Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 52: Nuclear Explosion

"Is there no value in saving him?" Jin Guang asked.

Liu Feng said, "Yes, compared to the danger of saving Lauren, the value of saving him is too low."

Seeing Liu Feng staring at him so closely, Jin Guang said, "Don't worry. I won't be so willful as to risk so much to save him."

After saying this, the atmosphere between the two fell into silence. This is the sixth day since arriving at the Magic Star. Tomorrow was originally the day to return to Earth after the first phase of the survey was completed. But neither of them expected that from the fourth day, the expedition team not only lost contact with the Earth, but was also chased by more than a dozen waves of mages.

At the beginning, it was only some upper and lower mages who cooperated with the army to encircle and suppress them, but as the intensity of the battle continued to intensify, the wizards soon joined in, which brought great pressure to the entire expedition team.

Although relying on Jin Guang's powerful strength, they were defeated one by one. However, the endless means of the mages still brought great trouble to the expedition team. In particular, spells such as teleportation, charm spells, enchantments, and traps put the expedition team members who lacked magic detection methods into a desperate situation.

In addition to the death of Forlant who had no ability and Lauren being captured, Brannels also lost an arm due to the fission ray. Thanks to his own strong physique and the emergency treatment device of the nano armor, he did not die.

In particular, Jin Guang and his team found that even with the high speed of Jin Guang and the stealth ability of the nano armor, they could not get rid of the opponent no matter what. Even countless times, after they broke through, another group of mages blocked them in front.

Finally, after capturing a high-level mage, after a round of bloody torture, they learned from the other party that Jin Guang, as the strongest among their group, had been located by the prophecy mage of the Saint Laurent Empire. With the other party having the teleportation spell, they would definitely not be able to escape.

So they divided into two teams, Tony and Ivan took Brannels to the gate of the world. Liu Feng and Jin Guang simply faced the challenge. They killed back all the way and followed the other party's whereabouts, trying to rescue Lauren.

"There are still two hours before their prophecy magic takes effect again. Let's leave here quickly."

At this moment, Liu Feng looked at the dangerous light flashing in Jin Guang's eyes and suddenly said, "You kid, don't you want to destroy this imperial capital?"

"Passive defense is not my style, and although there are many wizards here, as long as it is defense, it is impossible to be impeccable." Jin Guang said coldly: "Since Lauren can't be saved, in order to prevent him from revealing more information about the earth, we have to kill him."

Hearing what Jin Guang said. Liu Feng's breathing stagnated slightly. This is a plan he has always wanted to say but was worried that the other party would not agree, so he has never said it.

Compared to going deep into the Mage Guild with layers of defense, saving Lauren, who is just an ordinary person, it is much easier for them to attack directly with their current means, eliminate or even destroy the entire building where the Mage Guild is located. Even if Lauren is not dead, they can also get rid of the bad temper of being chased like a dog in the past few days.


Two hours later.

On Brighton Street in the capital of Raven, a dusty messenger knocked on the door of the Mage Guild.

A minute or two later, a middle-aged servant opened the door with a creak, looked down at the messenger in front of him, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

The messenger's voice sounded a little nervous, as if he felt the majesty of the Mage Guild, and said nervously, "This is a package sent to Lord Lanniers."

The servant looked at the messenger hesitantly. He took the package from the other party carefully and said coldly, "I know, you can go."

Before he finished speaking, there was a bang, and the door of the Mage Guild was closed again.

The heavy iron door almost hit the messenger's nose directly, making the other party couldn't help but take a step back, but he did not show indignation at the servant's arrogance and rudeness. Instead, he looked up and looked at the seven-story building, and laughed frivolously. Then he left.


The servant who received the package looked at the surface of the package and shook his head. Although there was nothing written on it. But since the other party specifically gave it to the wizard, it was not his business to interfere.

He shook the bell on the wall, and half a minute later, a puffing sound rang in the air, and a pure black kitten with snow-white wings flew over.

That was the familiar summoned by this branch of the Mage Guild. It exists as a spirit to help mages with their work and daily life. As pure magical creatures, they do not need to eat or drink, as long as they are paid a few gems every month.

The middle-aged servant was no longer surprised by the existence of familiars. He placed the package in front of the familiar and said respectfully: "Lord Lanniers' package."

