Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 65: War (10)

The seven enemies present, whether the five magic marshals or the two level five ability users, could not see clearly what the incarnation of mind energy did at this moment.

Only Bai Xinghe, the strongest among the people present, could vaguely see the body and arms of the incarnation of mind energy drawing a series of tracks and attacking several enemies present.

As for the enemies, they could not see anything.

Everything was just because the speed of the incarnation of mind energy was too fast. So they could not see the process clearly at all. The only information they could receive was the result.

Less than 0.1 second after the incarnation of mind energy appeared, Narcissus felt a pain in his chest. A terrifying force had exploded his chest, including his internal organs, spine, and chest cavity, with one finger. The whole person was like a baseball, flying more than ten kilometers behind him.

When he was in mid-air, because of the serious injuries, the whole person had completed the elementalization with a flash of fire, and he was spared death. The half-cast phantom meteor also dissipated automatically.

The second person to be attacked was Michelle, although no one except the incarnation of Mind Qi and Bai Xinghe could tell the order of attack.

The finger of the incarnation of Mind Qi gently tapped from the top of Michelle's head, and the protective force field and magic barrier outside the opponent's body shattered in an instant. The protective force field that was enough to withstand the attack of the fuel-air bomb was shattered like a piece of glass in front of the finger of the incarnation of Mind Qi.

The next moment, this exotic beauty with wheat-colored skin had exploded from head to toe like a firecracker. This action of the incarnation of Mind Qi was like crushing an ant.

However, after Michelle's body was exploded by a finger, the whole body suddenly disappeared, leaving only a broken rag doll in place. It was a top-level magic device, a substitute puppet.

Michelle, who had saved his life, appeared hundreds of meters away after the substitute puppet was activated. A face full of shock. But the expression on her face was also permanently fixed on the shock.

On the forehead of the magic marshal, a blood hole as thick as an index finger was slowly bleeding. For Li Anping, the substitute puppet was just like pressing an ant to death in one go.

The third person to be attacked was Isa. The finger of the incarnation of mind energy was like the sharpest sword in the world. With a single finger, it cut through all the defensive barriers on his body and opened a big hole in his body.

The magic "Dead Clone" was activated, thousands of kilometers away. The spare body prepared by Isa suddenly opened his eyes, and there was still a look of fear in his eyes. The strength of the evil demon king has far exceeded his imagination.

The fourth person to be attacked was Leviathan. The incarnation of mind energy felt that Isa had used some magic to escape the disaster, and this time he was not so casual in attacking Leviathan.

The unfortunate Leviathan was bitten off the head by the incarnation of the spirit, and the whole person's soul was absorbed in an instant. He died completely before he could even cast an escape magic.

And until then, Sabelius just took a step forward and wanted to besiege the evil demon king with several other people.

But he found that the only wizards present were him and Narcissus, who had turned into a ball of fire and was slowly healing in the ruins several kilometers away. And Isa was fine. But he had been driven back to his laboratory and was frightened by Li Anping's finger.

"How is it possible?" He looked at the incarnation of the spirit with a dull face. It was hard to imagine that a race that did not master the power of magic could have such a powerful individual.

"This kind of monster. Never leave him."

And facing Sabelius, who seemed to be scared silly, the incarnation of the spirit was like hitting a nail, and slapped the other party into the rock layer thousands of meters underground with one palm.

In less than a second, the five previously arrogant magic marshals were injured. Some were injured. Some were disabled. The offensive to encircle and kill Bai Xinghe was completely disintegrated.

In fact, if it weren't for the initial need to guard the cross-boundary gate and prevent the sneak attack of the demigod Dionysus, Li Anping's mind incarnation alone would be enough to end the war.

'But it's good this way, it's like training before the demons. '

The next moment, the mind incarnation looked at Night Beast and Mephisto.

"Do you think you won?" Night Beast suddenly laughed strangely: "From the moment you left the cross-boundary gate, you have already lost."

The next moment, countless shadow blades have pierced out from the feet of the mind incarnation and tied to his body. Mephisto has activated the skill of the Shadow Kingdom, fixation!

The body of the incarnation of the spirit was immobilized in an instant, but perhaps in the next instant, he could kill Mephisto through laser cannons, positron cannons or other means to break free from the opponent's shadow, but at least at the moment of being fixed, his body was absolutely unable to move.

At the same time, the remaining two magic marshals simultaneously teleported in front of the incarnation of the spirit, and a huge magic circle suddenly appeared on the ground under the feet of the incarnation of the spirit.

