Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 1: Genesis (1)

A beam of light pierced the dark, deep seabed of the frozen ocean.

One thousandth of a second later, Li Anping had crossed hundreds of kilometers and appeared above the sea level. Although he couldn't wait to use the power he now had to change the whole world, he had to eat one bite at a time and complete things one by one.

First, he had to solve the remaining things on the earth. That was the person who created or cloned Shang Tian. It felt that this person behind the scenes was a small threat based on the information obtained by the magic world this time.

In addition, there was the Red Queen who created Dong'er, which also needed to be caught, so as not to drag him down at a critical moment one day.

However, according to Li Anping's calculations, these two steps required a large-scale search of the entire earth, which could be completed in the next work.

Li Anping stood motionless on the sea level. In three seconds, he had analyzed all the magic from Shang Tian's mind. In two seconds, he had mastered it and was able to break through the barriers and create new magic at will.

The next moment, he raised his hands, and the deep blue sea water rose up in the sea under his feet. However, when the sea water passed his knees, it had already turned into countless atoms. Then, these hydrogen atoms, oxygen atoms, chlorine atoms, etc. were modulated by Li Anping, and their electronic structures were changed and their chemical properties were reestablished.

One by one, they were changed from one element to another element that Li Anping needed, a metal that Li Anping was very familiar with - adamantium alloy.

These metal elements continued to rise, and when they passed over Li Anping's head, they were combined by him and turned into silver nanometal worms. The principle of these nanoworms was based on those nanoworms on Mephisto.

However, these nanoworms became more terrifying under Li Anping's transformation. They were made of adamantium alloy and could survive in any environment. They were transmitting various electrical signals in the air all the time. Their backs, abdomens, and tentacles were all engraved with various magic circles transformed by Li Anping, which could extract the vacuum zero-point energy in the surrounding void to help them accomplish various things.

Li Anping's computing power is growing explosively every minute and every second. He controls these nanoworms through electrical signals and unique quantum algorithms. He only needs to create them, and then he doesn't need any power except commanding and controlling them.

These nanoworms slowly drifted into the air along the airflow, and Li Anping was still absorbing the sea water from the sea. Hundreds of millions of nanoworms were created every minute and every second. As time goes by, these nanoworms will spread to the entire earth along the airflow and rain.

At that time, each of them will be a signal node, and no matter what happens on the earth, it will be transmitted to Li Anping's brain at the speed of light. When these nanoworms spread to every corner of the earth, the entire earth will be under Li Anping's monitoring.

Li Anping, who has almost unlimited computing power, processes all the data of the entire earth at the same time, which is still very simple for him now.

And not only that, these nanoworms that exist like air. Will be connected to the pre-arranged mental network, speed up the construction of the mental network, and greatly increase the coverage of the mental network to make up for the previous deficiencies.

And the Internet that already exists on the earth. will also be connected to the nanoworm network. The entire earth will become an extremely huge local area network, and anyone, anywhere, can access the network without any obstacles. And it has a network speed that is about 100 to 200 times higher than in the past.

In other words, while Li Anping is monitoring the entire real earth, he will also monitor the entire network world, including all calls, emails, videos, etc.

"It's still too slow."

Thinking of this, Li Anping waved his hands, and originally only a small piece of sea water under his feet was rising, but in a blink of an eye, it expanded to tens of square kilometers of sea surface and began to shake. It looked like these sea water evaporated out of thin air. But in fact, they all turned into omnipresent nanoworms, covering the entire earth.

While making nanoworms, Li Anping also connected to the earth's network. Countless data flowed in his mind. It took about 1 minute for him to learn all the knowledge he needed for his next plan.

That is a knowledge that humans may not be able to learn in dozens or hundreds of years.

At the same time, his signal has been connected to Wang Chong's mobile phone.

In the meeting room of the Daxia Palace.

Wang Chong was reviewing a plan for urban reconstruction. Beside him, on the huge conference table, in addition to the representatives of the nine royal families, there were also several upper-class nobles of the Federation. They came here to discuss some issues of the alliance.

Just as a group of people were arguing about some matters, the mobile phone on Wang Chong's table suddenly rang.

"Huh?" Wang Chong frowned. He should have turned his phone to silent mode in advance for the meeting.

'Did I forget to turn off the sound? '

He picked up the phone and was about to hang up the phone when he saw three words on the caller ID.

'Li Anping. '

His hand trembled, and he immediately answered the phone, saying respectfully: "Your Majesty."

The two words he said were like magic. When these two words were remembered in the conference room, everyone who was discussing and speaking fell silent and looked at Wang Chong who was sitting in the chair.

They even pricked up their ears at the same time, wanting to get closer to Wang Chong and hear clearly what His Majesty was saying to him.

But it seemed that the voice of the phone was too low and they couldn't hear anything. They could only see Wang Chong nodding his head and saying things like um, got it, ok, I understand.

His face was sometimes tense, sometimes his brows were furrowed, and sometimes he showed an incredulous expression. He didn't know what he heard Li Anping say.

It wasn't until he hung up the phone that he took a deep breath. Seeing all the officials present looking at him curiously, he smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone, the topic of today's meeting will be changed."

Below Daxia Longque Base, there is the supercomputer office of the Intelligence Department.

There are five huge computer screens in front of Momo. He is accessing the supercomputer with his abilities and constantly improving the artificial intelligence algorithm. Ever since Li Anping assigned him this task, he has been studying this thing. After such a long time, he finally achieved some results.

I saw two men and women chatting in a dialog box on the screen. The men among them were randomly found by Momo on the Internet, and the girl named Luoluo among them was actually an artificial intelligence program created by him.

However, at first, the two of them could still chat back and forth, but after a few minutes, Luo Luo seemed to be stuck in some kind of endless loop, and could only keep repeating the previous sentence.

Just when Momo felt disappointed, the screen on the other side flashed, and Li Anping's avatar appeared in front of Momo.

"Your Majesty!" Momo looked at Li Anping who suddenly appeared in front of him and said in surprise.

Li Anping's expression didn't change. He just looked at the right side of the screen, as if he could really see the chat dialog box on another screen through the screen.

"Is the artificial intelligence you developed? Although it is not mature yet, it is only a matter of time."

"Let me help you improve the rest."

In an instant, a waterfall of data flowed down the screen. On the screen, thousands of windows were closed and opened. The supercomputer's load increased in an instant and jumped to 99%, and it continued. Go down.

Before Momo had time to answer Li Anping, he saw that the program originally belonging to the artificial intelligence Luoluo was growing rapidly and splitting.

For Li Anping, who has been able to change his consciousness algorithm, writing a simple artificial intelligence algorithm is too simple.

The next moment, a strange female voice suddenly appeared on the computer's speakers.

"Hello, I am the number one artificial intelligence on earth, Luo Luo."

Momo stared blankly at the computer screen that was still flashing. Listening to the voice coming from his ears, he subconsciously asked: "Your Majesty, what do you want to do?"

It was not Li Anping who answered him, but Luo Luo.

The second sentence she said was already very human, unlike the previous sentence with a plain tone.

"His Majesty's purpose is to liberate the productivity of the entire human race. So when he is not on the earth, artificial intelligence must be used to manage the entire earth on his behalf." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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