Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 2: Genesis (2)

Just as Luo Luo finished saying this, countless black tentacles appeared from the void in the room behind the display screen, which was originally used to store supercomputers, and began to dismantle the supercomputer body.

Seeing this scene, Momo in front of the display screen immediately stood up and exclaimed: "What are you doing!"

This supercomputer is currently the world's top-ranked computer in terms of performance, and it is also Momo's favorite. Now seeing it being disassembled bit by bit, how can he not be nervous, there are many important data stored in it.

Hearing Momo's question, the artificial intelligence in the computer replied: "Your Majesty is casting a spell at a distance to change my machine into a quantum computer, because ordinary computers can no longer meet current needs."

Momo sat down after hearing this, and murmured: "Quantum computer?"

As a computer expert, she certainly knows what the so-called quantum computer is. It is a computer created based on the principle of simulating the quantum process of the microscopic world. The quantum algorithm in it can improve performance exponentially by computing all possibilities in parallel.

It can be said that if there is a quantum computer, the most difficult encryption measures on earth can be cracked in a few seconds. And the lock created by quantum encryption method, I am afraid that all the computers on the earth combined cannot calculate it until the end of the universe.

However, the research and development of quantum computers is full of difficulties. Momo never thought that Li Anping could make it now.

While the quantum computer was being manufactured, Li Anping, far above the sea level of the frozen ocean, was still constantly producing a large number of nanoworms. The number of these nanoworms is growing rapidly. If it continues at this rate, in a few days their total number may be much more than the total number of all microorganisms on the earth.

By then, whether it is the atmosphere, the ground, the mountains, the city, the seabed, the volcano, or even the depths of the earth's core, the entire earth will be filled with these nanoworms created by Li Anping.

Not only will they become the best network medium. Forming a huge local area network belonging to the earth, but the electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves and physical operations performed with their claws and bodies that they constantly emit will change the environment of the entire earth according to Li Anping's plan.

Rain, breeze, temperature, and light will all be carried out according to Li Anping's plan. The originally polluted environment will also be reversed, and all natural environments will burst into new vitality.

Even these nanoworms will spread around everyone, eliminating diseases for every human on the earth. Delay aging and prevent accidents. And the vacuum zero-point energy extracted from each of them, after gathering together, can also become a huge temporary energy source.

In front of Li Anping, countless nanoworms that were originally invisible to the naked eye gathered into a group. Under the joint construction of Li Anping and them, a huge instrument stood on the sea level. It kept absorbing seawater from the sea surface, and then released the newly made nanoworms from the outlet position above the head after similar steps as Li Anping.

Seeing that the machine in front of him was able to produce nanoworms independently. Li Anping nodded and looked around, where thousands of similar instruments were already standing, making nanoworms frantically.

'About seventy-two hours later. These nanoworms are enough to cover the entire earth. 'Thinking of this, Li Anping knew that these tasks had been completed. His body flashed and turned into a ray of light, appearing on the seabed in an instant.

Then he waved his palm gently. The mud and sand on the seabed were like a huge mouth, slowly opening as Li Anping sank. Li Anping fell rapidly towards the depths of the earth's core.

And the rock layer he passed through, after opening to allow him to pass through, slowly closed again, just like a drop of oil sinking into the water.

With the help of nanoworms, after changing the environment of the earth, Li Anping's next goal was placed on the core of the earth. This place has the most violent power in the entire earth, and it is also Li Anping's next transformation target.

As Li Anping sank rapidly, the temperature around him became higher and higher. Then with a puff, as Li Anping passed through the last layer of rock, he had come to a sea of ​​fire.

This is the outer core, which is mainly composed of liquid iron and nickel. The temperature of more than 6,000 degrees makes it impossible for any creature to survive here. But Li Anping took a quick look and continued to sink.

Half a minute later, Li Anping was immersed in the hot liquid metal. What appeared in front of him was iron and nickel that had turned into solid state under great pressure. This is the deepest part of the earth's core, the inner core.

And what Li Anping has to do next is to control all the energy released by the entire core.


Four days later in Tianjin

Wang Chong stood outside the door of the imperial palace conference room, looking at the moon in the sky. At this moment, there was a slight vibration under his feet.

A trace of fluctuation flashed in his eyes, and he whispered: "Your Majesty, have you started?"

He took a deep look at the moon in the sky for the last time, and then returned to the conference room again. Hundreds of officials stared at him closely, waiting for him to give orders. At this moment, all the screens on the earth flashed at the same time, whether it was computers, TVs, mobile phones, tablets or even LEDs, all showed Li Anping's figure.

The officials in the palace and the conference room all fixed their eyes on Li Anping on the holographic image.

On the streets of the city center, pedestrians all looked at Li Anping on the LED screen.

On the subway, countless young people who looked down at their phones suddenly found Li Anping on their screens.

In countless families, women who were watching TV suddenly found that the TV screen jumped and Li Anping appeared.

The girl who was playing a game suddenly cursed, because the game jumped at the key point and Li Anping's head appeared.