In their minds, a thought flashed through their minds at the same time: 'Fortunately, Mr. Adam was well prepared, otherwise the coalition forces would have been annihilated this time. '

The next moment, the magic power of the two people has been continuously injected into the magic circle. The huge torrent of magic power turned into a pale big hand and grabbed directly towards the incarnation of mind energy.

The confinement magic circle is the ultimate magic that requires more than 30 magicians to release. It has been lost as early as the ancient magic empire. Legend has it that it is a magic created by ancient magicians to fight against each other.

As Adam discovered him, he taught it to the five great magic marshals and drew the magic circle here in advance.

Although the casting time is slightly longer and the preparation work is slightly more, it can only work on the substances in the magic circle, but he ignores all the magic resistance of the opponent and the special ability of immunity, which still makes him infinitely powerful.

Because this kind of magic is purely oppressive and confined by the torrent of magic elements, and magic elements are vacuum zero-point energy. How much? Fighting this magic is like fighting against the whole world.

And the opponent's series of means are to temporarily imprison the incarnation of mind energy here before the magic power of the two magic marshals is exhausted.

The next moment, the purple Ten Fist Sword had pierced through the chest of the Mind Qi Incarnation, and a terrible suction force came from the sword.

Even though the Mind Qi Incarnation was imprisoned by the Imprisonment Technique, he did not show the slightest surprise, but at this moment. His face changed, feeling the Mind Qi Incarnation's continuous loss of Mind Qi, he turned his head and looked at Bai Xinghe.

But he didn't say a word, nor did he ask why. He just shook his head and said disappointedly: "You chose a dead end."

Bai Xinghe said calmly: "You have to try to know whether you will die or not. It's better than being under you all your life."

"Well said." Ye Shou grinned and said to Bai Xinghe: "Well done, when the matter is over, we will give you the remaining acupoints to condense."

Li Anping glanced at them coldly and said: "I want to leave, you can't stop me. Do you think I really can't bear to leave these tens of thousands of troops?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid you can't leave." Dong'er's figure slowly walked out of the ruins, holding a white long sword in her hand. Looking at Li Anping, whose mind was constantly absorbed by the Ten Fist Sword, she said: "Your incarnation was originally composed of mind energy. Cheng, the Ten-fist Sword is your natural nemesis, not to mention that we have added the latest closed space technology to it.

The fastest speed in the universe is the speed of light. The only way to exceed the speed of light is to make matter carry no mass and information. In this way, it can exceed the speed of light without violating the theory of relativity.

The return method used by your incarnation is based on this theory, but even you can't figure out how he knows it, right? "

Dong'er sneered: "Your current mind incarnation can no longer return, so when it is absorbed by the Ten-fist Sword. What will happen to your original body? "

"Robot?" Li Anping frowned and looked at Dong'er. The other party's body was clearly visible in his eyes. It was a body made entirely of metal. No wonder he hadn't noticed the other party just now.

The night beast on the other side had already laughed. His eyes were filled with satisfaction: "Li Anping, today is the day for us to avenge the leader and other brothers of the Star Alliance. From today on, you will become the strongest sword in Xiaotian's hand. Use your power to help him benefit the entire human race."

"So that's it. Bai Xinghe is in danger to lure me out? What a simple trick.

But the Ten Fist Sword can't absorb me yet." The expression of the Mind Qi Incarnation remained unchanged, as if nothing in the world could make him lose his composure: "If he continues to absorb me, it will only make him explode."

Ye Shou smiled and said, "A simple trick will still make you fall for it, Li Anping. Every step you take is within Xiaotian's calculations. You can't beat him at all."

"The Ten Fist Sword alone is indeed not enough." Dong'er smiled sweetly, "But adding this Holy Sword may not be the case."

She threw the Holy Sword Cardinus in her hand to Bai Xinghe, who grabbed the Holy Sword and stabbed it into the Mind Qi Incarnation's body again along the position of the Ten Fist Sword.

Two hundred peerless swords overlapped each other, and the Ten-Fist Sword composed entirely of mind energy slowly penetrated into the interior of the white holy sword.

"Cardinus represents the strongest power in the Mondo Continent. His sword body itself contains a huge half-plane, which is enough to carry any huge power."

"All the power of the mind energy incarnation will be inherited by this new weapon at that time, and your body will suffer irreversible and huge damage. In this case, I think Dionysus will be very interested in you."

As Dong'er explained, the body of the mind energy incarnation became fainter and fainter, and finally slowly dissipated into the air.

Night Beast trembled and said: "Finally, finally succeeded?"

