Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 9: Chaos

After the remaining captives fell silent, Li Anping sent soldiers to escort them back to the camp. Then he began to distribute food from Earth to them.

This was like a big stick plus a red date. After letting them understand the cruel reality through death, they were not completely despaired. After all, in the future, to occupy the entire Magic Star, the strategy of the Earth side still has to rely on many locals to manage the country. These captives in front of them will be a beginning.

In the camp, Ed looked at the bread and milk in his hand, and felt a lot of saliva secreted in his mouth. He took a bite carefully, and the fragrance in his mouth made him close his eyes in satisfaction. The taste of this bread is much better than the dry food or black bread he ate in the army in the past.

He drank the milk carefully, and then hid the remaining half of the bread in his arms.

Walter, who was standing by, walked over to him and sat down. He looked at the Earth soldiers who were guarding the camp wearing silver-white nano armor, and whispered, "Ed, what do you think these silver demons are going to do with us?"

"I don't know. This should be a concern for those magic masters. Anyway, as long as I don't resist, they don't seem to kill me." Ed shrugged and said nonchalantly, "If I can eat such delicious bread and milk every day, it doesn't matter if I am their captive for the rest of my life."

Walter frowned. He knew that Ed had no family, so he was not very anxious after being captured. But he had a family, and now he was thinking about how to escape from here and go back.

Originally, he thought that the coalition had so many people and so many wizards, and it would be easy to escape together after the riot.

But after the massacre just now, he obviously didn't think so. These silver demons are more powerful, evil, and cruel than the legend.

Ed on the side curled his lips and said, "You don't still want to escape, do you? You saw it just now. Even those wizards are useless. Even the magic marshal has surrendered. I think unless Lord Dionysus takes action, even if the reinforcements come, it's hard to say who will win."

Walter frowned and thought of the nightmare-like battle again. Roaring steel monsters, unextinguishable flames, suffocating air.

Just as he fell into silence, a team of earth soldiers came to their camp, and two robots more than two meters tall, wrapped in black metal, with two huge feet also appeared in front of them at the same time.

That is an intelligent combat robot. Defender. It can be used to fight automatically by program, or it can be remotely controlled by humans for semi-intelligent combat. In addition to the Gauss automatic machine gun on the shoulder, it is also equipped with plasma flamethrowers, great white shark rockets, electromagnetic deflection passports and other weapons. It can be called a super killing machine on the battlefield.

However, because the action speed is very ordinary, it did not fight in the last battle. On the contrary, they are often used in the work of guarding prisoners.

This is not the first time that prisoners like Walter and Ed have seen this kind of steel puppet. But the steel puppets in front of them are more sophisticated and smarter than those made by the mages.

Some people say that the silver-white demons sucked away the souls of humans and sealed them in those steel puppets. Some people also say that someone is hiding in these puppets to manipulate them.

But Walter doesn't think so. The space available in those steel puppets is too small, and at most only a child can stay in them. He thinks these steel puppets may be some unknown monsters. Just like those monsters that swallow flames.

Just as everyone looked at the steel puppets and the soldiers around them with a vigilant look, the other party spoke.

These silver demons speak in a strange way. Although they are all common languages. But they often speak in the same tone and the same voice, as if the same person is speaking. And they often make some grammatical errors, just like a three-year-old child who has just learned to speak.

Walter and others certainly don't know. This is the Earth soldier using the translation function of the nano armor, and all they hear are the same electronic sounds.

After all, not every soldier can be proficient in the language, or learn the language of the Mondo continent by his own learning ability. Therefore, the simultaneous translator of the Mondo common language prepared by the Royal Academy of Sciences is very useful.

Then he heard the silver demon in front of him say: "We need to select some managers from among you to help us manage you. Who of you is interested?"

Seeing these indifferent captives, the soldier also knew their attitude. After asking several times and still not getting an answer, he pointed to Walter and said: "You, come with us."

Walter pointed at himself and said in surprise: "Me?" Then he thought of his family and felt the strange eyes of his companions around him. He lowered his head and said, "Sir, I can't do it. Please change someone."

The Earth soldier originally just randomly pointed at one person, and after hearing this, he pointed at Ed and said, "Then it's your turn."

Seeing Ed stand up and leave with the silver demons, Walter breathed a sigh of relief, and together with the people around him, he looked at Ed with pity. In their eyes, the other party betrayed so easily and helped the evil demons to do things, and naturally there would be no good results in the end.


Amara's outpost.

Bai Xinghe looked at the representatives selected from various camps to manage the indigenous soldiers through the glass window and nodded.

According to satellite detection and Sabellius's intelligence, the entire Mondo continent has a population of about two billion. If you want to rule them in a place with a standard of living similar to that of the Middle Ages, it is inevitable to use local people to manage it.

