Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 51: Silver Demon

The next moment, the mind energy turned into a long plasma spray, pushing Yan Bei's speed to the speed of sound within a few tenths of a second. After a loud bang, Yan Bei had turned into a black straight line. Piercing through the ghost array thousands of meters deep in the sky.

At this time, the second half of his sentence was transmitted to the ears of Fang Yulin and the other two through the communicator: "Take care of yourself, I will deal with them."

Compared with Jin Guang, who can use almost unlimited mind energy to protect the team members, Yan Bei's own ability and combat methods are extreme attacks. Just as he finished this sentence, hundreds of collapse force fields with a radius of more than one meter had already dispersed into the air around him.

With just this one blow, thousands of ghosts were either crushed or cut in half, turning into countless dust and falling to the ground.

After the blow, thousands of ghosts screamed and fled in all directions, forming a blank space around Yan Bei. While scattering and pushing away, their bodies had turned into a faint shadow. In order to avoid the opponent's next attack, it changed from a state that could affect the material world to a pure soul form.

Sandro, who was several kilometers away, saw this scene through the eyes of the mage. He thought to himself: 'Interesting abilities, interesting equipment, maybe I should also leave a few living demons like Lord Dionysus as the next experimental material, they look much more interesting than ogres or halflings...'

Just as Sandro thought of this, the seven bone dragons in the sky roared at the same time, and the icy breath in their mouths had already sprayed towards Yanbei who was staying in the sky. The ice fog, which was hundreds of times colder than the Siberian cold current, was enough to pull a town back to the Ice Age in an instant, and completely submerged the location of Yanbei.

The moment the cold wave submerged the body, Yanbei's nano armor had already sounded a harsh low temperature alarm. Looking at the temperature displayed on the display screen on the helmet, it had reached more than 100 degrees below zero and was still dropping at an alarming rate. Yan Bei sneered: "Compared to Solomon's molecular deceleration, this thing is just like a popsicle for children."

After saying this, Yan Bei sprinted, and his whole body brought up a plasma spray of more than ten meters long. He had already broken away from the ice fog and arrived at a height of thousands of meters that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

With a few clicks, six silver-white muzzles floating like small beetles slowly detached from Yan Bei's metal armor. And floated around his body at the six points of the hexagram.

The ability of the Steel Gun comes from Vivian Steel Saint. This ability will form various weapons powered by mind energy under the armor according to the user's personality, temperament, interests, etc. The six floating guns in front of him are strategic-level weapons that combine the Steel Saint and Yan Bei's collapse.

Yan Bei didn't want to get entangled with the native wizards in front of him. He had read the spell information and deeply understood that magic was a complex power system. Every powerful wizard has endless means. Compared with the purity of the ability users, their comprehensive abilities are stronger.

So he was unwilling to get entangled with the prepared magician, but sought to quickly end the enemy before the other party knew his details.

The next moment, white spots of light lit up on the six floating guns, and a force that was enough to destroy all matter had been aimed at the bone dragons and the army of undead under Yan Bei's feet.

'Try to destroy most of the undead army, and don't let Kevin and the others be affected. '

Just as Yan Bei activated the floating gun. Sandro on the surface looked at Yan Bei in the sky with doubt. In his perception, a destructive force was emanating from the other party's body. Although he didn't know that this was the mind, the intensity of this strange energy was enough to arouse his vigilance.

A series of mysterious spells rang out from his mouth. The next moment, the eyes of the seven huge bone dragons bloomed with a faint orchid light. It was like seven huge aircraft carriers, carrying endless death and cold waves and crashing into Yan Bei in the sky.

At the same time, thousands of skeleton mages on the ground also raised their hands. From their white knuckles, countless freezing, flames, electric currents, storms and other destructive magics shot out, and then intertwined in mid-air, forming a torrent of destructive magic. It sprayed towards Yan Bei's position in the sky, and even the bone dragons in the sky had to dodge to the side wherever it passed.

Although there were countless low-level magics contained in it. But when the number reached this point, the quantitative change became a qualitative change. After the chain reaction between them, it was enough to be comparable to the tenth-level forbidden spells. Quantity is the specialty of the necromancer.

Looking at the magic frenzy rushing towards him. Yan Bei's face did not change at all. He just quietly waited for the floating cannon beside him to start. Spread the real destruction to this world.

There was no sound, nor any light and shadow effects. When the collapse cannon was spit out from the mouths of the six floating cannons, all the previous attacks became pale in comparison. If the torrent of magic released by the Skeleton Mage under the command of Sandro was a movement of destruction, then the collapse cannon released by Yan Bei would truly reduce everything to nothing.

On the path of the collapse cannon, whether it was the bone dragons or the skeleton mages, all the undead armies were instantly compressed into countless singularities invisible to the naked eye. Not only that, even the air, sound, and light could not escape the capture of this force. Everything in front of me instantly turned into a vacuum.

After one shot, the snow seemed to have been wiped out. More than three-fifths of the undead army disappeared completely. Only some of the skeleton warriors on the periphery and the ghosts in the sky that had completed the transformation survived.

Sandro, who was several kilometers away, saw this scene in front of him and felt that his heart, which had stopped beating for a long time, seemed to have blood flowing out again. This undead army in front of him was accumulated by him for countless years of frugality and saving money.

Looking at Yanbei in the sky, he roared, and saw a surge of black death from his body. The skull-like head, the arms made entirely of bones, and the empty cloak, he had completely transformed into the form of a lich after the human body was deformed, and flew into the sky.

Accompanied by one mysterious spell after another, various protective barriers and enhancement spells gradually lit up on Sandro's body.

Two days later

The capital of the Saint Laurent Empire, Raven.

In a tavern in a civilian area, more than a dozen soldiers who had just changed shifts were making a scene in the tavern.

