Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 56: Melee

First, there was endless darkness, followed by colorful light.

When Li Anping walked out of the portal, an extremely vast plain appeared in front of him. The entire plain was composed of some kind of crystal structure, no, it should be said that the entire planet was made of crystal structure.

The temperature was around minus 100 degrees, there was no life, no organic matter.

Just as Li Anping finished his detection, a huge hand covered with green hair had fallen from the sky and slapped his body fiercely.

From hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, you can see that the entire crystal planet first began to sink, and then began to break into pieces. Various lava and rocks erupted from it, at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second, like a cannonball shot into space.

Then the planet began to disintegrate, turning into countless large and small meteorites shooting towards the surrounding space.

The next moment, the cloaked man had also arrived here. With a flash of golden light, the overwhelming fist force directly penetrated Li Anping's body, and then spread towards the endless void.

This terrifying force caused countless space tears along the way. Because of the continuous crossing of space, the surging fist force directly shot onto the stars of this galaxy, so the hydrogen and helium inside the stars were rapidly consumed, and the lifespan of millions of years was like being accelerated.

With the great changes and extinction of the stars, the entire galaxy will be swept into the gravitational tide and turned into piles of debris.

The cloaked man who started the fight has once again brought a golden light and chased Li Anping and the green monkey.

Then the blond man from before also walked out of the portal. He stretched out a finger and pressed it on his forehead, and then instantly moved to the side of the cloaked man.

The four people actually did not have the ability to jump timelines at will, but they were able to use their powerful strength to blow up the space-time dimension and complete a similar behavior of space-time shuttle, jumping from one timeline to another.

This jumping behavior is uncontrollable. It is uncalculated, and it may even lose the possibility of returning to the original timeline.

But at this point in the battle, the four people were no longer interested in considering the possibility of such things. Trying their best to kill the opponent was what they had to consider.

In fact, if they had not just arrived at a human planet, they would not stop at all, but would continue to fight, even if they continued to tear apart time and space, fighting until the end in the long river of time and space.

In the endless void. The green monkey's body continued to grow with the battle and anger, and in a blink of an eye it broke through a height of more than 30 meters. He put his hands together like a vase, and the space around him seemed to be frozen in an instant.

As the green monkey moved, waves of Buddhist chanting and flower fragrance descended here from the unknown universe. In the monkey's eyes, gamma rays surged, extending towards the surrounding starry sky, killing all passing creatures.

"Take my move of boundless Buddha Dharma!"

The ninth style of the Buddha's Palm - boundless Buddha Dharma!

How could Li Anping take on this big move of the opponent? He saw his body gradually turning into light. He was about to dodge to the side.

But the cloaked man on the side naturally couldn't watch him leave so easily.

He saw his hands bring up lightning, like a storm covering the half-light power.

Plasma light speed punch!

The so-called light speed punch cannot be seen or detected, because it represents the fastest speed in the universe. No matter what detection method is used, it is detected through light and rays, but what kind of fluctuations and rays can be faster than light?

So whether it is Li Anping or the cloaked man, they can't see each other's attack clearly. Their fists are bombarding each other, there is no so-called dodge or resistance, the only thing you can do is to resist. Because when you feel the opponent's attack. The light speed punch has already hit you.

Hundreds of millions of light nets composed entirely of light speed punches enveloped Li Anping, and the explosive energy directly blew him out of the photochemical.

But after the yellow sun. Eight Gates of Dunjia amplification of the cloaked man, how could his plasma light speed punch be so simple.

One hundred million punches are just the beginning, and more light speed punches enveloped Li Anping as a whole, like a huge light cocoon trapping Li Anping. This kind of effect, which is like a substance, cannot be achieved by Li Anping's light speed punch, because his light speed punch turns the fist into light, while the opponent's light speed punch distorts time and space with a tyrannical force.

Just when Li Anping was temporarily trapped by the plasma light speed punch, the green monkey's Tathagata Palm had also descended.

The power that dominates the world fell from the sky and turned into two huge palms, slapping the light cocoon where Li Anping was from the left and right sides.

The huge force enveloped the area of ​​thousands of kilometers, and then, like slapping a fly, all the matter in the palms was slapped into a plane.

Yes, a plane. When the palm power dissipated, all the matter, including Li Anping, was slapped into a two-dimensional state by a palm.

I saw that Li Anping had now turned into countless two-dimensional existences, just like his heart, which was divided into countless pieces, and each piece was in a two-dimensional plane.

Each plane looks like a planed surface cut by a knife when viewed from the front, but disappears completely when viewed from the side, because two dimensions have no thickness and disappear when viewed from the side.

It's like a three-dimensional projection to a two-dimensional one. Any two-dimensional creature can only see a part of the three-dimensional creature. Now that Li Anping has become two-dimensional, his entire body has become countless two-dimensional projections.

This is a dimensionality reduction attack. The boundless Dharma means that you will be reduced to two dimensions and beaten to no limit.

Most creatures will collapse in an instant due to the dismantling of their physical bodies during the dimensionality reduction process, but both the green monkey and the cloaked man know that Li Anping will never die so easily.

