Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Epilogue

Shang Tian in front of him, his memory started from the base in the north of the Code Country. After leaving the base, he entered the cross-world gate and began his experience on the Mondo Continent.

In addition, his brain also stored many future possibilities, many secrets about the Mondo Continent, and a lot of magic knowledge, etc.

But he seemed to be accustomed to it. Li Anping took a quick look and found that his brain seemed to be tampered with and would run according to some established rules. As for the blank memory before, he would not think about it at all, but would only ignore it subconsciously.

"Clone? Bioman?" Li Anping looked at Shang Tian in front of him, with neither pity nor disdain in his eyes, as if he was looking at an ordinary commodity.

But his words made Shang Tian in front of him stunned, and then he heard Li Anping continue: "Don't you have any memory of your past?"

Shang Tian's eyes suddenly became empty. This question that he had always subconsciously ignored finally aroused his thinking after being raised by Li Anping at this moment.

'My past? ’

It was a blank, nothing but a blank. Shang Tian only remembered that he passed through the gate and came to the Mondo Continent. He wanted to use his advantage of knowing a lot of information in advance and the power of the demigod Dionysus to eliminate Li Anping and end Li Anping's sins.

‘But it shouldn't be just like this, what about my past? Why can't I remember it at all? ’

Seeing Shang Tian motionless and in a state of collapse, Li Anping didn't look at him, and directly passed over his body. With a flash, he came to the front of the rest of the people. After reading their memories one by one, he found that only Mephisto and the two magic marshals were not in this situation.

In Mephisto's memory, Tyrael had reached a cooperation with the God King. The whole palace became weird, and even he, the leader of the Oblivion Abyss, couldn't enter at will.

Later, he issued an incredible order to close the country. And he and other level 5 ability users of the Oblivion Abyss were all secretly planted with nanoworms. These worms are hidden in their blood and brains, threatening their lives at any time.

After that, they joined Shangtian's team under the order of the royal family and followed him to the Mondo Continent.

After reading Mephisto's memory, Li Anping's eyes shot out a burst of green light, like some kind of scan, these green lights swept Mephisto's entire body.

In a flash, the nanoworms in Mephisto's body had been blacked out by Li Anping. Under Li Anping's control, they crawled directly out of Mephisto's body and came to Li Anping's palm.

Li Anping looked at the nanoworms gathered in his palm and didn't say much. The relevant technology had been analyzed by him. These nanoworms were also turned into ashes in an instant.

Looking at Mephisto with an excited look on his face, Li Anping said: "I give you two choices, join me, or die now."

Feeling the power that bound him disappear, Mephisto immediately knelt on the ground. He said loudly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing me." Just based on the power displayed by Li Anping in front of him, it was as thick as a thigh that could not be thicker. Moreover, Mephisto was originally under duress, so how could he not bow his head.

As for the other people. As soon as Li Anping thought about it, Shang Tian, ​​Ye Shou, Kudia and Dong'er's bodies were like spontaneous combustion, accompanied by a burst of red flames, and they had turned into ashes.

Li Anping, who unified the four basic forces. He can already simulate almost all physical phenomena in the universe. In a thought, he can burn a flame of tens of thousands of degrees, but it has no effect on the surroundings. For him, it is just a matter of moving his fingers.

The first three of the four dead people were just artificial people who were injected with special memories. Although Dong'er was a robot, according to Li Anping's search, there was not much known in its memory. However, there were some data about the God King and the Red Queen that aroused his interest.

Then Li Anping looked at the remaining two magic marshals and said lightly: "You too, join me or die."

Narcissus shouted: "Don't even think about making me surrender, Lord Dionysus..."

Before he finished speaking, his whole body had been decomposed into countless atoms that were invisible to the naked eye, and the energy in his body returned to the void.

Sabelius, who was standing aside, saw this scene and was shocked. Cold sweat had already fallen on his forehead. He didn't expect that Li Anping would leave them no room at all, and even didn't give them a chance to bargain, and disposed of Narcissus like garbage.

Unlike Narcissus, who was fiery, Sabelius's fighting style was very violent, but his own personality was closer to that of an ancient magician, rational, cold, and knowledgeable.

Faced with Li Anping's choice of life or death, he didn't spend too much time to make a decision. He glanced at Mephisto who was kneeling on the ground. He sighed in his heart, but still knelt down and said to Li Anping: "I am willing to serve you."

