Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Epilogue

Looking at the dark image in front of him, Chaos Tide's face became more and more unfriendly. He suppressed his anger and said, "What a mess you made? Is the original not good? Why copy it?"

On the green light ball, the light rolled and made an image of a middle finger. The Four Worlds thought, "Don't you think my copy is better than the original?"

"And the Monkey King is in xx, Superman is in xx, and Saiyan is in xx. It sounds very catchy."

"Idiot." Chaos Tide cursed in a low voice, and his face suddenly changed: "Oh no, he was discovered, stop him!"


The three top warriors of the multiverse may not have broken through to the ninth energy level and reached the realm of the devil, but their combat power is enough to compete with the current Li Anping.

Just after the blond man used a "Shan Xi Gui Shen Jing", time and space were mixed up by huge gravity and mass. The battlefield of the four people jumped directly out of this timeline and came to infinite time and space.

The cloaked man was running, running at a speed beyond the speed of light. His speed was so fast that time faded from his body. This speed allowed him to go to any time point on any timeline and keep wandering in the long river of the world.

The green monkey was attacking, his hands and feet were attacking frantically. Every time he punched and kicked, there were more afterimages swaying behind him. He was communicating with each other at different time points on different timelines and fighting with Li Anping.

The blond man was exploding, the energy in his body was surging frantically, constantly creating explosions, just like the singularity explosion created the universe, attacking everything that happened in the universe from the source of everything, creating a new universe on top of a universe. Every second of explosion can attack the universe and time more than 10 billion years later.

The battle between the four people. It was getting more and more intense.

The cloaked man running on the timeline existed in all millions of universe years at the same time. His fist collided with Li Anping's fist 100,000 years ago, causing a nuclear explosion.

His newly generated fist was cut off by Li Anping's two-dimensional hand knife 150,000 years ago, causing a meteorite that traveled at nearly the speed of light and destroyed a civilization.

The green monkey's body was cut into pieces by Li Anping 20,000 light years away. The meteor shower he caused will be observed by the people on Earth 20,000 years later, becoming a beautiful astronomical spectacle.

Tens of thousands of monkey palms hit Li Anping's vest 10,000 years later, which directly led to all the green monkeys who were borrowed by Li Anping in every battle tens of thousands of years ago being blasted through the body by Li Anping's palm.

The explosion created by the blond man is still continuing. However, because of Li Anping's attack, the parameters and effects of the big bang are changing every minute and every second, which has led to the bifurcation of countless worlds in the future and the birth and death of countless parallel worlds.

If their battle is compared, then the timeline is a branch, and every inch of the branch represents a time point, and they are like several snakes coiled on the branch, and the battle between snakes spans every inch of the branch. There is no causal relationship between the front and back of every inch of the branch.

They are like a snake, crawling on an infinitely long timeline, fighting at every point in time. The time before and after has no meaning to them, and the cause and effect of their existence will not be affected by the flow of time.

But the impact they caused in time and space. It continues to spread along the flow of time.

They expanded the battle to infinite space and time.

In the first year of Jingkang, 1129, the day of the peace talks between Song and Jin, an inexplicable explosion occurred on the grasslands in northern China. The entire land of the Jin Kingdom and the Mobei grasslands all turned into thousands of miles of red soil. No one knew what happened, and the history of this world also reached another turning point. This explosion is called the Jingkang Explosion.

In 1626 AD. In the area near the Wanggongchang gunpowder depot in the southwest corner of Beijing City, a huge explosion with a radius of 750 meters and an area of ​​2.25 square kilometers broke out, with more than 20,000 casualties. This explosion, which was also caused by unknown reasons, strange phenomena, and huge disasters, was called the Apocalypse Explosion.

In 1908, in the Evenki Autonomous Region of Siberia, Russia, 800 kilometers northwest of Lake Baikal, a terrifying explosion equivalent to 500 atomic bombs or dozens of hydrogen bombs exploded at the same time, burning and falling more than 60 million trees in an area of ​​more than 2,150 square kilometers. Although there were almost no casualties, this unprecedented explosion still shocked the world government and was called the Tunguska explosion.

But the above explosions that occurred at different time periods on the earth are just a corner of this multi-dimensional battle.

This is a battle that spanned countless light years and countless years, and for the parties involved, it happened at the same time.

It's not that their volume exceeds light years, nor that the duration of the battle exceeds millions of years, but the scope of this battle.

Just like a person's finger points on a two-dimensional piece of paper, then the two-dimensional projection of the finger is a circle.

Now as Li Anping and his four people fighting outside of time and space, they punched out, in addition to hitting what direction and what position, they also have an additional indicator of what time.

In this battle that transcended time and space and was of unprecedented intensity, Li Anping's thinking and consciousness began to sublimate.

In front of his eyes, data flowed like a waterfall, and timelines appeared in front of him like webs. Every time he flicked his fingers, he could feel the changes in fate and cause and effect.