So when the green monkey used the boundless Dharma and his body shrank rapidly, like a deflated ball, and retracted to a state of five meters, the cloaked man had already followed suit.

Facing Li Anping, who had been transformed into a two-dimensional creature, the cloaked man raised his light-speed fist again, but this time when the two fists moved at the speed of light, one was to the left and the other was to the right, and the whole person looked like a human cross.

A fist running at the speed of light, every particle in the fist maintains the same direction and the same speed, except for the speed of light on the left and right. There is no speed in any other direction.

When the two fists in this situation pulled his left and right sides of the body respectively, the speed of light slowly spread from the two fists to the whole body, all the particles of the left half of the body moved to the left at the speed of light, and all the particles of the right half of the body moved to the right at the speed of light.

When the two speeds of light on the left and right were combined in the midline of the body, through the clever method of transporting force and powerful energy, the body of the cloaked man was not torn apart, but the vectors on the left and right sides were offset, and the speed of all particles in the body instantly became zero, all particles stopped moving, and a breath of ending the universe and the withering of all things came out of the cloaked man's body.

Forgiveness of the Son of Dawn!

On the human-shaped cross, a piece of freezing air representing absolute zero spread rapidly!

Whether it is molecules, atoms, electrons, quarks, or ubiquitous dark matter, space, or time, everything disappears in this absolute zero. Photons are also stilled, making the surroundings pure darkness.

Seeing that the forgiveness of the Son of Dawn hit the two-dimensional Li Anping without any tricks, the cloaked man quickly ended this state and retreated. He saved himself from being affected by the absolute zero.

"Is he dead?"

The green monkey looked at the dark, absolute zero field with a vigilant face. Even he could not detect the situation in it, because any rays or fluctuations in this field would become absolutely still, which was equivalent to disappearing.

He could not imagine whether the other party was dead or alive after being hit by the dimensionality reduction and absolute zero.

The blond man who had not made a move since arriving on this timeline just watched coldly. The excitement in his eyes became stronger and stronger, as if the stronger Li Anping was, the happier he was.

It was the cloaked man who reacted first and shouted: "Be careful, he is still alive!"

In the empty vacuum of the universe, the circulatory system, motor system, digestive system, and various systems of the human body suddenly appeared in front of them, just like a naughty boy painting on a canvas.

"He is reorganizing his body, stop him!"

If a person is a superposition of infinite possibilities, a probability wave, then Li Anping's existence itself also contains infinite possibilities.

Most of the particles in a person's body gather together to form a human body, but there are still many particles floating outside the body. According to quantum theory, such particles outside the body can be in a space with various possibilities.

And now Li Anping's body has been destroyed, but only the largest probability in the probability wave has been erased. In this case, the backup rebirth program of the consciousness algorithm is activated, and he begins to be reborn from the low probability in the surrounding void, turning the low probability into a high probability.

This change in probability is like 0.25+0.25+0.5=1. Now 0.5 is erased, and the other two 0.25s begin to grow until they can re-form another 1. Of course, this is just a metaphor, and the reality is more complicated.

Countless human body parts are born from the void, and the cloaked man and the green monkey go all out to eliminate these low probabilities of rebirth.

This time, the cloaked man turned his fist into a hand knife and began to vibrate at the speed of light. In front of this hand knife vibrating at the speed of light, all of Li Anping's reborn body was cut into pieces.

Capricorn Holy Sword - Excalibur

In front of this hand knife vibrating at the speed of light, there is nothing that cannot be cut. The cloaked man's hands moved at high speed, quickly destroying the enemies in front of him at a speed of tens of thousands per second.

The green monkey on the other side did not hold back either. The hair on his body shook quickly, and countless clones fell from the sky. However, this time the clones were different from the past. They were not monkeys, but one after another green giants. These giants stepped on the clouds and wandered in the void, tearing all the parts of Li Anping they saw into pieces.

At this time, the intensity of the attack was no longer important. They were all using the fastest, simplest and most effective means to eliminate the various parts of Li Anping that continued to appear in the void, such as lymph, blood vessels, bones, etc.

But it didn't work. With their killing, they only changed the distribution of probabilities in the void. As more reborn body tissues were destroyed, the probability of other parts that were not destroyed became higher, and the speed of rebirth became faster.

When the cloaked man and the green monkey eliminated the last body, the probability of this body also became 100%.

Li Anping, came again.

The 100% state can only last for a moment, and then the probability starts to arrange again and spreads around again.

A huge amount of data flows in Li Anping's eyes. He looks at the first cloaked man who rushed over and opened the way with the light-speed vibration hand knife - Excalibur, and he reveals a mysterious smile.

"The experience just now has given me an idea of ​​how to deal with you."

I saw him also stretched out his hand knife, but of course it was not the light-speed vibration hand knife. Li Anping could not move at the speed of light without turning into light.

This time, his right arm completely turned into a two-dimensional state, a state with a thickness of 0.

Take my move - two-dimensional hand knife. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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