanied by various x-rays, gamma rays, infrared rays, and high-temperature gases, covering the entire galaxy at the speed of light, and also surrounded the location of Li Anping and the other two.

Under this high temperature, except for the cloaked man, neither Li Anping nor the green monkey can easily maintain their bodies.

Li Anping quickly stopped the molecular movement around him and maintained the temperature at about one thousand degrees. Facing this endless flame, the two-dimensional hand knife is useless.

The green monkey was constantly burned and regenerated in the painful screams. But this pain not only did not weaken his fighting power, but turned into anger, greatly enhancing his strength.

But this is just the beginning. With the supernova explosion created by the blond man, the strong gamma rays burst out every minute with energy equivalent to the total radiation of the entire Milky Way for two hundred years.

There will be a foggy relic similar to a nebula here. The terrifying light will illuminate the universe of 12.9 billion light years in 12.9 billion years, reaching the limit of observation distance of the universe, until the entire universe ends in 20 billion years.

However, this trick of purely crushing the opponent with energy cannot kill Li Anping in front of him, nor can it kill the green monkey and the cloaked man.

The green monkey roared: "Are you crazy?" In the endless burning, his body was filled with anger, and the gamma rays caused by the supernova explosion kept drilling into his body, making his green body bigger and bigger.

"Stop!" the cloaked man said, "If you continue to use this trick, the damage will be too great."

The blond man just smiled at their dissuasion. This is the battlefield specially selected by Green. The nearest planet with life is also millions of light years away. When the next explosion affects those planets, it will be millions of years later. Who knows if those planets will still exist at that time and whether there will be people on them.

Moreover, compared to those fragile lives, the blond man was more concerned about the enemy in front of him, whether Li Anping in front of him could take his subsequent moves.

Heaven and earth shaking - Mountain and ghosts shocked

After the supernova explosion, everything turned into a pot of chemical soup, and the most powerful celestial weapon in the universe, the neutron star, was born.

Powered by the blond man's endless energy, the intensity of this supernova explosion far exceeded any explosion in the history of the universe.

After the blond man launched the Mountain and ghosts shocked, the ability of this move to manipulate gravity was brought to the extreme, and with the residual power of the supernova explosion, a star, a white dwarf, a pulsating neutron star, a magnetar, and a quark star were born respectively. How could their power be comparable to the original five mountains in this move.

These five celestial bodies collided with Li Anping and the other two from five directions at sub-light speed. Of course, this speed could not really hit Li Anping, the green monkey or the cloaked man who were dodging at full speed.

But the blond man's goal was not to hit the other party, his goal was to make the five celestial bodies collide with each other and create an unprecedented black hole.

Its power is difficult to estimate, and it is far greater than the space-time tunnel created by Li Anping and the green monkey before. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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