The familiar nodded proudly, and then "meowed" in a very humane way, as if to say that he knew.

Then he picked up the package in the servant's hand with his mouth and flew upstairs to the Mage Guild.

In an independent office, Rannells was sitting behind his desk reading a newly published magic magazine. The several improved techniques for protective magic in the magazine made his eyes light up and he smiled.

When the black cat familiar gently placed the package on his desk and meowed, Lanniels raised his head, then took out a gem from his arms and threw it to the familiar. The cat happily took the gem and put it in the small pocket on his belt, then rubbed Lanniels' hand flatteringly, and flapped his wings to leave his office.

Lanniels looked at the surface of the package on the desk and saw that it was completely empty. He frowned and said, "Is there no sender?"

While speaking, his fingertips gently moved, and detection magic such as biological detection, toxin detection, and magic item identification had been released one after another. As a wizard, he was still very cautious, but as a wizard of the magic star, his common sense obviously bound him.

The package in front of him was like a stone, and there was no reaction to the detection magic he released. Lanniels murmured, "Could it be a gem, material, or magic book?"

While speaking, he had already reached out and slowly opened the package.

There was a wooden box in the package, and in the middle of the wooden box, a silver-white sphere was quietly placed in it. There was also a bright red number jumping on it.


The numbers on the Mondo Continent were obviously not Arabic numerals, so Lanniels could not understand what this string of bright red, constantly jumping characters meant.

He just picked up the metal sphere curiously. He knocked on the metal shell with his fingers and said with a puzzled look: "Is it a music box? But how are these jumping characters made?"

As he said this, he put the sphere back into the wooden box, thinking that this thing was a relic made by some ancient wizard.

At this time, the number on the sphere had jumped to "00:01".

The next moment, a dazzling white light that was enough to blind mortals instantly shot out from the sphere. Lanniels had not had time to react, and the pressure of more than one million tons and the temperature of tens of thousands of degrees had completely wiped his body out of this world.

Although the Mage Guild in the Imperial Capital was only a branch, it had hundreds of defensive magics deployed. It could defend against the frontal attacks of several magicians.

But at this moment, the protective force field, flame barrier, silent field and other protective magics in the Mage Guild all became as fragile as glass, and shattered in an instant. Then the terrifying high temperature and shock wave instantly engulfed dozens of streets around the Mage Guild, turning into a huge fireball rising from the ground.

That night, countless poor people in the suburbs of the Imperial Capital seemed to have seen a huge mushroom planted near the center of the Imperial Capital.

Jin Guang looked at the flames rising into the sky in the distance, and said to Liu Feng through the nano armor communicator: "How is it?"

Liu Feng's voice sounded a little messy, as if he was affected by the nuclear explosion. He said intermittently: "Damn, those crazy people in the Royal Academy of Sciences actually included such a powerful tactical nuclear bomb in the equipment of the nano armor."

Jin Guang smiled, and seemed to be very satisfied with the effect of the nuclear bomb. Since the alliance has fully mastered the nuclear fusion and nuclear fission technologies, this tactical micro-nuclear bomb has become a conventional weapon of the army. The original goal was to destroy the fortifications on the battlefield, but now they are used as gifts, and the effect is not bad.

Jin Guang replied: "Don't worry, this tactical nuclear bomb is very safe. Without authorization, even if you throw it into the magma, it will not explode. It's a pity that each nano armor is only equipped with one."

The explosion in the imperial capital destroyed more than 30 buildings including the Mage Guild, causing the death of 5,000 people, including two wizards. The other three wizards stationed in the Magician Guild escaped because of the pre-set dimensional gate and instant teleportation.

However, the radioactive dust that permeated the sky of the entire imperial capital turned the ground within a radius of several kilometers into a restricted area for life. In the eyes of the people of Mondo Continent, this is considered to be a curse planted by the silver devil.

Not only the three surviving wizards lingered on the sickbed, but also countless civilians living in the imperial capital, under the power of the curse, suffered from hair loss, blisters, nasal and oral bleeding and sudden death. In a short time, countless civilians and nobles fled the imperial capital because they were afraid of the curse of the silver devil.

While the news about the silver devils on the Mondo continent was becoming more and more popular, an exchange in outer space was also heating up.

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