Everyone else did not have such a great hatred for Li Anping, but looking at the brand new white holy sword in Bai Xinghe's hand, they still showed a trace of shock, greed and relief.

It was as if a huge stone in the heart had finally fallen.

But Bai Xinghe looked at the holy sword in his hand, but showed a trace of indifference on his face, and said to Ye Shou: "The sword you want is here, where is the thing I want?"

Dong'er on the side had already stepped forward and said: "Just give me the sword."

Ye Shou stepped in front of her and said: "This sword must be handed over to Xiaotian personally."

Mephisto on the other side, and even the two magic marshals who had consumed most of their magic power, showed a trace of greed in their eyes.

Dong'er smiled and said, "Shangtian is so timid that he doesn't dare to come here in person. Do we have to wait for him here? The night is long and dreams are many. Let me keep it for you."

Ye Shou said coldly, "Who said Xiaotian didn't come?"

Just when Ye Shou finished speaking, a dark portal suddenly opened beside them. Adam and Kudia had already walked out.

Ignoring anyone present, he looked at the holy sword in Bai Xinghe's hand with a fascinated face, waved his hand and said, "Mephisto, go and inform Dionysus and tell him that Li Anping is seriously injured. I think he will be very interested in hunting him down."

Mephisto stared at the holy sword in Bai Xinghe's hand, and finally looked at Shangtian and Kudia beside him. A trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, and finally he slowly left.

He walked towards Bai Xinghe step by step, and said enthusiastically: "Welcome to join, from now on. The earth belongs to you, and Mondo belongs to me. As for Li Anping, he naturally died in this war."

Adam took out a book from his arms and threw it to Bai Xinghe: "Then can you give me the sword?"

Dong'er on the side had a flash of hesitation in his eyes, but he looked at Kudia who was vaguely blocking him, and finally did not make any move.

Bai Xinghe opened the book and looked at it, nodded and said: "Are there really 720 acupoints in total?"

Just when Shang Tian felt that the other party's words were a bit strange, Bai Xinghe had already thrown the holy sword in his hand to him.

Without time to think so much, he couldn't wait to use the magician's hand. He grabbed the holy sword into his arms, and only when the sword really fell into his hands did his face show a trace of relief and excitement.

"Li Anping, this is just the beginning." Looking at the forehead and the holy sword in his hand. A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, and he murmured, "It's just the beginning."

At this moment, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at the holy sword in his hand and blurted out, "No. This sword..."

At the same moment, the whole sky suddenly became dark, as if it had turned from day to night.

No. It's not that the sky has darkened, but a dazzling light shot directly from the sky. Because the light was too dazzling, it gave people the illusion that the sky had darkened.

This light fell directly in front of Adam, and in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, Li Anping's figure slowly appeared in this light. But rather than saying it appeared, it's better to say that part of the light turned into his body.

"Impossible, you should still be tens of millions of kilometers away, how can you appear here?" Shang Tian said in disbelief, but the next moment, he found that his body was completely unable to move, and he could only watch Li Anping slowly pick up the holy sword that he regarded as a treasure in his hand.

Not only him, everyone present looked at Li Anping in the light column, and did not move. A completely irresistible momentum suppressed them, as if they would die immediately if they moved.

"Interesting." Looking at the holy sword in his hand, Li Anping just said this indifferently. The next moment, the whole sword had shattered into countless particles that were invisible to the naked eye and mixed with the incarnation of mind energy, and was absorbed into his body.

Not only did the incarnation of mind energy completely dissipate, but the gravitational ability originally absorbed by the Ten Fist Sword was also completely absorbed by Li Anping, and countless data and formulas flashed in his mind.

"Is that so?"

At this moment, gravity, electromagnetic force, strong force, weak force, the four forces in the universe were completely unified by Li Anping.

With a light wave of his palm, an intact Ten Fist Sword has been restored in his hand. Throwing it to Bai Xinghe, Li Anping said: "Kill all those wizards."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Bai Xinghe nodded, and the secret book in his hand was shattered.

On his body, the power of a total of 720 acupoints rose up. The acupoints he condensed were far more than the nine given to him by Shang Tian.

Bai Xinghe didn't even look at Shang Tian and the others. He jumped and flew towards the battlefield.

Shang Tian looked at Li Anping in front of him with a ferocious face. The resentment in his eyes seemed to contain an irreconcilable hatred.

"You lied to me?"

Li Anping nodded: "Yes." Then he grabbed Shang Tian's head.

"Let me see what's wrong with you."

The coldness in Li Anping's tone made Shang Tian's back sweat wildly. (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature. The novel is better and updated faster!

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