Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 66: War (11)

When Li Anping's palm pressed on Shang Tian's head, countless information flashed directly from his eyes.

At this time, after completing the reorganization of consciousness, Li Anping's entire brain or consciousness has been running in a state that is very different from that of humans. He has entered the third stage of the power system he created, quantum computing.

The human brain, or consciousness, is something very similar to a computer. If the original Li Anping's brain's computing power is enough to match the most advanced supercomputer on Earth.

Then now, after the reorganization of consciousness, part of his brain can already run his brain according to quantum theory. It is not to turn the brain into a quantized state, becoming a superposition of countless possibilities, but to change the most fundamental mechanism in the brain or consciousness.

He completely changed his consciousness algorithm, allowing Li Anping's brain to evolve again.

Before, Li Anping's brain was more like a traditional computer, but now his brain has become a quantum computer.

Just like the basic binary of ordinary computers, it is a combination of 0 and 1, which can form all the information in the world. Whether it is the oldest vacuum tube computer or the latest VLSI computer, their essence is the same. They all use a language composed of 0 and 1.

So theoretically speaking, the world's first computer can do everything that modern computers can do, but the time it takes may be an astronomical number.

And now, Li Anping has become a quantum computer. His input and output have all become superposition states. If compared with traditional computers, what he records is the superposition of 1 and 0.

For example, a traditional computer records a ten-digit binary number. The same ten digits, for a quantum computer, are two to the tenth power. Each number is a superposition of 0 and 1, and the processing speed increases exponentially with each additional digit.

Li Anping's brain is like this now. Before, no matter how powerful his brain was, there were so many quantums in reality, and every moment of increase. The requirements for calculation are exponentially increasing, and his brain is difficult to calculate and simulate many quantum phenomena.

But now, his consciousness algorithm has changed with quantum coding, simulating physical phenomena through actual quantum processes. What he records is not the phenomenon after superposition, but the superposition itself. He can calculate everything he needs to calculate through parallel computing.

The so-called measurement, unit. Including any specific numbers are meaningless in his brain. The input and output of Li Anping's brain are the eigenstates of a certain mechanical quantity, which is the superposition of various possibilities. He records 1 and 0.

He can calculate all possibilities at the same time. When he needs to get a real result, he can get a calculation result with practical significance through any unitary transformation.

At this moment, the secrets of the universe have become unprecedentedly small in front of Li Anping. All physical phenomena, as long as they appear in front of Li Anping, have been analyzed in an instant.

You should know that the information storage capacity of an ordinary person's brain is about 10^8432 bytes, which means that Li Anping can process more than 2 to the power of 10^8432 bytes at the same time. This is an astronomical number of astronomical numbers. You should know that the particles in the entire universe are about the order of 10^80.

(The above is an imaginary number. There is no real conclusion on the information storage capacity of the brain. Anyway, it is a very large number.)

This is the basis of the third stage of quantum computing, allowing the brain to perform calculations with quantum processes. This made Li Anping's computing power usher in an explosive growth again, just like the Big Bang.

Almost as soon as he reached this stage, Li Anping had analyzed the next path of this stage, as well as his own power system, and what the fourth stage was.

The beginning of the third stage was to liberate the brain, and his end was to liberate the whole body. So that the whole body can simulate the quantum process itself.

If his brain can run at a speed equivalent to 2^10^8432 times, then his body can also run at an intensity of 2^10^8432 times.

The former is equivalent to 2^10^8432 Li Anpings thinking, and the latter is equivalent to 2^10^8432 Li Anpings fighting.

Of course, what I said above is just an approximation. Anyway, when Li Anping's body is liberated, the power he possesses will be an astronomical figure. Even this number itself may be infinite.

And in the fourth stage of this power system, Li Anping only took one minute to deduce more than 100,000 possibilities.

He selected the three most superior ones and called them quantum immortality, cosmic tree, and superstring life. But which one to choose, he had to wait until he completely completed the third stage.

Since taking the step of quantum computing, Li Anping's brain has been performing countless calculations almost all the time. This parallel computing is like his instinct, as if there are countless him hiding in his mind, helping him calculate everything in the world, and he is still him.

Grabbing Shang Tian, ​​countless memories of the other party have flowed through Li Anping's mind. If this stage of quantum computing will eventually give him nearly unlimited computing power and strength.

Then after mastering gravity, electromagnetic force, strong interaction and weak interaction, Li Anping can theoretically simulate all physical phenomena in this universe.

Of course, theory is only theory after all. Even the universe itself cannot create an earth in one second, and Li Anping cannot do it either.

Time, space, and energy are still his limitations. Unless he can break through again, complete the third stage, reach the fourth stage, or even the fifth stage...