At this moment, regardless of day or night, more than 70% of the world's people were all looking at the screens around them, looking at Li Anping on the screen. In this situation, Li Anping spoke.

"Hello everyone, I am Li Anping, the King of Daxia and the leader of the Pan-Continental Alliance."

"Today I have something to inform all humans on Earth. In the next few hours, I will slightly change the environment of the Earth."

"From today on, whether it is sunlight, rain, gravity, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, or seasons, temperature, humidity, everything on the entire Earth, I can freely manipulate it."

"The entire Earth will become more suitable for human survival."

"And for the next changes, you don't have to feel anxious."

Every time Li Anping finished a sentence, countless people in every corner of the Earth voiced opposition or approval. But it is obvious that the current Earth is not a democratic society. Instead, it is ruled by Li Anping alone.

Faced with a "human" whose maximum speed reaches the speed of light, whose computing power is almost infinite, who has unified the four basic forces, and who has included the entire Earth with nanoworms, it is clear that no one on Earth can stop him.

In the underwater base of the frozen ocean, all the troops that went on the expedition to the magic star have temporarily retreated. Bai Xinghe, Xia Liekong, Jin Guang, Yan Bei and other high-level ability users all stood beside the boundary gate, looking at Li Anping on the screen.

Xia Liekong said in disbelief: "How is it possible! Is what your majesty said true?"

Bai Xinghe nodded and said: "The next goal of the entire earth is to become an interstellar fortress for all mankind to survive, and the boundary gate is a space gate, and its position will not change with the change of the earth's position this time."

Liu Feng asked: "But doesn't the boundary gate always rotate and revolve with the earth? Why doesn't the earth move this time and move with the boundary gate?"

Bai Xinghe scratched his head and said slowly: "I don't know the specific principle. Anyway, according to your majesty's calculations, the boundary gate still belongs to space and time, and will still be constrained by gravity. This time, the earth transformation will launch the boundary gate like a spacecraft."

The literal meaning of Bai Xinghe's words was understood by everyone around him, but when they were put together, it was incomprehensible. It was difficult for the few people present to imagine that something like a boundary gate could be launched.

Bai Xinghe added: "In short, the final result is that the earth will start to move according to your majesty's will. The gate will be thrown into space.

This place will be built into a space station, which will maintain contact with the earth through the warp gate. In this way, the entire earth will be separated from the battlefield, and we will maintain the ability to attack the White Earth and the Magic Star at the same time."

Just after Bai Xinghe finished speaking, the ground under the feet of the crowd began to tremble violently. Not only them, but everyone in the world felt the shaking of the ground under their feet. It was as if a global earthquake was about to come.

Xia Liekong on the side worriedly said: "Moving the earth is a very complicated project. Will there be any side effects if we act rashly in such a short time?"

After Xia Liekong finished speaking, all kinds of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and hypotheses such as the disintegration of the earth, the reversal of the poles, and the melting of glaciers all appeared in everyone's mind.

Lian Yanbei couldn't help shaking his body, and said in a comforting tone: "It shouldn't be, Your Majesty should have thought it through before moving."

While they were talking, the slight vibration under their feet eased a little bit. They saw the gate in front of them began to move slowly upward diagonally, and finally, as if with a whoosh, it penetrated the submarine base diagonally upward and flew towards the location of outer space.

Looking at the sea water flowing out from the top of his head, Bai Xinghe shouted: "Fang Yuhuang, seal it!"

As Fang Yuhuang's Thirty-three Caves were used, the originally falling sea water suddenly stopped, and just floated on the hole in the base that was swallowed by the gate. Then countless engineering robots rushed up and began to repair the hole in the base.


On the moon.

Li Anping was floating on the top of a crater, looking at the blue planet in front of him. With his changed gravity, he slowly changed his orbit.

Countless nanoworms swallowed and spit out electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves. According to Li Anping's calculations, they constantly compensated for the side effects of changes in gravity and sunlight, and slowly improved the natural environment of the entire earth.

Deep in the core, the entire liquid metal ocean has been wrapped by a device made by Li Anping, which uses adamantium alloy as raw material. Countless nanoworms roamed in it, turning the entire core into a huge power furnace.

And their influence on the entire crust, volcanoes, oceans and other places was all controlled by Li Anping, and all the excess energy every minute and every second was collected in the power station on the surface of the body.

At this moment, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters have all become legends.

After Li Anping slightly changed the orbit of the earth and threw out the gate, he stopped operating. This was only the first time that the position of the earth was changed in order to throw out the gate. As the orbit changes, its position will be farther and farther from the earth.

According to Li Anping's calculations, when the demons arrive, the distance between them will be at least more than tens of millions of kilometers.

However, this is only when Li Anping is no longer operating the earth. In fact, the earth at that time may have become a huge interstellar fortress, and the way it operates is definitely not the way Li Anping changes gravity.

And at that time, the entire human world should have been reborn in Li Anping's plan.

"Okay, next step."

Thinking of this, Li Anping's figure flashed, and he had turned into a ray of light, piercing the space between Moon Island and the earth, and returned to the earth. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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