"Have you heard? That monster Sandro, he's dead." A veteran soldier in his forties said to his companions behind him with a mysterious look on his face.

As second-class civilians with some basic martial arts, they are slightly more flexible in their thinking than ordinary third-class civilians. But even so, the few gossips and taverns, as well as the more than 200 pounds of "ji nv" in the tavern are already their best entertainment.

When the veteran told the news. The young soldier on the side said in disbelief: "How is it possible, that's the monster Sandro, his life box is still stored in the Mage Guild."

The veteran smiled proudly and said: "I heard Lord Esekya say it himself. Just when the envoy of the Mage Guild reported to him. It is said that his life box stored in the guild broke by itself. That is the life box of the lich."

The veteran's words caused an exclamation in the tavern. The other two tables of soldiers from the city defense also pricked up their ears and looked in the direction of the veterans. Seeing this, the old soldiers' faces became more proud.

Then the soldier who had previously shouted in disbelief asked again: "The lich can also die. Did a magic marshal take action?"

The so-called magic marshal refers to the strongest magician in each country. However, although there are many countries in the Mondo continent, only the five most powerful countries such as Saint Laurent can be considered to be worthy of the title and widely recognized by the entire continent, collectively known as the "Five Marshals".

Hearing the question of the new recruit. The old soldier shook his head and said: "You guessed wrong. Each of the five marshals is stationed in the imperial capital and never leaves easily. How could they go to kill Sandro? This time, it is said that it happened on his way to hunt the silver demon."

Hearing the four words "Silver Demon", everyone gasped. Ever since Adam spread rumors about the earth in the name of Dionysus. The name of the evil demon has gradually spread throughout the continent.

Because the Earth's expedition team was all covered with silver-white nano armor during the battle, some people called them silver demons.

The city defense army on the side also stood up and said: "I heard that the bodies of those evil demons are all made of silver. As long as we catch one, we won't have to worry about our next life." The old soldier laughed and said: "Just relying on you, a weakling? I heard that in order to capture the silver demons this time, the empire has planned to dispatch the magic corps. More than three towns in the north have been destroyed by those evil demons." The new recruits on the side nodded and added: "Yes, yes, I heard that those silver demons kill people on sight and can also emit a golden light. All people covered by the light will become gold coins and be collected by them." When saying this, the soldiers on the side all showed greedy eyes and nodded repeatedly: "So the demigod has to capture them." After hearing this, the old soldier spit and cursed: "You pig brains, how can the demigod be short of that money? The reason why these silver demons are captured this time is because they all come from hell and want to occupy our world." After the old soldier finished speaking, a man with a face full of flesh on the side The soldier said in a muffled voice: "If the sky falls, there are tall people to hold it up, and with the demigod here, it's not our turn to worry about such things.

I think it's more like catching a silver demon. Have you heard that there was a soldier on the border who accidentally caught a lone silver demon and became rich. Not only was he promoted three levels, but the opportunity to solidify magic was sold for 5,000 gold coins."

The new soldier shouted: "Is it true?! A guy who can't do magic can also catch evil demons?"

"You don't understand this, these Silver demons are also strong and weak. The most powerful ones can fly and turn the world upside down.

But there are also some weaker ones, not much stronger than those wizard apprentices. The captured silver demon has been sent to the Wizard Guild in the imperial capital today. I heard that these evil demons are full of treasures. If you peel off their skin and wear it on your body, you will be invulnerable to swords and guns and have infinite strength. "

As the atmosphere of the conversation became more and more heated, the content of the conversation of these soldiers became more and more outrageous, gradually shifting from the information about evil demons to women and violence. In the corner of the tavern, a man wearing brown linen clothes, who looked ordinary, was the kind of man who could not be found in a crowd. He threw down a few coins and walked out of the tavern.

After leaving the tavern, the man looked at the sky and stepped forward. He seemed to be just taking a walk, but he was moving very fast towards the alley. At the moment he turned the alley, his clothes changed and he was now wearing a half-body armor belonging to the city defense army. His face was blurred for a moment and then changed greatly.

If you look closely, it was the city defense army who was making noise in the tavern just now. With the clothes and appearance of the city defense army, no one stopped him even in the night, so he walked smoothly through more than a dozen streets and came to the slums in the imperial capital.

As the lights around him became dimmer, the man's speed became faster and faster, and in a blink of an eye, he had left a series of afterimages. Then he turned his body abruptly and got into the sewer.

Then the half-body armor on his body changed again, and with the blur and clarity of his face, he had become a wanderer that could be seen everywhere in the sewers of the slums. Along the way in the sewer, you can see scavengers sitting around the fire in groups of three or four. They looked at the man with dangerous and greedy eyes, but when they saw the man's strong arms and muscles, no one went up to him.

After walking hundreds of meters, the man also sat next to a pile of fire, and saw the only scavenger next to the fire, who was Jin Guang, who was dressed in a shabby manner. As for the rest of Tony and others, they had already rushed to the Amara Basin. Only Jin Guang and Liu Feng followed the arrested Lauren all the way to the imperial capital Raven.

After seeing the man sit down, Jin Guang first said, "How is it?"

Then the man's face changed again, and he had become Liu Feng. He said with a sullen face: "Lauren has been sent to the branch of the Mage Guild in the imperial capital. It is the place I showed you today."

After a pause, he looked at Jin Guang's face and continued: "In the entire imperial capital, as far as I know, there are more than ten mages gathered.

There are more than five permanent mages in the Mage Guild. If we want to save Lauren, even if we are fast, we will have to face at least five mages.

The nano armor may have been forcibly stripped off by them. With Lauren's willpower, he may have revealed all the information related to us.

In my personal opinion, he has lost the value of saving, not to mention taking such a big risk."

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