And Li Anping does not need the resources of this planet. On the contrary, he will improve the productivity level here and allow the civilization of the entire Mondo Continent to develop rapidly.

Compared with natural resources, what Li Anping needs more is soldiers who can fight. Therefore, in the eyes of the Earth government, magicians are the specialty of this colony.

Because Li Anping deeply understands the power of demons. They were born in the White Land, but traveled through infinite worlds, occupying and destroying countless universes.

The total number of demons far exceeds that of humans. There is not even an accurate number in Seagram's memory, but from low-level demons to high-level demons, the number is at least measured in megabytes, so it does not count the mass. That staggering amount alone is a huge problem.

Therefore, after completely conquering this place, promoting magician education on a large scale and absorbing talented magicians will be one of the strategies of this colony. And the magic star will become one of the sources of soldiers for the earth.

In an asteroid belt, there are irregular meteorites, asteroids and radiation everywhere.

There is no air, no water, and the temperature exceeds minus 100 degrees. It can be said that this is a real restricted area for life.

But in such a restricted area of ​​life. Dionysus stood quietly among them, and saw streaks of black light flickering outside his body, and then pulling meteorites over one after another.

Before these meteorites got close to his body, they were directly broken down into countless particles, and then disappeared directly in an inexplicable wave. Yes, they completely disappeared from this universe.

As more and more matter disappeared, the black light on Dionysus became stronger and stronger. An increasingly terrifying wave continued to emerge from his body. It was as if his strength was increasing at an unprecedented speed.

At first it was just meteorites, then asteroids. More and more materials were put into Dionysus' body, making his power grow endlessly.

He opened his eyes. Light comparable to the sun shot out from his eyes, seeming to completely penetrate the world.

An excited smile broke out on his face, and he opened his mouth and let out a silent cry.

The terrible fluctuations directly swept through the nearby asteroid belt thousands of kilometers away. It broke everything down into the most basic atoms, and then absorbed them all into Dionysus' body.

"Good, that's it!"

"This is the power that God should have!"

"In about a year. I can absorb the entire asteroid belt."

"At that time, I only need one day to swallow the entire planet."

"The next step is the sun, river systems, star clusters and even the entire universe!"

"I will become the only god in this world!"

At this time, Dionysus had focused all his attention on his own path to becoming a god. The so-called evil spirits and Li Anping had not paid attention to him at all.

And just when he was completely immersed in the ecstasy of becoming a god, a blue tunnel suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, like a whirlpool in the sea, and a man wrapped in blue light appeared in front of him. in front of.

Dionysus subconsciously attacked, trying to capture the person who suddenly appeared in front of him. The gravity spell was activated instantly, and ten times the gravity was applied to the opponent's body, but there was no response.

So ten times the gravity immediately turned into a hundred times the gravity, and the other party still looked unchanged.

Just when Dionysus was about to use another attack, the other party spoke. A thought directly passed through Dionysus's layers of protection and entered his mind.

"Don't make boring attempts. What's in front of you is just a message. Do you think you can attack the message?"

Dionysus said coldly: "Who are you? A person from Earth? Or a person from Mondo Continent?"

"Humans? Why are you always so lacking in imagination? There are more than just creatures like you in this world." The cyan figure shrugged and said: "I am the Tide of Chaos, the spokesperson of chaos in the multiverse, the White Earth. One of the demons."

"The reason I'm talking to you in human form is because I think it's easier for you to accept. I didn't expect that your first choice would still be to attack rather than communicate."

"Human beings are indeed one of the rudest creatures in the universe."

Dionysus naturally didn't know what the White Earth and the so-called Demon God represented. No one gave him any information in this regard. But the other party gave him a very dangerous feeling, and he said with a wary face: "Chaos Tide, why did you come to me?"

"Don't be nervous. I am a demon who hates violence and likes communication. It is too devoid of beauty to assimilate everything, destroy everything, or eat everything like other demons do."

"Chaos is the true essence of the entire multiverse. All worlds will be in chaos forever, and the so-called order is just a short stay between chaos and chaos."

Dionysus said coldly: "I am not at all curious about your interests and hobbies. Tell me your purpose of coming here."

Seeing that Dionysus in front of him still did not relax at all, and the magic elements around him were gathering rapidly, preparing to launch the next wave of attacks, Chaos Tide smiled and said: "I came here for only one purpose, which is to create chaos. There is not much that can be done on the earth, so I came here to find you.

The simple mass-energy conversion cannot help you defeat Li Anping, but if you add this, you can add some interesting variables."

Accompanied by the laughter of Chaos Tide, his whole body has turned into countless blue streams and disappeared. But Dionysus found that there was an inexplicable memory in his mind.

The next moment, his eyes showed a burst of ecstasy. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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