Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 10: Changes

In a void across countless universes.

Just as the Chaos Tide sent the information to Dionysus, an unprecedented war almost swept across another universe. Every second, hundreds of millions of star battleships were falling. Countless planets were also ignited and lives were destroyed.

The destructive force like a starry sky turned into various brilliances, shining in the nebula.

At the same time, two terrifying consciousnesses appeared in a star system one after another, constantly colliding and entangled with each other.

"Qing, are you using your inexplicable chaos theory again? We should occupy this universe instead of provoking their civil war and coldly watching these ants' meaningless fights."

"No, I believe that the entire multiverse was born from a conscious thinking, and the essence of consciousness is the collection of countless chaos. Our existence is by no means accidental."

"The universe will not change because of conscious thinking. Matter exists forever, but it is constantly moving and changing. Even we are just a part of the multiverse.

Your war just proves my theory. Both sides of the war will eventually turn into historical dust, and the universe will still operate according to the existing laws."

"Huang, one success or failure cannot prove anything. While we were arguing, I spread a few more seeds of chaos. One day they will prove my theory."

The next moment, the two consciousnesses were no longer talking. They were like a storm in the universe, sweeping across the entire star system, and then suddenly disappeared.

But these two demons were separated by countless worlds, and the aftermath of just talking in the air was enough to produce all kinds of catastrophic consequences.

As the two thoughts swept through, the star in this star system was directly extinguished, and its exterior began to expand until the pressure increased to a certain limit, and it would gradually change into a new white dwarf. And all the life in the entire star system gradually died after losing light and heat.

More than 20 days later, in Tianjing, in the study of the imperial palace.

Li Anping floated in the air, his eyes closed, and countless rays swept through his body, detecting every particle in his body.

‘The third stage of quantum computing…’

‘To change the operation process of each particle, it takes a huge amount of energy and computing power, and keep this state all the time…’

‘But with the simulation of the quantization process, I will also develop unprecedented power…’

‘According to my calculations. Every seven days, my power will double…’

‘This speed cannot be changed, and it is meaningless to simply retreat…’

The next moment, Li Anping opened his eyes, fell to the ground, and walked out the door.

In a month, the simple folding door has entered every household, and Li Anping's study is no exception.

But this time, the folding door did not start. Li Anping stepped out like a ghost, walked directly through the door, and came to the outside of the study.

He took a deep breath. The oxygen content in the air has been adjusted to the most suitable ratio for human survival, which can effectively promote the blood circulation of the human brain and enhance the efficiency of human thinking.

Looking up, there is bright sunshine in the sky. The whole earth has not rained for more than a month. Because the water circulation in the atmosphere has been handed over to nanoworms.

However, according to the recent voting results of citizens' intentions, starting from next week, Li Anping will choose 3 days of rain every month.

However, because every drop of rain is under the control of Li Anping. So they will not drip on humans, nor will they form puddles or cause other negative effects.

When every drop of rain comes to the human body, it will automatically move away along the edge of the human body and fall directly into the city's drainage system, or merge into the sea.

If humans want to get wet in the rain, they can only go home and shower in the shower room.

As he appeared outside the door, Xiao Xuesu immediately stood up and said, "Your Majesty, do you need any arrangements?"

Although Li Anping can now send all information to any terminal on the entire earth with just a thought, Xiao Xuesu still sticks to his past habits and tries to stay as close to Li Anping as possible, waiting for his call.

"After the wedding, you will become my wife, and you don't have to do this..." Li Anping saw Xiao Xuesu's stubborn eyes and didn't continue.

Just like after there are airplanes, there are still people who like trains. After the emergence of computer games, there are still people who miss red and white machine games. Humans are not machines. They like the most efficient means, but they don't always like to use the most efficient means.

Although Li Anping doesn't need Xiao Xuesu's care, the other party's attitude still makes his long-cold heart feel a little warm.

Although he already knew everything he wanted to know on Earth just by the transmission of information, he still chatted with Xiao Xuesu in front of him for a few words, just like an ordinary human being.

"Are Claudia and Anna here?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, but Miss Anna has been working overtime in recent days and rarely lives in the palace."

For more than 20 days, Li Anping has been staying in the study room of the palace to study his body, and the changes in the whole world are getting bigger and bigger.

In addition to Li Anping's continuous optimization of the environment, with the popularity of folding doors, people's travel has become easier than ever, and the distance between the earth has been reduced again. But there are still some people who oppose Li Anping's transformation, and they are called the World Green Organization.

However, members of this organization only call on people online and on the streets to return to nature, return to the streets, and maintain the original style of the city in the past. Other than that, they do not have any radical ideas. Therefore, the Earth government did not send anyone to ban them.

However, with the popularity of folding doors and the various benefits brought by environmental improvements, their supporters have become fewer and fewer. There are even reports that high-level people in the organization use jump doors to travel on a daily basis.

Not only that, in addition to the folding gate, Li Anping also handed over to the Royal Academy of Sciences all kinds of scientific and technological information obtained from the Red Queen, as well as various theories and designs of ultra-modern facilities that he spent a few minutes sorting out. Let them slowly promote it to the world.

Today is the first time Xuanwang has landed in major warp gate sales stores on the earth.

Xuanwang is an important means for Li Anping to build the entire earth in the future, so he can't help but focus on the sales situation of major stores.

Tianjing, on the 25th Avenue.

Since early this morning, citizens have been queuing up in long lines at the stores selling goods at Zheyuemen. It looks like the way enthusiasts lined up to buy mobile phones, games or game consoles in the past.

However, unlike in the past when people rushed through the street one by one, this time the people queuing up came out of the store and walked through the long queue to the end.

This is because most people teleport directly from the jump door at home to the jump door in the store, and then come out of the store. Now every store in Tianjing is directly funded by the government to replace their front door with a folding door.

In order to cope with Xuanwang's first day of sales, store employees stayed open all night today.

Because everyone came directly through the jump gate, which was very convenient, the number of people queuing far exceeded the size of the queue for any product in the past. Even because there were too many people, the jump gates were congested. The store temporarily increased the number of jump gates to solve this problem.

At the same time, reporters from the TV station arrived to interview the citizens who were lining up.

"Hello sir, what time did you start queuing up?"

"Oh, I went to bed at six o'clock last night and came here at three o'clock this morning, but I didn't expect there were so many people."

"Then what makes you come and line up so early? Or what is it about Xuanwang that attracts you?"

Different people naturally have different answers to this question.

An otaku wearing glasses said: "This... I have read the introduction of Xuanwang. It can send signals to all electronic instruments by analyzing human brain waves. Not only the jump gate, but also computers, televisions, etc. Hot water kettles, air conditioners, almost everything I have at home can be controlled by my mind. This is simply an epoch-making product.”

A middle-aged woman said: "The elderly at home always make mistakes when inputting coordinates on the keyboard. I thought this Xuanwang was very convenient, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect there to be so many people."

On the other side, several girls said one after another: "This mysterious net was also invented by His Majesty Li Anping, and we are here specifically to support His Majesty!"

"One~Two~Three~Long live your Majesty!"

These are obviously Li Anping's female fans.

Just a few hours later, the first person in the world to buy Xuanwang appeared, a martial artist in Baiyue.

On his index finger, he saw a silver-white ring with no pattern visible.

Because Xuanwang used a suspense promotion method in its previous promotions, no one knew what Xuanwang's external equipment looked like. It was not until this moment that the answer was revealed.

When the warrior took the ring, walked towards a jump door without inputting any destination, and disappeared in a blue light, instead of directly crossing the jump door.

Buyers on the whole street were excited. But they won't know what it means until much later. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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