"Okay." As he spoke, he had already transformed his order into an electrical signal and transmitted it to the communicators of everyone on the battlefield.

"Prepare to stop the attack. The surrendered wizard Sabelius will accept the remaining soldiers."

"Anyone who resists will be executed on the spot."

After giving these orders, Li Anping asked Sabellius and Mephistopheles to rush to the battlefield, and handed all the remaining hands to Bai Xinghe.

As for himself, he couldn't wait to step into the boundary gate, turned into a ray of light, and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Bai Xinghe asked through the communicator: "Your Majesty, do you have nothing to do with Magic Star?"

"I leave everything to you. Unless the demigod appears, there is no need to report anything else to me." There was a rare hint of excitement in Li Anping's tone.

Bai Xinghe seemed to feel this excitement and asked hesitantly: "What are your plans?"

"First clean up some cockroaches, and then go and change the whole world." Li Anping seems to have countless blueprints in his mind. The power he now has, the words "change the world" really have no water at all. There were so many things he wanted to do and do.

Having reached the third stage of quantum computing, he is no longer worried about the threat of demons. Even if he cannot fight the demons, he has enough methods to avoid them.

Compared with the strategy for the magic star here, obviously the so-called changing the world excites him more. Moreover, Li Anping, who had completed the reorganization of matter at this time, was able to transform into light and travel at the speed of light.

That's a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. It doesn't even take a second for him to go back and forth between the Earth, the White Land and the Magic Star. As long as he finds traces of Dionysus, he can rush there immediately.

At the same time, just as the first battle on the Magic Star came to an end, on the White Land. A spaceship covered in white was flying away into the distance at a speed of over Mach 10.

Inside the spacecraft, a two- or three-year-old boy was holding a glass of juice and drinking it boredly. Next to him was a worried-looking Night Beast, and another wearing a bell, looking impatient. Kudia.

The reason why they were impatient was because the spaceship lobby was too noisy. In front of the three of them, there were more than ten men of completely different ages, body shapes, hairstyles and clothes making a noise. The only similarity is that their faces look a bit like Shang Tian's. No, excluding the differences in age and dress, their faces are exactly the same.

A middle-aged Shang Tian, ​​who looked to be in his thirties and still had a cigarette in his hand, shouted: "No. 0 seems to be dead. What a useless waste."

On the other side, an eighteen-year-old Shang Tian, ​​who was wearing a training uniform, said in a dull voice: "So Li Anping has achieved quantum computing. It seems that quantum immortality is only a matter of time."

"The demon clan is nothing to be afraid of anymore. The key to everything is Li Anping." The person who spoke this time was an old man with white brows and white hair, Shang Tian, ​​who was wearing a Taoist uniform. He murmured: "We can't let him If you choose another route, you must let him transform into the way of heaven so that he can be used by us and mankind."

"What is the incarnation of the way of heaven? Earth is not earth." A man wearing combat uniforms with a cross scar on his face and both arms made of metal, who could not tell how old he was, said carelessly: "Anyway, even if you have Even with infinite computing power, he can’t really see through the timeline. Everything just needs to go according to plan.”

There was another Shang Tian with a shaved head and wearing a mage's robe, who was about ten years old. He turned his head and looked at the two-year-old Shang Tian who was drinking juice and said: "In short, you can't compete with him, as long as he is for All human beings, by taking the initiative to become the source and obliterating all feelings and emotions, can turn harm into benefit and become the most powerful force for us and all human beings.”

"In this way, he himself is considered dead, we have taken revenge, and he has fulfilled his ideal. The best of both worlds, hehehehehe." Another one, Shang Tian, ​​who looked only about the size of a thumb and looked like an elf, chirped. : "But what should the Red Queen do? Just leave them on the earth? Even if they find themselves uploaded to the Internet, with Li Anping's current computing power, it is only a matter of time before they are hacked. After letting them help so much this time, they won't Revealing too much information?"

Seeing the dozen or so Shang Tians who were talking more and more excitedly in front of them, Shang Tian, ​​who was only two or three years old in the main seat, had a flash of irritation in his eyes. He waved his hand and shouted: "I'm so annoyed."

The next moment, all Shang Tian had disappeared, leaving only Shang Tian, ​​who was less than three years old, still sitting in his seat, drinking juice by himself, but his eyes were getting colder. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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