And reading a human's memory in front of him is as easy as breathing for Li Anping now, and it is no more difficult than flipping through a newspaper in front of a newsstand.

Every electrical signal and every chemical change in the other person's brain. They are so clearly displayed in front of him and analyzed in an instant.

In Li Anping's eyes. It's like a movie is rewinding rapidly. If the other person's brain is not too fragile for him, he can even read all the pitiful data in a few tenths of a second.

Of course, the amount of data stored in any human brain is pitifully small for Li Anping now.

Shang Tian, ​​whose head was grabbed by Li Anping, began to struggle frantically: "Li Anping!" His words were like pouring out hatred that could not be washed away by the five lakes and four seas. There was almost red blood in his eyes, and the muscles on his face were squeezed together. His expression was ferocious, like a dying beast.

Although his body was bound by layers of force fields, his consciousness was still being read by Li Anping, and was not imprisoned.

He roared furiously, and countless nanoworms in his transformed body helped him swallow and spit out various magic elements. A colorful torrent of magic power had appeared between his eyebrows, like a light cannon. Blast towards Li Anping in front of him.

This is one of the ultimate forbidden spells of the ancient magic empire, the creation magic light cannon.

When Shang Tian was in the Cloud Courtyard, I don’t know how many natural treasures collected by Dionysus, treasures from various countries, were used to cooperate with the nanoworms in his body to adjust the subtle changes in his body, and together accumulated the magic power in his body to the level of the magic marshal.

In addition, he was already familiar with countless magic skills. His own strength was no less than that of the five magic marshals.

When he launched the creation magic light cannon that was enough to destroy a mountain, the ten rings on his fingers also burst into various lights at the same time. Some of these were Dionysus's collections, and some were excavated from some ruins and battlefields by Shang Tian according to his memory. They were all magic devices, and almost every one of them could be regarded as an heirloom by the Mage Alliance on the Mondo Continent.

And now. They were launched at the same time under Shang Tian's urging, and all kinds of magic such as unparalleled flames and killings, and finally bursting waves of magic bloomed together, vowing to smash the irreconcilable hatred in front of them into pieces.

At the same time, the shadow robe that originally belonged to Dionysus on his body also started, and the surging negative energy turned into a series of deadly instant death magic, such as the finger of death, the howl of the banshee, the law of death, etc., all gushing towards Li Anping.

But for Shang Tian, ​​whose eyes were red and who was fighting like a gambler who had lost the bet, Li Anping didn't even change his expression. He just slapped him on the head with one hand, like a high school student bullying a junior high school student.

"Be quiet."

In an instant, the creation magic light cannon, the unparalleled flame killing, the final explosion wave, the death finger...all the magic turned into nothingness in Li Anping's slap.

Because at this moment, all the magic elements around Li Anping, or the vacuum zero-point energy, were all dispersed by him at once. Just like extracting these energies from the void, Li Anping reversed the process and returned all the magic elements to the void. He disappeared and appeared in the void like they did before.

And just this slap, like a gangster bullying a younger brother, also shattered the resistance of the others present. Dong'er, Mephisto, Night Beast, and Kudia all looked at Li Anping in disbelief, especially the remaining two magic marshals, whose understanding of magic elements was far higher than the previous ones. Now they opened their mouths wide and looked at Li Anping as if he was looking at a ghost.

Shang Tian was trembling all over, his eyes were staring, as if bleeding, but he could not do anything. His body had been completely imprisoned by Li Anping. It was like being stripped naked and served on a plate, allowing the other party to read his memory.

This made the grief and anger in his heart almost reach the extreme at this moment.

'Li Anping! I will never forgive you! '

Li Anping naturally ignored him, but slowly read the other party's memory at a speed that would not hurt Shang Tian. What the other party had experienced was presented to him like watching a movie.

From the ambush outside the Amara Basin, to the various plans in the Cloud Courtyard, as well as the meetings with the leaders, the excavation of the ruins, as the camera goes back, Shang Tian accepts transformation, slaughters the villagers, enters the cross-boundary gate, and sets out from a base in the north of the Code Country...

Every memory of it is reproduced so clearly in front of Li Anping's eyes. Li Anping can even feel Shang Tian's every muscle tremor and every heartbeat in these memories. In the memory of the body, all vision, hearing, smell, and touch are reproduced without reservation in front of Li Anping's eyes, until...

In the base in the north of the Codex, Shang Tian slowly opened his eyes. He was only two or three years old and crawled out of a glass container naked.

Next, no matter how Li Anping read, he could no longer read Shang Tian's memories before he entered the container.

'This brain in front of me does not store any memories before entering the container. '

'Or maybe his memory started from the moment he opened his eyes in the container? '

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