Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 11: Aircraft Carrier

During these days of Li Anping's retreat, the base in the Amara Basin on the Magic Star was also in full swing.

As more and more Earth soldiers and engineering robots come here, a large number of factories and lathes are continuously manufactured. The streamlined and systematic manufacturing system of human civilization has shown unparalleled power.

Combat vehicles, fighter jets, tanks, combat robots, and transport ships were assembled and manufactured one after another. The huge war machinery shocked the nerves of the captives time and time again, constantly crushing their fighting spirit to resist.

In the past half a month, perhaps because of the loss of Dionysus' unified command, although the five empires and other small countries have sent many spies to continuously explore the surrounding areas of the basin, they have not yet sent any spies. Come to the army.

Based on the confessions of the captured spies and the judgment of the staff, it was obvious that these countries were not united. Without the restraint of a powerful force like Dionysus, they fell into various internal strife before the war began.

In particular, four of the five major empires lost their magic marshals. The Saint Laurent Empire located in the Amara Basin had its capital bombed, countless towns destroyed, and its magic marshals surrendered to the enemy. It can be said that their vitality was seriously damaged. The top leaders of the entire country have been caught in an endless struggle for power, and the other four empires are also eyeing their weak old friend.

If Saint Laurent is really in trouble, it would be nice to send some spies to the Amara Basin to collect intelligence, but there is no time to continue fighting these silver demons.

But this is obviously good news for the earth. It can give them more time to assemble and build the earth's weapons. After all, the size of the boundary gate is limited, and many powerful weapons are difficult to drive directly through. Otherwise, with combat weapons far beyond this era, the last war would definitely end more easily.

And while the Earth's army continued to create one amazing weapon after another on the land of Magic Star, the prisoners who were managed layer by layer were also militarized by the Earth during this period of time.

They are divided into groups of ten, with ten groups forming one team and ten teams forming one class. Ten squads form one battalion, and ten battalions form one regiment. The leaders of each of these classes are indigenous soldiers appointed directly by the Earth side.

Ed, who was previously elected captain, was directly promoted to squad leader due to his outstanding performance during training, replacing the original squad leader who opposed training.

I saw dozens of people lying staggering on the grass. They had just finished a ten-kilometer run and they were all gasping for air, as if they were about to die.

"These silver demons torture us like this... I would rather go back and be a slave..."

"The distance we have run is enough to go around Raven. Are these silver demons mentally ill? They want us to run like this every day?"

"There's no point in standing in line anymore!"

Listening to a circle of people complaining. Ed didn't speak. He just looked at the time, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, it's rest time. Next is goose-stepping training. The five worst performers didn't have dinner today."

After hearing Ed's words, the indigenous soldiers who had just been lying on the ground complaining immediately stood up, compared to the harsh training. The food provided by the Earth side is very attractive to them. Even if it is just a customized fast food box, it is a delicacy that most of them have never been late for in their lives.

And a series of runs, training in terms of queues. It was obvious that the tactics trained by the generals on Earth were used on the captives in front of them. Naturally, they did not expect any results from the training of these captives. They just hoped that through such training, they would enhance their discipline and obedience and help the earth rule the entire Magic Star in the future.

After all, these armies from the Middle Ages had really poor military discipline.

Along with Ed's orders. While a group of people stood up quickly, some people looked at Ed, who was in the front row and was in charge of directing them, with very contempt and resentment.

"This traitor actually helped those silver demons to torture us."

Someone sneered: "He won't be arrogant for long. After the five-nation coalition forces arrive. Once the Silver Demon is sent back to the gate of hell, people like him will be dead."

"What an idiot for succumbing to the devil."

Walter on the side listened to the voices of his companions and lowered his head silently. I don’t know what I’m thinking. But since Ed became the captain, he didn't talk to each other much. Obviously in his mind, Ed has become a target that may implicate him when the empire is liquidated in the future.

Just as everyone was kicking forward one after another under Ed's command, the earth suddenly trembled. The tremors came from deep within the Amara Basin, within the vast expanse of metal buildings.

"What's going on? Are those evil buildings about to collapse?"

"Those iron houses seemed to be shaking."