One world after another appeared in front of him, as if life had jumped out of the universe, stars, galaxies, galaxies, the universe, everything flashed in his mind, and countless knowledge flowed in his brain.

Until a world suddenly appeared. The changes in this timeline were so different. It was so beautiful and full of temptation.

Li Anping's vision went dark, and his entire field of vision was filled with endless white light. Various vague people of light began to appear before his eyes. It's like this is a world made entirely of light.



"Are you finally here?"

"We've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Join us."

Whether old, young, hot, or cold, countless voices exploded in Li Anping's mind like whispers with a tone full of temptation. They were so warm. They were so approachable that Li Anping couldn't help but want to join them.

He grabbed his head, opened his eyes suddenly, and let out a silent cry. Endless white light spread from his eyes and mouth, as if something terrible was trying to escape from his body. Break free.

There was a power that was so familiar yet so strange appeared in his body.

Countless shouts resounded in his heart.

"Use it, this is your power."

"We are you and you are us."

"We are the world. We are the origin, we are the Tao, we are one, we are all things..."

"Join us...join us...join us...join us"

Li Anping glanced at the green monkey, and then flicked his finger. Like a rubber ball, the green monkey directly crossed a distance of hundreds of millions of light-years to the other end of the universe, and was then directly stuffed into a neutron star. . As the energy expands, the neutron star continues to change, bound by a completely tight string with no gaps.

Then came the cloaked man. His left and right fists collided with each other billions of times per second, and with the infinite inertia brought by the speed of light, a 'Galaxy Starburst' was directly blasted towards Li Anping.

But Li Anping pointed out again, and the Milky Way Starburst shattered like a bubble. Then the man in the cloak was hit between the eyebrows with a finger. When he reacted again, his body had been pulled to 15 billion years ago. In front of him, the Big Bang had not yet occurred, there was no concept of time and space, and his consciousness fell into chaos.

Finally, there was the blond man. Li Anping, whose body was gradually covered by white light, blew on him gently. The blond man's body collapsed in an instant. Countless possibilities were superimposed at this moment, and every part of him spread to In every space on every timeline of the entire universe, he exists forever, but is equal to eternal death. The huge amount of information directly obliterates his active consciousness.

In just three seconds, all three warriors were defeated, and it was only then that the Tide of Chaos and the Thoughts of the Four Worlds hurriedly rushed to the battlefield.

Tide of Chaos looked at Li Anping, who was gradually covered by white light, with an ugly face: "White..."

A green light belt was placed on his shoulder, and the thought of the Four Worlds advised: "Don't be impulsive."

It only lasted three seconds, and the white light reluctantly retreated into the depths of Li Anping's body. But at this time, Li Anping still didn't wake up. He was like a floating meteorite, falling towards the depths of the universe. .

"Damn it." Chaos Tide said towards the Four Worlds: "Why is there a timeline in your universe that was invaded by the White Universe?"

The Thought of the Four Worlds emitted bursts of light green light and said slowly: "It wasn't me, it was him who caught Bai's attention while traveling through time and space, just like a fish jumping out of the water to be seen."

"What should we do now? He seems to have withdrawn from the state just now?"

Tide of Chaos shook his head, waved his hand and released a green light. The green light enveloped Li Anping, and then dragged him over little by little.

He then stretched out his palm, took out the earth that he had kept before, and dropped Li Anping, who was wrapped in green light, into the earth in his palm.

"I want to take him to the Sea of ​​Chaos and find a way to change him back. The last bit of humanity prevented him from taking that step. Now two different bifurcated states intersect in his body. I must prevent him from being integrated into the White Universe. ”

The light on Four Worlds' Thought flashed and he said: "It's not good to just take away my planet like this, right? Why don't you give him to me? I promise that when I return it to you, he will have become the thirteenth Demon God. ”

"Haha, the thirteenth demon god, is it the copycat demon king or the cv god?" Tide of Chaos mocked: "If it weren't for you, you would have casually changed your three warriors into a mess, causing the war in the universe to change. It has become a time and space war, how could it have such an outcome? I haven't settled the score with you yet, but you are asking me to take advantage of it. "

Chaos Tide looked at the earth in his palm again and murmured: "And this human being is no longer something you can modulate. In terms of the nature of life, there is no absolute difference between him and our twelve demon gods. If you touch him, Be careful when he wakes up and turns you into a specimen. How about you be called the Lord God?"

"Hmph." The Thought of the Four Worlds hummed twice and did not speak.

The Chaos Tide ignored the Thought of the Four Worlds and turned into a beam of green light and disappeared. Only a broken universe was left, waiting for the Thought of the Four Worlds to repair itself. (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

ps: The Man at the Top of the Food Chain, this book has almost 1.5 million words, and due to various reasons, the results are dismal. However, I am afraid that all book friends have guessed that this book is about to end. The next volume, which is the tenth volume, will be the last volume of the book The Man at the Top of the Food Chain. After the completion, it may take about a month to prepare for another new book. I hope that all friends will support it.

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