Five kilometers away from them was a huge building complex made entirely of metal, somewhat similar to a battleship and an aircraft carrier combined.

When the people on earth just built the shell of this building, they were laughed at by the indigenous people.

"The craftsmanship of these silver demons is very good, and the things they create are very exquisite, but they actually built a giant ship in the basin?"

"It's still a giant ship made of steel. I bet this ship will never float even in the river."

"Maybe these silver demons like to build their houses like ships."

But now, looking at the shaking earth in front of them and the floating aircraft carriers rising slowly in the distance. Those natives who once laughed at these buildings can no longer laugh.

Bai Xinghe ordered a total of six floating aircraft carriers to be built on the Magic Star. Their basic technology all came from the mothership of the God King in the past, and now they are combined with various epoch-making technologies provided by Li Anping. They were originally on trial voyage on Earth, but this time they were all ordered by Bai Xinghe to be dismantled and sent to the Magic Star.

These floating aircraft carriers all use two power systems of vacuum zero-point energy and antimatter power furnaces. Each one is more than 1.5 kilometers long, weighs 70,000 tons, has more than a hundred gun muzzles under the hull, and can carry fifty of the latest Thunder fighters.

Such floating aircraft carriers are the ultimate weapons that are completely beyond their imagination for the Mondo Continent, which is still in the medieval civilization stage, in the war within the atmosphere.

And flying, for these civilizations with low technological levels, has a special meaning. Such six floating aircraft carriers not only have great tactical value, but also have strong strategic significance, because in addition to their powerful destructive power, their own shocking power can offset the courage of most indigenous armies to resist.

Although the magic of Mondo Continent has been developed for thousands of years, it has always focused on the exploration of the mage itself, and there is no floating castle or magic warship that can rival the weapons of the Earth Army.

When the plasma tail flames were ejected from the bottom of the six floating aircraft carriers, and the ship body like a hill flew to a height of hundreds of meters, the captives who were still training, complaining, or helping with the construction of the base all looked at the spacecraft in the sky stupidly, showing an extremely shocked look.

You know, this world doesn't even have airplanes, but they can see the floating aircraft carriers directly.

"How is it possible? Why can these giant steel ships fly?"

"This is the power of the devil!"

The spies outside the basin were all attracted by the floating aircraft carriers in the sky. They all looked at the sky in surprise, shocked by the war weapons that landed on Mondo Continent for the first time.

"Your Majesty must be told immediately that the power of the demons is stronger than we thought."

"Without magic fluctuations, who can tell me how these six ships flew up?"

"Go back and tell the president that these demons have weapons we don't know about."

Standing in the command room of the floating aircraft carrier, Bai Xinghe looked at the shocked expressions of the captives on the display screen and nodded with satisfaction. The biggest role of the floating aircraft carrier is to deter these natives. Letting the six floating aircraft carriers stay on the magic star can greatly help the rule of the earth.

Thinking of this, Bai Xinghe pointed to the direction on the electronic map and ordered: "Start the orbital gun and give these natives a surprise."

The spies more than ten kilometers away did not know that they had become the target of the floating aircraft carrier.

The shells fired at a speed of 20 kilometers per second, the spies sent to investigate were unable to react at all, and were directly torn into pieces by the violent shock waves and scattered shrapnel.

And this was just the first shell. Each of the six floating aircraft carriers had 24 rail guns. After a series of flashes of fire, accompanied by loud noises throughout the day, more than ten kilometers away, a total of six locations where the spies were located had been submerged by huge explosions. The sky-high flames directly covered the entire surface. When the smoke gradually dissipated, only huge and ugly craters could be seen on the surface.

The loud noise of the shells seemed to bring the captives back to that terrible war. They all looked at the floating aircraft carriers in the sky with fear and dread.

At the same time, all the spies who were not attacked by the rail guns also quickly retreated from the Amarra Basin.

The silver demon drove the steel dragon that could soar in the sky. Each steel dragon could spray out huge iron blocks. Once these iron blocks fell on the ground, they would cause amazing explosions.

Countless similar intelligence was delivered to the leaders of the five empires within a few days. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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